Chapter 11

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Hey guys, been awhile. This is a short and crappy chapter but, I wanted to get something out to you guys after not updating this in awhile.

I hope you enjoy, and look out for the next chapter! :)


Chapter 11

It's morning, but still no sign of Seto, though I wouldn't expect him to look for us here. Ty is awake, still a little out of it from the creeper explosion, I treated him with some borrowed supplies from...Hon. That's a name I'll never get used to, but right now, a little bit of Seto's magic would be very useful. I bet right about now Adam is lecturing Ty about being so reckless.

I suppose now the whole gang wants to know how I'm in relation to witches, but it's really not that big of a story. Just I was without a family and a witch happened to take me in, you know it's a stereotype to say witches are all evil. My mother was plenty nice. She let me eat all the berries I wanted, though I did get sick from too much.

"Quentin? You in there?" Mitch's voice called out from behind the door. I was currently in a small little greenhouse connected to the witch's hut, just looking through her herb supplies, seeing if anything could be useful. Most of the herbs were deadly, but there were some good ones.

"Yeah, just a moment," I called back, when no reply came I assumed Mitch had left after my answer. I quickly hurried up grabbing a few medical supplies from the greenhouse and exited the the room. I walked over to the spare room where we laid Ty in the previous night. It was small cramped, but the best place for all of us to meet without any eavesdroppers.


"Alright Adam, I get it. You can stop with the rant fest!" I shouted at Adam.

"Ty, you could have died, I'm just trying to convey how serious I am right now."

"I get it, I understand!" I sighed exasperated.

"Just stop, the both of you, we have more to focus on, like where Seto went," Ian interjected.

"And why he left," Jason added.

"Tell that to Adam...." I muttered.

"I heard that!"

Before I could come up with a witty comeback the door opened and in walked Mitch and Quentin. The small space of this room just got smaller as everyone shuffled to give them some space. Jerome hopped onto the bed beside me to allow more room on the floor.

"Ty, good to see you're up and looking fine," Quentin commented.

"Of course I'm fine, but Adam won't liste--"

I was smacked on top of my head by Quentin's hand, "And don't you ever give us another scare like that again!"

I winced and clutched my head, "Sorry..."

Ian cleared his throat and all heads turned to him. "Now that we're done bickering, we really need to focus on finding Seto, he knows the most about what we're dealing with and we can't do this without him."

"Right," Adam added, "before Ty woke up we were discussing a plan on how to find him. We decided it be best to travel in groups of two and split up through the forest. But this will set us back a little bit to our destination."

"Of course there will be one group of three, Adam and I were thinking Quentin, Ty, and Jerome. Just to make sure Ty is fully ok and with good protection if anything goes unexpected." I listened carefully as Ian and Adam spoke about their plan, it sounded very good, except I didn't need the extra protection. But I stayed quiet to avoid conflict.

"From there, the rest of us will split up in twos. Sound good?" Adam asked, all of us nodded, "Good.

With only a little bit of trouble we all managed to file out of the room with our weapons and bags. I kind of wished I was awake to see Quentin stand up to the witch, I heard it was pretty shocking and cool.

Just before we made it outside we were stopped by a raspy voice behind us. "Wait a moment you brats!"

The witch, I assumed, since this is my first time seeing her, hobbled to us holding a small box, she stopped right in front of Quentin, "Give this to your mother, Jinx, tell her it's from Hon and that my debt is paid."

"Thank you, I'll be sure to do that the next time I see here," he took the box and placed it in his bag.

"Alright, off with you lot, and don't let me catch you in my swamp by nightfall, I won't be letting my next meal go that easy," she cackled at the end and I noticed everyone edge away very slowly. I decided to follow their example and leave the hut.

"Well, now that that is taken care of let's get searching!" Jason shouted and pumped his fist in the air.


The moon was rising, and there was still no trace of Seto. He simply vanished, but why.

I couldn't bare to see my friend disappear yet again, I know he wouldn't leave without an explanation. I'm sure that if we can't find him, he'll find us.

"Come on Ty, we need to leave the swamp, we don't want to be here when that witch comes out hunting." Jerome placed his furry paw on my shoulder, I know he's trying to comfort me, but it isn't working.

"Fine, lead the way."

As we walked I noticed Quentin watching me. I ignored it, I was sure Quentin was just making sure I was ok. So why did I feel so uneasy.

I felt like something was watching me and I was sure it wasn't Quentin.

No, it was something else, something whose eyes seemed to drill a hole into the back of his head.

Something desperately trying to get his attention.

This was bad, right? Just like I said, it's fine, I think this was a bad chapter.

Anyways comment, vote, follow, and all that stuff if you enjoyed and want to see more


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