Chapter 4

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:D Hope you enjoy! Sorry its a little short, but look to the side! I gave you guys a beautiful picture I did of 3 out of 8 of the characters. These images represent how I view them, and such. There are the before and after images. Current ages on the left are the after, and the on the right are them 10 years ago, before. 

I think it looks cool comparing how I image they change! Tellme what you think in the comments below, do you like how they look?

I'm not especially good at drawing people I: These images are as good as I can get atm, I can't do bodies, lol 

P.S. Personally Seto is my current favorite! XD And my best work, he looks so KAWAII! (Also, it's him without his hood, lol.)

P.S.S Maybe I'll try using the manga kit my mom got for me while she was in Japan. What do you think? Thoug I currently have no experience so I'll probably fudge it up :P lol


Chapter 4

It’s noon, and I can feel the heat of the sun on my back, and this crowd isn’t doing much to cool me down. I had to take the alleyways as a form of shade and to escape the heat, the first place I should look is the West Square then everywhere else after.

The West Square was very busy, a collective bunch of traders stood there trying to make a profit. I looked everywhere but nothing was standing out, I still couldn't completely understand what I was to find.

Searching for over 2 hours and still nothing, I've looked everywhere and never have I been more at a loss, sometimes I wonder why Seto can't just give me a straight answer...

I sighed and was walking to the West Gate, the only place I haven't looked. I glanced at it and sighed, nothing. Was all this just a waste of time?

PLINK. Two gold coins fell in front of me, I looked up as saw a little girl trying to pick them up, so I crouched down and and handed them to her.

"Thank you mister!" She smiled and turned away then quickly turned away, "You're the one eye man right?"

"Hmm?" I answered, one eyed? I have two.

"Someone asked me to find you,  they wish to meet you just outside the gate."

"Wha-- Wait!" I was too late she already ran off, I didn't get the chance to her I must be the wrong guy, the least I could do was find who she was talking about so I could find the right guy, I don't want to be rude and leave whoever hanging.

I shivered, felt like I was being watch, I turned around quickly and noticed a figure duck behind a building. Curiosity coursed through me and I walked over there.

"Shoot I think he saw me." I heard someone say, even over the crowd I surprising heard.

"Mitch! I told you to be careful" another voice hissed, my curiosity disappeared and I hurriedly turned the corner, there in front of me was the rest of the team, crouching as if it weren’t at all suspicious.

“Mitch!” Adam exclaimed as he saw me.

“So now it’s not enough to try and keep me confined in the base, you have to stalk me too!” I hissed very displeased.

“We weren’t stalking you, just making sure you were ok,” Ian tried to calmly say but it was evident it wasn’t working.

“Look we know how important this is too you but you haven’t found anything, right? So let’s go home,” Adam stood up and held out a hand to me.

“Not yet, there is only one thing have to do. This little girl said someone was asking for me, I think they have the wrong person, so the least I can do is tell whoever it is and try to find the real person, or would you rather we just leave right now.”

Adam was at a loss of words then reluctantly complied, “F-fine, just this than we all head home.”

I nodded and they followed me as we neared the West Gate, “Out here?” Quentin asked, i nodded and we walked out of the city.

I glanced left and then right and almost missed the person leaning against the wall, almost but not quite. The were a good distance away, to far to get a good  idea of what they looked like, but still noticeable. “Hey!” I called out, “Someone said you were looking for someone said you were looking for someone, but they--” My words were cut short.

The person I had called too looked in our direction and then vanished from that spot only to appear in front of us. I let out a shocked squeak and fell backwards, “Ty! I knew you would come!” Looking up, I saw the one face I never thought I’d see again.

“S-Seto!” We all shouted in unison.

I scrambled to my feet, eyes wide and mouth gaping. He looked different than how I remembered, definitely different. He wore his hood down, his messily curly hair poked out from underneath his headband, one of his eyes were a bright purple-ish pink, while the other was its natural syrup colored brown. I quickly shut my mouth after a moment and spun on my heels, “I told you! You all doubted me! I told you Seto never died, I told you he had a reason for being silent!”

No one spoke as I shouted in happiness, they all just continued to stare, “W-where were you… a-and what happened to your eye?” Adam stepped forward tears clouding his eyes, he reached forward to hug Seto but he merely stepped back.

“Sorry Adam, we’ll have time to hug after we get back to the base”

“What? Can’t you tell us anything right now?” Jerome spoke up this time.

Seto looked to me and I stared back, “Have you read anything from that book?” I shook my head and he sighed, “It would be better to explain things at the base, out of earshot of unwanted ears.”

I could feel the unease in everyone’s attitude so I quickly spoke up, “Right, let’s go, my horse is at the north stables.” The others started to walk back and so did I until I realized Seto going a different way.

“Seto, where you going, it’s this way.”

“A shortcut,” he grinned at me, just like he used to when we were kids. It warmed my heart and looking back for only a moment to see the others halfway into the throng of people I hurriedly ran beside Seto.

“Don’t think I’m letting you out of my sight, not without telling me why you left for so long.” I laughed jokingly, I would be perfectly fine if he never told me anything and we could just go back to the carefree days as children. He laughed with me, the worry in his eyes hidden by his laugh.

“Sorry I worried about all of you for so long, I had some pressing matters to take care of.”

I nodded, then perked up, “So that means you’ve taken care of all your business, was it a family matter?”

He shook his head as we walked along the outskirts of the town, “No something else, and that’s what I came back for, things have changed and become much more pressing,”

“So you’re leaving again… You just came back though,” I whined.

“I came for help actually, from you.”

“Me? What?”

Seto ran ahead and looked back, “Come on Ty, I bet they’re wondering where we went, let’s not keep them waiting!” he called from up ahead then ran even more, I faltered in my steps. Something is definitely wrong, Seto just put something off, he’s trying to avoid the question, something he doesn’t want to say…

I shoved the thought into the back of my mind, enjoy this moment. Seto’s back, that is all that matters right now. Plus there is a reason to everything Seto does or say, so no need to worry... right?


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