Chapter 4 - TEAMS

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so guys tell me what u guys think about this chappy on the comments section and please vote 💖😘


Hikari's pov

"LITTLE FISH !!!"  I screamed waking up from my dream . I walked to my bathroom and took a shower and got dressed in my long sleeve fishnet and put a crop top over it and then my gray hoody and some black pants ... I made some pancakes for breakfast while eating it all came back to me ... If I died and ended up in the naruto world then when my sister died there's a possibility that she made it hear too .A smile crept it's way to my lips as I thought that there's a chance I get to see my little fish . Since I was in a good mood I skipped all the way to the academy forgetting about that cool girl reputation I hade made the last time .

"Good morning " I sang as I passed the groups of children gathering around the door to their class rooms . As I gracefully skipped in to my class with half the class the I said good morning with a smile that was brighter than naruto's, exposing my two dimples on either sides of my cheeks . My hazel eyes sparkling with happiness. As soon as I settled in my seat next to the Uchida I turned to face him and gleefully said " Good morning duckbutt"


"I'm sorry  did you not hear me I said... GOOD MORNING DUCKBUTT " I shouted in his face .


"You know if you don't greet me like a normal person- ....mmh but then again your not a normal person I think your retarded ( no offence to those who I don't mean it in a bad way)...Are you mentally disabled???"I rambled.

"*sigh*...No I'm not I just don't like talking to imbeciles like you."

" ohh that's the longest sentence I've ever heard you say ...I'm so proud of you my  little boy can finally speak  like a normal human being"I said wiping fake tears . While everyone sweat dropped.

"Your an idiot "

"maybe but I'm a happy idiot "I said grinning like an idiot . truly my dream had brought back the old sunshine the joyfully weirdo *giggle*.


And just like that iruka came in and announced the teams . Then he continued " due to the odd number of students team seven will have four members , Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura (Naruto pull he's biggest smile with hearts for eyes looking at Sakura , while she curses under her breath .) Uchiha Sasuke (now Sakura squeals ..naruto rolls his eyes ) and Omotha Hikari . (me and naruto high five in the air while everyone else just sweat drops)

" Iruka sensei why does an awesome ninja like me have to be in the same team as Sasuke ?" Naruto asks dumbfounded.

"Neh... Naruto-kun I think it's because he got the the highest mark and you got the lowest so there is a balance in a team or something like that ..." I say with a emotionless expression.

"That's almost correct but Sasuke got the second highest Hikari-chan got the highest ." Iruka sensei said smiling .

wait what I got the highest out of all of them ... I'M SO COOL*Giggle*I thought while the rest of the class pressed the news .

"No way Hikari-chan scored higher than sasuke-kun ..."Sakura said questioning the possibility of such a thing .

"MY BEST FRIEND IS SO COOL" Naruto said say he tackled me with a hug .

"I ...can't...b-breath ...baka!! "I tried my best to say because naruto's hug was so tight he was practically strangling me with love *giggle*...*giggle*.

"Oh sorry ..."he said chuckling like the goof ball he is .

"Anyway everyone knows where to meet your team leader ... have a good day kids."iruka sensei said as he exited the room.

One by one the teams left with their new sensei's , knowing kakashi sensei was gonna take another hour or two until he arrived I decided to take a nap

Author-chan's pov
Two hours later

"His late "naruto stated the obvious that even a blind man who was high on weed mixed with crack could see like dude stop stating obvious shit naruto ...

"*giggle*... this will teach him a lesson for showing up late. "Naruto continued as he wedged the chalk duster on the door top so it will fall on his head .

"hn...Our sensei's a jonin do you really think he's gonna fall for your stupid prank."sasuke said in his cold monotone voice.

"yeah ...Naruto your so clueless" sakura chirped in .Just as that kakabaka walked in and then ...



"I'm so sorry sensei I tried to stop Naruto but he just wouldn't listen ...I would never do such a thing and sasuke-kun is to cool to act like a looser ."Sakura rambled.

"mmh how can I put this ... my first impressions of my new team is that your all a bunch of idiots. "kakashi spat coldly .

"Meet-"kakashi was cut of  by Hikari

"Neh... can you guys keep it down  would yah ...unlike you I'm trying to do something in portent with my spear time for instance sleep guys should really try it you look like depressed yeah *snore*...."Hikari mumbles with her head on the desk as she continued to sleep .Making everyone sweat drop .


"Okay .... wake her up and meet me on the roof ." Kakashi said as he shunshuned to the roof.

"Whose gonna wake her up ?" sakura asked .

" not it" naruto said  as he ran to the roof .

"I'm sorry sasuke-kun  ...but she scares me bye-" she said darting to the roof .

" Just great ...Hikari  wake up ." Sasuke said .


" Dobe ... wake up " he said now poking her with a ruler on her shoulder .


"*sigh*... I've got free rammen. " sasuke mumbled while rolling his onxy eyes.

" What rammen ....where ...gimme ...hey where's the rammen ???" Hikari bolted up with newly found energy .

"...Our sensei is waiting for us on the roof ... let's go and don't look at me like that ." sasuke said with a boring expression.

"Yeah Yeah ...but you owe me rammen  deal " she said  with a smirk plastered  on her flawless face.

" hn"

" so I take it That's a yes ...I have a date with sasuke ...*oh yeah oh yeah* ....*giggle *" Hikari said  dancing towards the door leading to the roof .

" hn...whatever" sasuke says with a smirk while rolling his eyes .

Hikari's pov 

I have a date with sasuke ....*giggle*.... sakura is gonna be so mad and jelly...*squeal*  did I just squeal  this is bad I never squeal  ... I'm turning in to a fangirl this si BAD  breath ...breath I'm Hikari Omotha and I'm far from ever being a fangirl .

" So you finally woke her up ... how are you still alive ..what sort of sorcery is you survived waking up sunshine with a scratch on your face or anything " Naruto said loudly with astonishment written clearly on his face .

" Geez you say that like I'm some sorta of monster ...

"You are... don't you remember punching sakura you almost killed her ." Naruto said

"Oh yeah sakura since we are gonna be in the same team I guess I should say that I'm sorry and maybe we can try and be friends ."I said while sheepishly scratching  my neck

"Well..uhm Okay I guess ..."

"Great ...that means no hard feelings"

"No hard feelings"

"Okay girls since you've sorted your selves out why don't we get to know each other more."kakashi said

"Uhm how so sensei ?"sakura asked

"You know your name and surname , your likes dislikes your dreams for the future that kinda stuff ..."Kakashi said before he was rudely interrupted by naruto's interjection .

"Uhm sensei why don't you go first so we will know how to do it right ..."Naruto said in his normal cheerful voice

"Uhm ...okay ... My name is Hatake Kakashi and I like a lot of stuff and I don't think I dislike anything my hobbies are non of your concern and my dream for the future ...never thought about it ." Kakashi said with a smile under his mask .

"Hey you only told us your name and surname. "Naruto shouted at kakashi .

"Okay you can go first since you like talking to much ."Kakashi said pointing to naruto .

"Okay  my name  IS UZUMAKI NARUTO   and my likes are rammen especially the one iruka sensei buys me at icharukas rammen and I like my best friend Hikari I dislike the three minutes you have to wait before eating a rammen cup .My dream for the future is to become HOKAGE  Belive it ."He finished of with his trademark smile .

"okay now you with the pink ..."kakashi continued.

"Okay My name is Haruno Sakura and my likes are...I mean who I like is (looks at sasuke )* squeals* ...My dislikes are naruto and Hikari ...and my dreams for the future( looks at sasuke)...*squeal*." sakura squealed her way through her introduction.

"Now you with the duckbutt hair..."kakashi said before he I cut him of .

"You see I told you it looks like a duckbutt...*giggle * your hair is just *giggle* ...."I continued laughing hysterically.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke and I hate a lot of stuff and I don't like a lot of stuff my dreams for the future are not necessarily dreams because I'm gonna make them a reality ...I will avenge the Uchiha clan and kill my brother and repopulate the Uchiha clan ." He said while being all emo and then the last part he says it looking at me ...He wants me to repopulate uh noway I've got way to much stuff I still have to do with my life .

"Okay now you ..."kakashi said noticing how dark things just got

"Okay my name is Omotha Hikari and I like reading and playing with my sister and  I like naruto and rammen and I also like doing weird things for instance my  favourite fruit is a lemon ... strange right I don't dislike anything other than fangirls and people who wake me up for no good reason and my dream for the future is that to train really hard so I can  find my baby sister ."I said

"Okay you all have your different dreams and you all are different in you on ways tomorrow meet me at training ground seven at about 10:00 ...oh and don't eat any breakfast bye kids " kakashi said and shunshuned away I to a puff of smoke

So next chapter  is the bell test ... can't wait ...


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love you guy's😄😄😘💖.

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