A Patch of Sunshine

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Thorin's POV

My supposed memories had not returned the next morning when I awoke. I made my way down to breakfast and met Dwalin along the way. "Any luck with remembering, lad?" I shook my head. "The lass is awfully upset. Not with you, of course. With the whole situation. But ya haven't been very kind to the lass." Dwalin was fortunate that he was my closest friend. I would not put up with that from anyone else. "Perhaps you should apologize to her, Thorin," he said before quickening his pace. He opened the door to find the entire company sitting down to eat.

"Good morning," Balin greeted. I noticed that two of my kin and the hobbit were all missing. The woman was there however, looking as if she had not slept a wink. Her eyes were red and her hair was a mess. She sat between Ori and Bofur. The former was patting her hand softly. She gave a small smile that quickly fell when her eyes met mine. "Excuse me," she said getting up and leaving through another door. Had I really been so important to her? I took my seat as the company looked on sadly. "Balin, did I agree to a treaty with Thranduil and his elves?"

"Aye, laddie. And with Bard the King of Dale as well. The battle had a great effect on you. As did a certain female who shall remain nameless." He gave me a knowing look and turned back to his breakfast. I resolved to find the woman later and apologize once again for my temper as soon as I was done eating. I ate breakfast and was about to get up when a raven flew in carrying a message. The name written on it was Y/N. "Y/N? Balin, is that the woman's name?" I'd forgotten. Balin nodded. I returned the message to the bird and told it to find the woman. I got up and went in search of her myself.

I'd looked through more than half of Erebor and still had not found her. I stumbled upon Ori in the halls. "Ori. That woman...the human. Do you know where she is?" Ori looked at me timidly and answered, "She's usually in the library or her chambers this time of day. Her chambers are right across from yours. If she's not there, ask Dis. They're very close these days." I groaned. I really did not want to run through the halls anymore today. I turned on my heel and went to the library. No woman. I checked her chambers. Not there either. I'd almost given up when I saw my sister. "Dis! Dearest sister. I am looking for a woman." I described her to my sister.

Dis looked sad as she told me where to find her. "She is most likely in the garden. I showed it to her near a week ago. She spends a little time there each day, hoping to find a way to bring back your memories." She said nothing more and left me. The garden. The one place sun hit inside the mountain. I made my way to the Royal Gardens. I finally found her. She was sitting on the grass next to the lake. I could hear her crying. "Thorin, I will get your memories back. I swear it," I heard her whisper. It almost sounded as if she truly cared. I cleared my throat. She jumped up and blushed, knowing I heard her. She looked rather fetching.

Your POV

I jumped up and faced Thorin. He was staring at me intently. It gave me a glimmer of hope for a moment. "Lady Y/N," he began and my heart fell again, "I want to apologize for my temper yesterday. I did not mean to cause you distress." I sighed. "I understand that you are upset, Your Majesty. I believe I would be too, if I were in the same situation." I tried to handle him with tact this time. I wish he hadn't smiled at me in that moment however. It made the fact that he didn't remember me all the more difficult.

"It is lovely out here, is it not?" he asked me. I gave a small smile and replied, "Indeed it is. I do not mind the warm halls of the mountain, but this little patch of sunshine is a little escape that Princess Dis showed me. She is a kind and charming dwarrowdam." He let out a chuckle that made me weak in the knees. I needed to get away. "Please excuse me, Your Majesty. I remembered that I have something I need to do. Would it be alright if I spoke to you more later?" I gritted my teeth as I tried to force away my pirate instinct. I needed my Thorin back, the one who would take my fighting pirate spirit with grace and love me for it just the same. Not this one that threatened to cut out my tongue at the mere mention of Thranduil.

He nodded his head. I curtsied and left. It was time to put my plan into action. The ravens had both found me with answers from the kings. I would bring them to the mountain the next day. I ran to my chambers and produced a small box from underneath my bed. I took a deep breath and completed the second part of my plan. Once I was done, I took the box and went to find Thorin. I opened my chamber door to find Dori prepared to knock. "Oh, Lady Y/N! Thorin sent me to fetch you. He's in his study."

I nearly ran to Thorin's study. I knocked on the door. "Enter." I went inside and found Thorin seated at his desk. "You sent for me, Th-Your Majesty?" He nodded. "You wished to continue our discussion from earlier." I approached cautiously. "Thank you. There is actually something I wished for you to hold onto for me. If it is not too much trouble. It is very important to me." I gestured to the box in my hand. "What is it?" I bit my lip. I couldn't reveal what was truly in the box. Instead I said, "Something that was given to me long ago. I am about to face an evil and I need someone to keep this safe while I do." He gave me another little smile. "Then I will gladly hold onto it for you." I handed the box over. "Please keep it safe."

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