Chapter 5 -The bell test

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Hikari's pov

okay so tomorrow is the bell test maybe I should change things I don't have any thing to do so I can talk to sasuke about working together without leading on the fact that I know what's gonna happen tomorrow.  Yeah... I'm so smart

"Sasuke wait up ..." I shouted as I ran towards the uchiha boy .

"Hn" he said rasing his eyebrow in a questioning way practically saying 'what do you want' with his facial expression.

"Last time I checked you said you get me free rammen so we are going to Icharuka's coz I'm famished ..."

"Hn" he said walking away from me with his hands in his pockets .

oh this boy is really gonna get it" Hey!! You can't just leave me like that you emo-douche!!!" I shouted chasing him until I caught up with the boy .


we were walking in silence so I thought about starting a conversation.
"Why don't you ever talk"


"Because..?" I gestured him to continue.

" People are boring "He said bluntly

"and when you say people you mean you right" I said smiling like a goofball .

"Tch" He said rolling his eyes at me

"Don't do that " I spat coldly

"Do what" he said as if he didn't care but I could see the curiosity biting at him .

"Rolling your eyes "I said looking at him straight in to those endless onxy eyes .

"What are you gonna do about it " he said mocking me .

"I'll peck your eyes out before you even awake your sharinngan you little cocky Uchiha " I said sticking my tung out at him and before he could say anything I placed my order .

"Sup ... can I have pork flavoured rammen with miso on the side please and thanks." I said pleased that I'm not gonna be paying for any of this.

"and you sir "the guy serving us asked sasuke

"I'll have the same as the girl. "he said

"Okay your orders are coming right up "The guy said smiling.

So I looked at sasuke and put my plan into motion. " So ducky tomorrow sensei is probably gonna test our team work I don't know how but I'm pretty sure it's a good idea if we team up .I blurted out and was distracted by the smell of my rammen as I was handed yo me . I took the chop sticks and started to gobble the four bowls rammen .

Sasuke looked at me shocked at how much food I eat and started as he went back to his emo-self " I'm not teaming up with you ...your only  gonna slow me down "He spat coldly.

"Oh come on please "I begged the emo-faced Uchiha sitting opposite side of me .

"No !?" he said with not a hint of guilt in his eyes .

"Okay fine ...I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

"Hn"he said ...guess his back to not talking English

"Later ducky ...Thanks the rammen anyway." I said as I ran off .

"Whatever " I heard him say .

While I was running to my apartment I got nocked over bye a boy in green weird looking jumpsuit who had a weird hair cut ...Green jump suit +weird+ bushy eyebrows = LEE I beamed in my mind as I got up and stared at him .

"I am so sorry-y "He said stopping to take a good look at me .

"My apologies but I have never seen an angel as beautiful as  you before ... my name is Rock ..."

"LEE" I beamed finishing his sentence for him .

"Excuse me but have we meet before because I would remember meeting such a rose like you. "He said confused with how I know his name

Flattered by the compliment I explained my self " No you do not know me but I know you...Rock Lee student of the tighguistu specialist Mighty Guy "I said with with stars in my eyes .

"Oh but are you a tighjuistu specialist ...uhm ...sorry but what is your name?
"Oh yeah sorry name is Hikari .Hikari Omotha and no I'm not that good ...."I trailed off

"Maybe you could train with my sensei and my team during your free time. "

"REALLY...Thanks Lee "I said overjoyed

"Not a problem I can introduce you to them tomorrow afternoon if that's okay with you "  He said with one of those goofy poses I sweat dropped .

"That's perfect I'll meet you here tomorrow after training with my team "

"Okay ...but before you go will you please be my girlfriend I swear to protect you and keep you safe ." He said with his knee on the ground as if proposing .


"Uh...No" I said with a blank face😐 like really Lee unbelievable

"Okay very well I will see you tomorrow  beautiful flower ." he said in the cheesiest way possible .He continued  to run using his hands .

when I got home I made a plan to make sure that we all pass the test in record time... I went to bed .In the morning I woke up and did everything really slowly like really slow and I took my time I even had breakfast and then took three apples with me I knew I was late but no Naruto and Sakura just love stating the obvious.

"Hikari your late " Naruto said

"Yeah ...ever heard of being punctual" Sakura chipped in .

"You guys it wasn't my fault a black cat crossed my path so I had to the other way around and then I saw a old lady who was carrying a lot of grocery so I helped ...that's why I'm late" I said while sheepishly scratching the back of my neck .

"That didn't happen "Sasuke said

"Well then never mind what happened and what didn't and take a apple" I said dismissing the topic.

"But Kakashi sensei said not to eat breakfast ." Sakura commented .

"Yeah Yeah whatever... but  we gonna need energy for whatever sensei is planning for us I mean breakfast is the most important meal of the day ." I said smirking at how I just out smarted her.

"You have a good point "Naruto said taking a apple then sasuke said something I didn't quite catch and even Sakura ended up taking the apple . Then Kakashi sensei came back and explained everything and Naruto being the baka he is attacked Kakashi head on I took this as a chance to put my plan in to action.
I jumped to where sasuke was and said

"so are you gonna team up with me or?" I said in a sweet voice .

"No ...your gonna slow me down"

"Well guess I have to put plan be into action ...can't say I didn't try yah know " I said as I tied him up and put a seal on the ropes that if he tries to get loose it will drain his chakra .
I maid two shadow clown and one  mad  the transformation justu and turned into sasuke and the other one went under ground .Me and the fake sasuke went to Sakura and told her to team up with us and she did because she thought it was sasuke she set some traps for Kakashi sensei and we went to Naruto and told him not to attack Kakashi sensei with his multi-shadow clone justu from the back hoping that he wouldn't listen and guess what he didn't Sakura attacked with Kakashi whole me and the fake sasuke attacked with the fire ball justu and Naruto came from behind Kakashi with the shadow clown army of narutos and my other shadow clown came out from underground and took the three bells and Kakashi make out paradise .I gave Naruto and Sakura the bells and said me and fake sasuke left something in the woods . When I was out of sight I dismissed the clown and untied the real sasuke he was about to attack me but he stopped .

"Are you really gonna hit a girl really" I asked trying my best puppy dog eyes
"yes you tied me up-" He said but I cut him off.

"So I tied you up ...but I still got you a bell "I said shaking it near his face.

"how..."He said taking the bell.

"No time for questions come on hurry" I said as I dragged him to  our team.

"Hikari I hear you planned the whole attack ...but Unfortunately you don't pass because you don't have a bell." Kakashi said trying to see what the others will do for their team mate.

"What ... If Hikari-chan doesn't pass then neither do I ." Naruto said throwing his bell on the ground.

"Uhm I don't like Hikari but she still my comrade yeah I don't pass too " throwing her bell .

"Whatever "Sasuke said also throwing his bell just like the others.

"Oh you guys I'm touched "I said wiping away fake tears.

"Don't worry I won't fail ...because if Kakashi sensei  sends me back to the academy he will never find his icha icha paradise ...*giggle* . " I said looking at his face all the colour was drained when he realised he didn't have it with him any more.

" Okay you all pass the I was testing your team work and you seemed to have that so you all pass ... Hikari-chan now be a sweet little girl and show your sensei where you hid my book ." He said while smiling with his eyes closed you could see the sweat coming down his face ...To show his nervousness .

" Okay only if you buy the team rammen ." I said

"Whoop whoop free rammen" Naruto said as he gave me a high five.

"Okay okay ...just give me my book " Kakashi sensei said while crying a whatever fall .

" ...*giggle* ...*giggle*....take it you big perverted cry baby...*giggle*"I said handing him hi book while me and Naruto burst out into a full on laughing fit even Sakura joined. I even got a glimpse of sasuke smirk trying not to laugh. As we maid our way to Icharuka's I was about to  part ways and Naruto stopped .

"Hey Hikari-chan your not coming to eat with us ."He said

"No I have to meet up with a friend of mine ...see you guys later. " I said as I ran off to meet Lee and team Guy.


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