Chapter 3

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Whoop! :D Another chapter! 

DoR fans, the next chapter will be up before the end of the week, unless things get hectic. I: My mom is coming back from Japan! So things might get hectic... but I'm working double time on DoR Chapter 18 so try no to worry.


Chapter 3

Nothing is making sense! I've looked it over and over and over,   but I've made no breakthroughs, I've been at this for 3 days since after waking up. And no I haven't eaten, I've tried but they have the pantry on lockdown... I feel like a criminal in my own home!

Though while I can't really leave they can't get in, I sealed the entrance I used to get into Seto's room, besides the pantry one. They haven't realized Seto has multiple.

I groaned and flopped back on my back, wincing slightly at the impact. I've looked through all of Seto's books hoping to find something relating to this bizarre story but nothing! My stomach grumbled and begged for food, I simply patted it.

Maybe I should give up; maybe this is just a wild goose chase. Maybe he is dead...

My thoughts were interrupted by a series of quiet knocks on the door; I sat up and waited to see what they wanted this time.

"It's me Jason; I was hoping you could let me in. I have food."

My eyes lit up at the sound of food, then remembered it could be a trick. But then I thought back to what Jason said to me before I went unconscious, I don't think Jason would trick me.

"Are you alone?" I asked.

"Yep, don't worry Adam isn't here to nag at you. You see it’s my turn to be on watch duty but I'd rather just talk."

I laughed from the other side of the door as I carefully removed the chests on top of the bed and then moved the bed back in place over the secret passage to the pantry. Hurrying back to the door I unlocked it and opened it slowly, Jason's head poked through.

I let him in and the closed the door putting the chest back in front of it.

"Wow, I kind of missed Seto's room," Jason murmured as we sat down near Seto's desk. Jason handed me an apple and some porkchops and I greedily took them.

"Thanks," I said in between bites.

"No problem," he grinned, after I finished up the meal I sighed contently and laid on my back, “How’s whatever you’ve been doing in here going?”

I sat up and frowned at him, “Horrible, I haven’t gotten anywhere. My only lead is a complete dead end!”

“Whoa, calm down, and cheer up. If you give up now who’s going to find Seto?” Jason stood up and walked over to Seto’s desk and grabbed the note, “Two heads are better than one, right?”

“Right!” Jumping up I watched Jason read over the note, “What’d you think?”

“Honest answer?” He looked at me, and I nodded, “I got nothing… only puzzles I’m good are the ones involving my suit.”

I groaned, “But hey! You could always try the first letter of every sentence trick…” Jason tried to cheer me up but this only caused me to sigh.

“Yea... like that wil--” I paused and looked back at the note then at Jason, "Holy Notch..."

"What, what is it? Are you ok?" Jason looked at me worried.

"I'm fine, except you're a genius!" I jumped and looked for any spare sheet of paper smd found one tucked underneath one of Seto's books. Picking up the quill on the side of the desk I opened the ink bottle and dipped it lightly in.

"I-I am?"

Nodding furiously I began to write down my theory. C-H-E-S-T-M-O-O-N-S-I-G-N. F-I-V-E-D-W-A-R-A-M-O-O-R. I laughed and sat back as Jason peered over my shoulder reading, "You got all of that from what I just said?"

I nodded again, I had no room for words, "Amazing! I still don't understand, how?"

"When you're around Seto your whole life you learn to adapt quickly to his habits. Seto’s puzzles range in variety so there is never really one trick, but just like any puzzle, once you find the trick it's just a matter of putting it together."

"Wow... Can you say that again so I can write that down? I think I want that hanging on my wall," I looked at him like he had just shot a dog, and let me just say this now, cruelty to anything living is not his game. He hates it, when he sees such things he gets angry than you can ever imagine, and Jason never gets angry.

"Seriously dood? Give yourself some credit; it would have taken me days to even think about that idea. Seto loves hard puzzles, but I should've figured in the rush he was making this, judging by the handwriting, he didn't have time to think of something complex so simple is the next best thing."

"Can I ask how you found the letters, and why there are two answers?"

"The first part of the note is instructions, 'the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning. Basically, first letter of last word and last letter of first word, these are referring to the sentences."

He nodded, "Well what does it say then?"

"The first one is a dead giveaway, chest moon sign. These are instructions for something Seto wants found, but I never saw a chest like that..."

"Hey, over here!" Jason shouted to me, I looked up and realized he had moved the chest and opened them...and there was a big obvious crescent moon carved into one of them.

'Note to self, open chest first, ask questions later...' I walked over and looked inside, the only thing there was a small wooden box painted purple with with a Navy blue crescent on it. The surrounding designs made it look on fire. "When I'm stumped on a puzzle, I'm coming to you Jason..."

"Oh what? Eh, oh n-no I didn't do--" did I forget to mention Jason is also very humble.

"Jason, shush, you did good," reaching in I pulled out the box handling it with deep care, I didn't know what was inside. I sat down and placed it on my lap and carefully lifted the lid. Inside was a book, one of velvet and matching the color scheme and design of the box.

"Seto must really like purple, wonder what the crescent is for?" Jason wondered aloud.

"That's his family insignia, I've met them once, and I asked the same question. Whatever is in here must be extremely important and personal."

I placed the box on the floor and gripped the book as I walked back to the desk. The second one is a little more confusing.

"Look, Aramoor! That's the town Sky and I first met you and Seto!" I face palmed myself in real life.

"You know I think you're a lot better at puzzles then you credit yourself."

"Whoops, sorry" he chuckled nervously.

"That was a compliment..." he's right and the first word must be 'five'. Which leaves the rest as 'Five dw Aramoor', pretty sure dw isn't a word so separating them seems like a good idea, "Five D. W. Aramoor, Jason I've figured it out--"

He opened his mouth and I held up a hand, "Before you ask let me say it first, D stands for days. W stands for west, these are directions. Seto wants me to go to the west side of Aramoor in five days, now the question is when that is..."

"Actually, I was going to say today was the fifth day, you were unconscious for two..." 'Note to self, let Jason speak before I interrupt.'

"Well... no time to waste, thanks for already moving the chest, I have to go..."

I made a dash for the door and heard from the other side a voice, Adam’s, "Did Jason skip out on guard duty... *sigh* the least he could do was tell me."

I flung the door open, "Hey Adam! Bye Adam!" And ran down the hallway leaving Adam behind gaping in shock.

"TYYYYY!" I heard him scream after a moment, and then two pairs of feet were running after me, Adam and Jason.

I had no time to lose, for all I know whatever I was supposed to do there has already past, heck, I don't even know what I have to do there, but this is my only lead. One thing is true; I'm going to find you Seto...


"Jason, where is Ty going!?" Adam stopped running and I skidded to a halt, "Heck! Why were you in there with him, you were supposed to be watching!"

"Calm down Adam, I was watching...just from the inside..."

"Well a lot a good it did you, what has gotten into Ty this time," we started running again and passed the lounge where some people were relaxing.

"We kind of solve Seto’s puzzle, one part of them were instructions to find something, and another were directions to somewhere..."

"Mitch, Jerome inform Ian and Quentin that Ty is making a break for it. We need to intercept him," Adam shouted both of them nodded and ran off, "Jason where are we going?"

"I'm not going to tell you if you keep treating Ty like a criminal."

"I'm not! Ty is just... he just need to stop chasing air because he’s never going to catch it all."

I grabbed Adam by the shoulder and stopped him, looking him in the eyes I studied him, "I know what you're doing Adam, we've been together since we were infants, I know how you work."

"S-so what!"

"You're trying to be like your dad, I know you believe his judgment is never wrong, and maybe that's true, but you need to be you. Stop chasing after air Adam it's ok to admit you were wrong, give this to Ty, he's found an actual lead on Seto. He can still be alive." He nodded then frowned.

"Hey you used my metaphor!"

I laughed and ran ahead, "Well come on then let's go see what Ty found!"


The horse is saddled up, this will be the quickest way to Aramoor, and Aramoor is about 3000 blocks away. If I go now I can make it before noon.

I hoisted myself on top of the horse, Adam's horse to be exact, his was the closest one. Gripping the reins tight I squeezed the horse's side, it neighed and trotted forward. I got it moving at a full gallop but in front of me stood a fully decked Mitch and Jerome.

Mitch stood in full diamond holding a drawn bow at the ready, Jerome held his trusty diamond axe and only iron helmet on his head. He isn't the type to where full armor.

"Careful Mitch, don't shoot the horse. Adam will kill you if you shoot the horse!" Jerome yelled.

"Don't worry I never miss!" he smirked and I rolled my eyes I don't have time for this.

"HYAHH!" With a mighty kick my horse had leapt well over them and was running past them with great speed.

"Ty come back!" One of them yelled, I was too far to tell.

I was well ahead of them by now, no doubt they're following me, but this is important. My left hand gripped Seto's book even tighter, I haven't looked inside yet, not that I'll get a chance on this trip, but I felt inclined to make sure it never leaves my side.

Aramoor is just up ahead, it's a huge trading town, very rich in cultural and a variety of people from all over. A lot of great people to talk with, unfortunately I'm not here to mingle.

"Whoa!" I pulled on the reins and stalled the horse to a stop, hopping off I began to lead him quickly to the nearest stables. A stable boy stood cleaning the muck out.

"Can you handle him?" He looked up from cleaning and before he could say a word I handed him the reins and tossed him 5 gold coins, "Good! Sorry I'm in a rush!"

"But this is too much money!" He yelled.

I waved and said, "Keep it, and think of it as an early tip!" I ran off after that, deep into the city and deep into future trouble.

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