Chapter 12

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So I feel like this is another sucky chapter with rushed edits, but here you go. It's short, I'm sorry guys, my finger is feeling a lot better, thankfully not as bad as it looks.


Chapter 12

It was only a few days after we had left the swamp that Seto came back to us. It was a shock, that's for sure.

He came back in the morning and woke us all up. We were all too tired to realize at first, but when I could finally open my eyes, there he was sitting by us like nothing happened.

He was sitting, with his back against a tree, the rising sun illuminated only the side of his face. The rest was blanketed in shadow, Seto was staring off into space. His hood down and his messy curls ruffled lightly in the wind.

I could only see one of his eyes, his purple one.

"Seto?" I said drowsily, "Seto!" I sat up, "Y-you're back! When--How..." with my loud outburst the others were beginning to get the bearings and sat up too.

"Ty? What's going-- Seto!" Jason drowsily mumbled and cut himself short with his own outburst. Now everyone's attention was perked.

Seto stood up, dusted himself off and looked at us grinning. I gasped, and so did the others.

Seto was back, but Seto came back different, only slightly, but different.

"Hey guys, what's wrong? I thought you'd be glad to see me."

"Seto, we are... but what's wrong, your eye, it's--it's purple. Both of them! Not just one!" Quentin gasped, something is wrong, I'm sure it. He can't lie his way out of this one.

Seto laughed like it was nothing, "Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does, where have you been all this time we couldn't find you!" Adam shouted.

"The witch, she used some sort of magic on me and sent me far away. She must've known I was a sorcerer, it took time to gather my magic and find you all. The amount of magic it took to teleport the distance cost my eye to revert to a purely magical state." Seto surmised, everyone began to feel uneasy, I could guess they were unsure how to take the news. None of them know magic, so they don't understand what magic could do to a body, but I don't need magical knowledge to know Seto is lying again. He lied last time about his eye, and he's lying again. I can see right through him, and it hurts to know he doesn't trust us enough with the truth.

My fists clenched tightly and my nails dug into my skin, I don't understand why he would lie to us. Why he would lie to me! I was shaking with anger as the rest of the guys relaxed and asked Seto for details, they had fallen for his lies, but I won't. I can't leave it alone anymore.

"Don't lie..." I hissed my voice interrupted their chatter, everyone went silent as the all turned to me.

"Did you say something Ty?" Jason asked.

I stomped towards Seto glaring all the way. "I said, don't lie!"

"Lie? Who's lying? Whoa! Calm down Ty!" Adam panicked as I stopped right in front of Seto.

"Ty, are you ok?" Seto's big eyes stared up at me in worry.

"No, I'm not ok, Seto stop lying! I've known you longer than anyone here, I know how you work, I know you're lying. Just like last time I asked you about your eye."

"I-I'm not lying!" He took a step back, "I've always had two different colors, and I'm not lying about using too much magic."

I faltered for a moment, Seto looked truly sincere, but if I backed down now I'll never learn the truth.

"Ty, what's gotten into you, Seto is telling the truth, why would he lie?" Jerome broke into my thoughts.

"Seto can tell us that, he's the one hiding the truth. I know for a fact you never had a purple eye, they've always been brown."

"If that's so, why do we remember it differently?" Ian interjected.

I paused then stuttered, "Be-because... I don't know! But just trust me on this, Seto's lying, he's hiding something. I know it, you believe me, right?" I looked over to Jason, his eyes met mine then he stared at the ground. When no response came from him I turned back at Seto who still only stared at me like I was some injured puppy.

"Ty, listen to me--"

"Stop, don't treat me like you don't know what I'm saying!" I rummaged through my back and pulled out Seto's journal, " Take it, I don't want it anymore."

"I can't, I can't use that book anymore," I know he's trying to convince me, but it feels like now everything he says is hollow and full of lies. Maybe it's just me, but right now I don't care.

"Fine," instead of shoving it at him or putting it back in my bag, I dropped it. Purposely. Then walked away.

"Ty wait!" I heard footsteps chasing after me, but I kept walking.


I chased after Ty after he ran off. I felt bad after he asked for support and I couldn't give it to him. Ty was my friend, but so was Seto, I couldn't pick sides like that.

After a few moments when the rest of the guys were out of sight Ty slowed to a stop. I stopped beside him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged it off and turned his back to me. "Ty, don't act like this, please. I know I messed up, but I can't choose between two friends like that."

"But I'm telling you, I know Seto, this isn't how he is."

At first it was hard to say anything against that but then I remembered something he once said to all of us while Seto was still missing, "Wasn't it you who said Seto had a reason to everything he does? Wasn't it you who said that to us to keep us hopeful that one day Seto would return to us, that he didn't die."

"I..." he trailed off as he looked at the ground uncertainly and shifted his feet.

"Ty, you have the greatest faith in a person I have ever seen. And I don't think it has anything to do with how long you've known them. I bet you that you would have just as strong of faith in any of us if we disappeared for years." I grabbed hold of both Ty's shoulders and made him look in my eyes.

"Don't tell me you're going to throw all that faith away now, I know you feel confused, but you're Ty. The Ty that was willing to starve himself to find a clue to Seto's whereabouts. The Ty that ran off in a blur of words to chase after a message that could've lead you to nothing. The same Ty that rushes into danger all the time for rewards he can't yet predict will come from it."

"What?," he laughed, "That last one sounded like you're saying I'm reckless."

"Ty you're the most reckless person I know, but that's what makes you so admiral in my eyes. In the few years we've been together in this team, I've seen you do the impossible. And I'm saying don't give up now, don't push Seto away, but don't push what your gut is saying away either. What you believe in and what you're gut is telling you are both very important, they're what will help you determine the truth in the end."

At first Ty stayed silent as he stared off into the distance behind me, then he cleared his throat, "Alright," he pouted, "I guess..., I can... forgive you..."

I laughed with relief, "Great!" I gave Ty a big awkward hug in my metal suit.

"Stop it, you're embarrassing me!" He whined, then shoved me away and ran off, "Help, run away! Jason's crazy!"

"Am not!" I ran after him and chased him back towards the others.


Ty had stormed off with Jason in tow, and Seto stayed silent by himself. The rest of the guys, Jerome Mitch, Sky and Quentin were busying themselves packing up the camp. By tomorrow we should finally reach Dryhx Woods.

I know I haven't exactly been the nicest to Seto having only met him a few times when he still was around, but even I know it must hurt pretty badly to have the closest person to you lash out like that. I've felt the same pain years ago. The book Ty was carrying around was still on the ground where he threw it.

I knew it was important so I picked it up, maybe I should give it to Seto to give back to Ty.

Maybe then I can make up for all the times I was rude.

I headed to Seto, "Seto, I wanted to apologize to you about how I've been acting towards you. And I wanted to say, I know how it feels, to--"

"Don't, please..., Ty's right." Seto didn't look up as he spoke.

"That you're keeping secrets? We all are, in some shape or form, we all have secrets. There's nothing wrong with having them." I crouched down to Seto's level.


"Here," I held out the purple book with the crescent moon engraved into it out to Seto, "You should give this to Ty, and go apologize to him."

This time Seto met my gaze and then proceeded to look down at the book. Seto shook his head and stood up, "I can't, I have only one goal in mind. One goal, so please give it to him for me." After that he got up and left, he went to help the others with their packing. Simply using magic to teleport the items into the bags.

It was noon, and I still held the book in my hand,Ty and Jason were just arriving back. Though I didn't understand why Seto couldn't give the book to Ty, I decided just to give it to him, for Seto.

As I stood up I dropped the book on accident.

And when it fell...

I lost the little trust I had in Seto.

Ooooo cliffhanger.

The next chapter I write will be a Falling to Rise chapter. I need to get back in the game now that my finger is fine.

Anyways comment, vote, follow, and all that stuff if you enjoyed and want to see more


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