Chapter 17

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Just 5 more people for a Sequel!

If you want a sequel, and haven't told me already, make sure to say so in the comments. You have to do it before the book ends.

Anyways, comment, vote and follow if you enjoy and want more! :D


Chapter 17

"We need to hurry!" Seto urged us forward. He was really persistent, practically running, forcing us to chase after him.

"Seto slow down!" Quentin yelled, "I'm not exactly the fastest on land!"

Seto skidded to a stop in front of a small clearing. We stopped beside him and looked around. There in the clearing was a small effortlessly built shack. Seto raised his hands and suddenly a gust of wind passed by us, along with what looked like to be a purple ring.

"Hurry, Ty should be here. I picked this place because I knew he'd find it, but not like this." Seto rushed into the clearing and into the weird shack. We followed after him. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, we gaped at the size of the room, and the tiny little lights that danced around.

"He's not here!" Seto yelled. He slammed his fist against the wall.

"Then where is he?" Jason asked right next to me.

"He's going ahead of us, to a place that is dangerous, a place only I've been too."

We waited expectantly for him to tell us, "A place I named the End."


This was a bad idea. I already regretted doing this, but I had a limited number of Ender Eyes, meaning if I went back, I may not have enough to find the portal after.

I threw another eye into the air, and chased after it as it floated in the air. I waited for it to fall back down, but unfortunately it vanished from existence. I sighed, "That's another gone..." I hoped I was getting close to the destination. It would be horrible if I had to travel for more than a week, because I don't have the food nor number of Eyes of Ender for a trip like that.

I stopped to throw another eye. It floated for a split second in the air then dropped to the ground in front of me. I frowned, "Don't tell me it's not working now!" I groaned. I grabbed another from my bag and threw it. I watched as it did the same. Walking forward, I grabbed the two eyes.

"Why won't it work!" I yelled, there's nothing here!" I looked around my surroundings, hoping something was off. There were trees, trees, and more trees. I glanced back at where the eyes dropped and crouched down to the block.

I figured maybe something was under it. Maybe a key, a secret door, there has to be something here. Since I didn't have a shovel, I dug at the dirt with my hands, removing one block, then the next. I was 3 blocks down when I broke it away, and fell.


"You think you could ask these people to stop following me... It's very unnerving..." I shifted my gaze to the 5 soldiers following me with their hands on their swords. My wrist were bound, I'm pretty sure I was completely defenseless like this.

"Not a chance, we already sent out several search parties to find your friends, you can just sit tight."

"I don't know about you, but I'm not going to wait around for you to find my friends, I should be out there helping the search." I protested.

"Well by my authority you can't leave the camp, don't forget you should be in a jail cell, I'm only letting you stay out of it because you may be withholding more information about your sorcerer friend."

I decided to not continue fighting, if that was the only reason I was still walking outside of that small, dark cell, then let's keep it that way. But what I can't understand is what happened to Seto? Was I just imagining my hand going through his cape? It couldn't have been my imagination, I'm positive I reached far enough to grab his cape. What did Seto do in the 3 years he's been gone?

"Are you listening to me?" I looked up, I guess Adam's dad was still lecturing me.

"No, I was thinking about something else."

Adam's dad glared at me and grabbed me by the shirt collar, "Have more resp--"

"Excuse me gentlemen," a female voice interrupted Adam's dad. I turned away to look at the woman who spoke, I've only seen her once, but if I remember she was Quentin's mother, the witch.

"Jinx, is something wrong?" Adam's father asked.

She nodded, "Yes, very."

"Well, what is it?" He let me go and turned his whole attention to her.

"The End is coming."


I groaned. How far did I fall? How am I alive? I fumbled for my bag which lay just a few blocks away. Some papers and other objects lay outside of my bag. As I fumbled with my bag an apple rolled out. I grabbed it hastily and took a few bites, relief rushing over me has the cuts began to heal. Though I still hurt all over.

After I healed up I gathered my items and put them back in my bag. I looked up from where I had fallen, I was a long ways away from the surface, and I had no pickaxe to build my way back up. So I was stuck here unless I could find a way out.

I noticed to my right that there was a faint glow, maybe some lava. My best bet was to head there, less mobs would spawn.

Only walking for a few minutes I gasped, "Is that... Is that stone brick!" I ran my hand across the surface of the wall, and without a doubt, this was definitely stone brick.

"I don't get it," I said to no one in particular, "if it were mossy cobblestone it wouldn't be that odd, but who's ever heard of stone brick in the caves?"

Walking further, the few blocks of stone brick in the walls turned to corridors, lined with torches ever few blocks. I don't think torches spawn naturally here, so Seto must've been here!

I ran down the hall happily, almost falling down a flight of stairs that I didn't know was there. At the bottom of the small flight of stairs was a door, and door already open. The faint sound of lava bubbling could be heard up ahead.

Cautiously, with less excitement, I traveled down the stair and peeked my head into the room. I gasped, though the room was small, it was flooded with the light of lava. The walls had iron bars for windows every one block, and in the center was a little staircase.

Even slower than before, I carefully walked up the staircase.

There before me, was an odd frame of blocks, made of a material I've never seen before, much like the holy appearance of the moon, but on top of each rested one of the Eyes of Ender Seto made.

The portal, I assumed, was already lit, a dark void, much like the night sky filled the inside. It gave me a nervous feeling, I was sure whatever was on the other side would be just as dark and empty.

I blinked, and found myself looking into the same portal, but elsewhere.

Another memory I figured, or maybe this was what was going on right now in their world.

"I" looked up into the void just as I was just previously doing. The sound of footsteps approached me and two dark blue shoes stopped beside me.

"Ty," it was alter Adam, "look at me."

"I" turned to look up at him, I still couldn't get over how much of a pirate Adam looked like.

"Sorry... I was just..." the other me trailed off.

"Thinking about Seto, huh?" alter Adam finished.

The other me sighed, "Yea... now that we're here, at the portal, I don't know if I can jump, knowing that I have to kill him. Knowing that jumping through will mean fighting the first and closest friend I ever had. How can I do that to him!?" I felt hot tears run down my face, even though this isn't me, I felt like crying to. All the emotions pouring through me made my heart break, though we lived in a different world, had different lives, we were the same. Seto was my first and closest friend too.

"No one should carry that burden, Ty, you aren't jumping into the end by yourself, every single one of us," Adam gestured everyone eating food while resting. They looked up and grinned through mouthfuls of food, "is here to help you."

The other me stayed silent, glancing at the portal again then at Adam. "If we jump, we can't come back....Only through death or victory will we find our way home or to the afterlife, if that will even exist if we fail."

"Then we'll just have to take that risk!" Jason's alter hopped up beside other me, he wore no space suit, in fact, he wore just regular clothes with a space theme. Large, heavy metal boots thudded on the ground when he landed. He smiled at other me and walked up the steps beside other me, with a wink and a wave he jumped.

"See you on the other side guys!"

"J-Jason!" Other me shouted, with cheers and whoops, the alters behind me jumped up to the stairs. One by one they jumped each giving their own little wave, until it was only alter Adam and alter me.

"Well, see you on the other side!" He patted other me on the back and jumped with a whoop. It was a few moments of staring at the portal before I shuddered, "Guess there's no going back." Then other me jumped, and the memory faded.

I blinked, my eyes adjusting to my surroundings, my knees felt weak and I wobbled trying to gain my balance. I took one step back and felt my foot slip off the edge of the stone platform. I gasped as I felt myself falling backwards, my arms cartwheeling trying to gain stability.

Then I fell through the portal. And the world around me turned black.


Cliffhanger :D

What's going to happen next! :D What's going on with Seto?! He's being weird! What do you think of the alters? I'm think if there is a sequel, they'll be in the next story, along with the crew you've seen here.

But again, I need 5 more people, then you'll get a sequel.


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