Chapter 19

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Another chapter out! We are so close to the end!

I still feel like my chapters get worse the longer I keep writing, bu oh well. I'm sure you guys will probably like it more than I do. X3



Chapter 19

The sky was darker than night itself. No stars, no moon, no light at all truth be told. It was just an empty void, and a land lacking any life save for the enderman.

"This place...." Mitch trailed off.

"Is super cool!" Jerome finished and high-fived Mitch. I ignored them and looked around the sky for any signs of a dragon. I couldn't find any.

"Guys! Look!" Jason pointed behind us. A series of tall black pillars stood, each with their own glowing gems at top. At first I didn't see what Jason was pointing at until a dark figure swooped down from the sky and to the ground, very far away from us. The dragon had swooped down to a group of people, a group fighting the dragon.

"Are those people! We have to help them! That thing--dragon... is going to kill them!" Adam yelled then started to run over, his blade drawn. We chased after him.

As the fight in the distance grew closer, I realized I recognized those people and skidded to a stop.

"Guys wait!" I yelled, but they ignored me. I let out an irritated huff and chased after them.

"Guys! Stop! Those people! They're us!"


I don't know where Ty and the others are, or what Seto has planned, but one thing I know I can do to help, is to get the people of Dryhx woods to safety. This area is literally going to be a warzone.

I stabbed my sword through an oncoming zombie and ducked as an arrow soared by. I kept running, following closely behind Adam's dad.

"This way men! We need to evacuate these people here!" he lead me and other soldiers to a small village in the woods. The place was already being overrun by the largest horde of mobs yet.

I separated and headed to this small house. First, slashing with my sword and killing the mobs in my way. The door to the house was already unlocked.

"Hello?" I called out, I heard no answer. When I walked inside the house I hurriedly rushed over to the huddled body of a little boy. He was sobbing quietly. My foot scuffed the floor and he looked up, his little face rigid with fear. He scrambled away, but I held out a cautious hand.

"It's ok, I'm here to help. Let me help you." He shook his head furiously and tried to run past me. I stopped him with ease and crouched down.

"Calm down, my name is Ian, and I want to help you."

His eyes widened even more and he stopped shaking. With a shaky breath and a raspy whisper he asked, "Ian? The savior?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes, I realized he was being serious. But a savior, me? I was never known as a savior, just a murder. I was about to tell him no, when a realization hit me, he wasn't protected by the curse so the memories of the other world were becoming his. So in another world, I was a savior.

I honestly had no little choice but to say, "Yes, that's me." The way his eyes lit up and he clung to my leg had me feeling a little taken aback, to be called a hero was something I wasn't very familiar with. Me a hero, not me a member of Team Crafted and a hero, or me a member of a very bloody group, but just me.

"Come on, we need to evacuate." I let him climb on my shoulder.

He whispered in my ear, "But the East is out there." He whimpered and clutched my shoulders tighter.

It took me another moment to realize he was talking about the army outside, because of the curse, people thought they were the East Army.

"Don't worry, they're here to help."

"But, momma tells me they're evil!"

I paused, "People change, these guys aren't evil, they're very much good..." He stayed silent and let me carry him out the door.

Almost immediately a spider tried to jump on me, I ducked and made a dash for it as it slammed into the door. The little boy gave a shriek and clutched me as if his life depended on it.

"Ian!" I looked to my left to see Adam's father running by my side.

"Sir?" I was almost surprised I had even called him that, almost like I was serving the army all over again, but this time for a better purpose.

"Where are you going?" he asked, as he matched my pace, cutting down the mobs in our path.

"Back to camp, this kid has no family with him, it would be dangerous to send him to safety by himself." Adam's father nodded.

"I'll accompany you, you can't fight off the swarm alone.

"They need you he--"

He held up his hand as we ran, then stopped running, I stumbled to match him. Adam's father shouted, "Seth! I need you to take care of things here!" A fighting soldier turned as his name was called, saluted, then carried on fighting.

"Alright, let's get going," He said to me I nodded, and led the way.


Time is almost up for the both of us. Two halves of a whole doesn't mean one half is rotten and the other, well... is not rotten to say the least.

Calling me rotten? Like you don't have your own foul side.


Can you see them, it's almost silly. Them trying to fight a monster they can't beat.

Can you hear them, their cries of pain sting my ears. They fight to stop what we've both caused. My foolish conquest to do what no one can do alone, your foolish quest for a power that only got you killed.

Like you aren't dead.

... At least I didn't remain a fool even after death, I tried to make things right.

By sending a--hmph. Looks like your little brigade is here to get themselves killed too.

It sickens me that you don't even care about the people below. We're the same person with very similar, but different lives, and yet the people that have stood by you, you turn against with ease. Even though purple and red are very similar colors, there couldn't be a greater difference than us. You make that apparent.

Shut up and just watch, in the end everything will just disappear.


Even after I tried to yell at them to stop, they wouldn't listen, they were too far ahead to hear me say "They're us".

Instead I kept running after them with my sword out. Up ahead our alters kept fighting, but it was obvious they were losing. The dragon turned its attention to us as we neared and we skidded to a halt as it reared its head.

"Oh sh*t!" Jerome cried out as the scales on the dragon's chest began to emit a purple-- and red light.

"Over here!" One of the alters yelled, without a second thought my friends rushed over, but me. I couldn't stop looking at the dragon's chest. There was something there I couldn't figure out what, but I was snapped to my sense as a person barreled into me and shoved the both of us away as the dragon shot out a purple flame so bright that I was temporarily blinded.

"Are you stupid!" The guy yelled at me. I blinked a couple times before I could see his face.


"You... Yea I noticed," He had the same hairstyle as me, but dark emerald eyes and a noticeable tattoo on his neck of a music note. His clothes were dark grey compared to my bright white shirt, "Now I see why I've become a lot more reckless since the curse began... You're a complete idiot."

"Hey!" I shoved him off me and grumbled, just then I noticed the dragon was attacking our friends.

"Hurry! This way, if we don't help them they'll be killed."

"Wait!" I cried out to my other self. He didn't stop, but instead pulled out a diamond sword and dashed into the fight. I couldn't help but notice that everytime they dealt a blow it would heal right back up, they were getting nowhere. And as much as I would like to find Seto and figure out what I saw in that dragon's chest, I had to help them.

The dragon roared and soared up into the sky. It stayed in the air flapping its leathery wings and peered down at us. I watched as other me yelled to his friends and mine, and soon they all split up into groups of two. Each alter with their counterpart. Together the pairs climbed up the towering obsidian pillars.

I ran over to myself who was watching the dragon eagerly. "It's healing itself."

"What?" He looked at me.

"It's healing--"

"I know that!" He hissed, then sighed, "You have a horrible habit of being rash... Why aren't you acting a little more like me... Not that I want to see a mirror of myself..."

"Because Seto protected us with his magic."

"Seto! Where is he? Where's your Seto! If he is still good, he can help us stop this dragon."

"I-I don't know, he vanished shortly after arriving here."

Other me frowned, "Then we'll just have to continue with swords and bows." He looked back at the dragon. It was flying circles over us. Suddenly it dived, "Now!" From up on the obsidian towers arrows rained down, several embedding into the ground beside us. I jumped as one landed an inch from my foot.

Before the dragon reached us it reared away as it screeched, several arrows in it.

"Do it again!" the other me shouted. More arrows were launched into the sky.

"It isn't working!" alter Jerome yelled up from one of the towers. I couldn't help but notice the dragon always tried to stay close to the towers, the crystals glowing brighter every time the dragon neared one.

A thought struck me and I shouted, "Those crystals! They're helping the dragon, all of you destroy them!" Alter me looked at me, none of his friends paid my request any mind.

My friends listened and one by one the crystals exploded sending each pair over the edge of their tower. I gasped as they shouted. Adma grabbed onto the rungs of the ladder on his tower and quickly caught the hand of the other Adam. Both Jeromes used their claws to find a foothold in the tower to slow their descent. The Mitchs and Jasons dangled precariously off the edge of the towers while the Quentins were still falling.

They screamed, I gasped, sh*t!

:D Cliffhanger! hehe...


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