The Decision Part II

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Wanda's P.O.V

I was afraid of the new boy. His mind is the darkest, most terrifying, desolate place that I have ever seen. He terrified me more than Ultron's robot army ever did. I don't know what he is, but it's scary and probably unnatural. Kind of like me, sadly. I sat in the lounge silently, thinking of the black haired boy. Suddenly Thor appeared. Someone else was with him. The man, about the same age as Thor, had black hair and poisonous green eyes. He had a smug look on his face that said,
I am superior to you pesky mortals. Bow down to me. He wore strange armour, much like Thor's. He looked around with a bored and lazy expression. When he looked at me I felt a cold chill run down my spine. It felt as if he was staring into my soul. Someone cleared their throat from behind me. I whipped around so fast I nearly broke my neck. My mouth flopped open.

"W-what are you doing out of your cell?" I asked Percy. He shrugged.

"I need to speak to-" then he paused and looked at the new guy.

"Loki?" He asked. Ah. So that's Loki. Loki spotted Percy and his eyes widened.

"Percy? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well, Thor and his group of weirdos kidnapped me. Apparently the gods aren't done using me." He glared at Thor.

"Hey!" I cried out indignantly. They ignored me. Loki glared at Thor who was looking at his feet in shame. I cleared my throat and then they turned to me.

"What?" Percy demanded.

"First, what are you doing out of your cell and second why is Loki here?" I asked.

"I need to speak to your director, that's why I'm out of the cell." Percy replied.

"Odin said to bring Loki with. I'm not going to disobey him." Thor finally said. Just then Clint ran in, looking panicked.

"Perseus has escaped his cell! We need the building on lock dow-" he froze as he saw the four of us. Thor looking at the floor in shame, Loki handcuffed but looking smug, me probably looking confused and Percy looking slightly amused.

"But-I...wha?" He stammered. Loki snickered and Percy rolled his eyes.

"Just take me to the director." He said. Clint led him to the meeting room and then got Fury and the rest of the team. Once everyone was seated Fury spoke.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked. Everyone cowered under his glare. Well, everyone but Loki and Percy.

"I have decided to accept your offer."

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