Chapter 16

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I did promise you all would still get a chapter this weekend! :D

Here you go everyone, I'd like to say, that the story is getting really close to an end.

I'm ESTIMATING about 5 chapters till the END of the book.

So if you want a SEQUEl, and you haven't told me already, then tell me in the comments. We still need TEN more people to say they want one.

And don't FORGET to vote for a story idea in my Stories I wanna write book. So far Players is in the lead.



Chapter 16

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" I screamed as I was dragged across the grass.

Unfortunately my plan to break out and warn my friends of the very probable and possible danger did not go as planned. Just as I was trying to come up with a plan to get past the heavily guarded door, the general, or Adam's father walked in to see me.... free... and out of my cell...

Not exactly the best thing to happen to me.

And now I could only assume things were going to get worse if I didn't come up with something quick.

"Ow!" I yelled once more, "Wait, you don't understand, it is all a big misunderstanding!" I pleaded. I was forcibly yanked and let go of, I slid across the dirt and grass and rolled to a stop. Sitting up I spat out the dirt and wiped my face clean.

"A misunderstanding? Look me in the eyes and tell me you breaking out of your cell is a misunderstanding."

Without a second thought, I glared at him, "It is a misunderstanding."

He laughed, "Should've killed you when I had the chance."

I pushed myself off the ground and dusted myself off, "Yea, well it is a good thing you didn't. Just tell me where my friends are, and let me speak to them?"

Adam's dad looked at me confused, "Where they are.... You mean you don't know?"

"What? No, I wouldn't be asking if I did..." I trailed off when a thought hit me, "Y-you... you don't know where they are either, do you?"

He shook his head, "Oh... this is bad...."

"Explain," he said to me.

"You probably won't believe me, but I broke out to warn them, I think... I think they are in danger."


I explained the situation to Adam's father. Of course he was very skeptical, but after an hour, I convinced him to help me find them. Since it is also his son in danger.

"You will be kept under watch 24/7, and don't even think about escaping." He said.

"Wasn't even going to try."


Just as I thought! I knew Seto would've set up base here. In the little clearing, by the river, the same place everyday of our childhood we would meet.

Even though, I barely knew any magic, I could still feel the push of a protection spell. Before Seto's disappearance Seto taught me that even the most sound of defense had a chip in it. A weak point that would allow me to bypass the spell.

It took some time but after a good few minutes of looking I found it. By the base of a tree was a bush, a bush that Seto and I had hollowed out when we were younger. It was a tight squeeze, but with some squirming I made it through.

"Now, I have to find something, anything! Seto has kept secrets long enough!" I hissed under my breath.

It appeared that Seto had built a small shack, very small... Only a one by two block inside, but I was no fool. The small shaft was just cover for an underground. Carefully, I made my way down the stairs, the cold air made me shiver. I hugged myself, when I came to flat ground I was met with a door. An old wood door, rotten on its hinges.

Pushing it aside, I coughed at the horrid smell it let up. The room was dark, I couldn't see a thing, but the moment I walked in, the room flooded with light. I shielded my eyes with my hand and blinked a few times. When I got used to the light, I lowered my hands and looked around.

"What...What is this?" The room was massive, small purple flames danced around and enveloped the room in a purple light. Chests sat against one wall, a small bookshelf against another, along with an enchanting table and brewing stands and a desk. The room was complete with a little bed near a cozy looking fireplace, with no fire of course.

I immediately rushed to the table. It was clean, unlike the Seto I know, who left everything messy. The bookshelf sat next to it, tall, but very few books. I picked out the first book I saw, messy stacks of paper shoved in between the pages. Sitting down, I opened it to the first page.

Day ~~~

Oh forget logging the days. There isn't even a point.

After 3 weeks of travel, I made it here, home. I'm sure my parents are enjoying their solitude, I'd visit them, if I didn't have something important to do.

Enough rambling on.

This is a start to a new log. Here I will keep indepth detail of all my research. If there is a way to kill a dragon, then I will find it. I have to, for my friends.

For Ty, the first person to ever make me feel special.

This was Seto's base no doubt. But something here must tell me something about the Seto I'm with.

Efforts to create a potion that could kill the dragon.

Name: Potion X (at least for now.)

Experimenting with ingredients for a potion of weakness. The use of brewing and magic, in hopes of amplifying the weakness effect for a dragon--

The ends of the page was seared and black. On the next page it was covered in soot smears.

Trial 1 of Potion X was a failure. The potion was highly unstable under the influence of added magic. Only a minor explosion, nothing major.

Time to try out a new formula. Attempting to substitute potion of weakness with potion of harming--

A new page.

Another fail. Another explosion. But I can't back down. I will carry on with different experiments. Enchants, creating the ultimate weapon.

I flipped through a few pages, I noticed that the next couple pages were littered with notes and drawings of swords. Skimming through the words, it seemed Seto was making through some breakthroughs. Things like '70% of damage inducing enchants transferred to a sword' and '80%' and '90%'. But I couldn't fine 100%.

After a few more pages, I noticed that several pages were ripped out. The next fresh page had words written on it.

It doesn't work... Everytime I manage to transfer all possible damage inducing enchants onto a sword then amplify it with magic, it breaks with the first strike. Even if I put unbreaking 3, or 10. Which is very hard to muster.

The sword just can't withstand that much power infused in it.

I feel like every lead I pursue, it ends with nothing good coming from it. I'm wasting my energy.

This...this STUPID dragon is forcing me to my wits end. I can already feel the effects of the curse. I know I'm close to it's lair, I'm sure of it.

A new page.

I just realized.

If this dragon is so old, does it have a name? In all seriousness, I mean it, is there something I should call it?

Oh! I know, The Dragon of Ends...

No, that is stupid.

The Ender's---

Nope, already a bad start... Wait.

The EnderDragon. The EnderDragon! Honestly it is perfect, this dragon is some doomsday creature meant to end the world. It's the perfect name. Now I don't have to refer to it as THE Dragon...

The EnderDragon? Is that what he calls it? The EnderDragon? I suppose it does have a nice ring to it--- Wait, I'm supposed to be learning more about the Seto I'm traveling with.

I flipped to the last few pages.

I guess it is time to finally do something... The curse is very strong in this area, with even more extensive research and lore I was able to connect one last thing. The... EnderDragon doesn't reside here in our world. He--it resides in another realm.

It took time, but I scraped up a few bits of info. Using a few Ender pearls and a little bit of blaze powder, I created what I now call Eye of Ender. They are supposed to lead me to the portal. I can imagine they work like an ender pearl, and I guess I'm not that original in naming. Enderman have existed for a long time, and if my hypothesis is correct, Endermen are connected to the EnderDragon.

I just hope the Eye of Ender will just teleport me to the portal. I'm leaving spares in the chest, in case things go horribly wrong.

That was the last entry in the journal, but surely I was missing something! This gave me no clues at all about Seto's strange behavior, except... He was under the effects of the curse. Could it be the curse that has changed him?

Suddenly a memory fled my mind. A memory that was not mine.

I saw the world, but not my world.

The world was encased in black. The sky a pale sickly grey and green, the ground was no longer fertile, the land could bare no life.

"Guys, this is our last chance, our last chance to restore peace." My face, or whatever was controlling what I was viewing turned, I...we looked at a small rag-tag group. But not just any group, my friends! They were there, but they all looked so different.

"Ty, you know that if we can't do this, then this is it right? If we don't kill this dragon, then everyone will die." A familiar voice said, it was Adam, but instead of the usual sunglasses he wore a single eyepatch, it exposed his other golden colored eye. No amulet, or ruby shoes, no glasses, instead he had three golden bracelets on his wrist. And a golden sword at his waist.

"I know, I know Adam don't tell me twice," A voice rang out in my head. It must be me, this is my memory, but not my memory.

"Are you sure you can do it though," Mitch's voice said, my head turned to look at Mitch. No checkered hoodie, or gold dog tags, just a plain white shirt, but he did wear a strange checkered bandana.

"Mitch is right, this is Seto we're talking about, can your really kill him, after knowing him for so long? Sure he was moody and had his moments, but he was a friend to all of us." Next to Mitch was Jerome, no business suit, just black dress pants, a black cape, and a red scarf. At least he still carried a diamond axe.

"I...I know, but he's gone insane. He's not even Seto anymore... We have to go to the end, we have to stop this, for us, for this world, and for the next. Whatever poor universe that is slowly mashing with ours, if we don't do this then everyone dies. Seto, and the dragon have to be stopped."

I wobbled on my feet as the strange memory receded.

"What...what was that?" Realization hit me, I wasn't with the other guys, Seto's protection spell couldn't protect me. That meant, I was completely under the influence of the curse, and that that memory was the other me's memory. They're going through the same adventure as we are, but everything is different.

And they mentioned Seto. They called him insane, and moody, is that who Seto is for them? Dangerous? Did he... did he start all this, and my home just happened to get mixed up?

I looked around frantically, I spotted Seto's chest. Rushing over to them I threw the lid open, the first thing I found was a strange orb. Many shades of green, it seemed to stare at me, and promise much power.

Seto's Eyes of Ender! This is it!

I don't know how recent that memory was, but if they are going to the end to confront the dragon, then so must I. Seto went there, he went there, and came back different, and the other world's Seto, well he seemed to have started it all.

Just as the other me said, "For us, for this world, and for the next."

Let's go kill a dragon!

Eh? Was it somewhat good? I hope so, be prepared Things are going to start wrapping up here soon.

Still on 10 more people need to say they want a sequel.


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