A Queen's Attitude and a Shadow

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Your POV

I watched Thorin's face fall as Snow shook her head. "I'm afraid not, but don't worry. We'll find a way." I gave Thorin's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "What do we need to do?" Snow explained that my father, Bae and Emma were working on a way to get us off Neverland and the rest of them were going to find Henry. "I'll go with my father. Thorin and Dwalin can join us. You can take Thranduil and Bard with you. Any objections?" I asked turning to the four males. They all nodded. I believed they understood that Neverland was dangerous and I knew it far better than they did.

I looked to Snow. While I knew Neverland, she knew how to take charge better than I. She gave me a kind smile. "Certainly. Gentlemen?" Thranduil and Bard followed Snow. "This is why I chose you as my queen, my love. You know when to take charge and people naturally follow you." I gave him a small smile. He knew that I sometimes still felt out of place in Erebor and that I didn't always feel worthy of being queen. "Are you angry with me for not telling you about the baby?" I asked quietly as we approached my father. Thorin beamed. "Of course not, Y/N! I am absolutely joyous!"

"Y/N, luv. Come talk to me a minute," my father called. I kissed Thorin's bearded cheek and moved to join my father. "What is it, Papa?" He cast a glance at Thorin and I understood what he was asking me. "Now isn't the time. I promise I'll explain it all when we are safely aboard the Jolly Roger and on our way off Neverland." He nodded and then called, "Alright Baelfire, um Neal, lead the way." I grabbed Thorin's hand and ran up to join Bae. "It's good to see you again, Bae." He gave me a toothy grin.

"It's been a long time, Y/N. You've grown," he joked. "So have you. This is my husband Thorin and our friend, Dwalin. Thorin, Dwalin this is my childhood friend Baelfire." I could see Thorin sizing Bae up. "I go by Neal now. When I left Neverland I ended up in a world without magic. That's where I ended up meeting Emma and now we have Henry. Congratulations, by the way." I grinned at him. I never thought I'd see him again. "Thanks, mate. So what are we doing?"

"We are going to capture Pan's shadow." I stopped dead. "Capture...Pan's? Are you crazy?" Pan's shadow was the second most deadly thing on Neverland. Pan himself being the first. "It's how I got off the island the first time and how we'll get off again. Trust me, alright." I nodded, but I wasn't entirely convinced. "Why is this shadow to be feared?" Thorin asked me.

Thorin's POV

I did not understand why Y/N was so worried about catching a shadow. First, it did not seem possible to do so and second, it was only a shadow. "Pan's shadow is different. It not only has been bringing boys and well, me here for years but it can also rip your shadow off and kill you. Pan is the only thing more dangerous than that on the island." I took in the information. I had to admit that I was out of my element and I was certain the others felt the same.

I grasped Y/N's hand but the look of worry did not leave her face. " Amrâlimê, we will find our way home and when we do, we shall celebrate." She nodded and said, "I think after we capture the shadow, I should board the Jolly Roger to wait." Hook had apparently heard the conversation. He chimed in, "Aye. I think that'd be best. Perhaps we should take you there now." I tightened my grip on Y/N's hand. Her father noticed and continued, " I know I've got no room to order you about, luv. I know you're a queen back in your new home, but you're carrying a prince or princess and we want them to be safe."

I looked at my wife and studied her face. "Perhaps he is right, my love." For once, she did not argue. Being in this place must have really shaken her. Baelfire, Dwalin and Emma all agreed and Hook escorted us to his ship. I must say that it was an impressive sight. "Welcome aboard. Stay out of my cabin and keep her away from the rum," Hook said with a smile at his daughter. Her laughter was music to my ears. It was the first time she'd really laughed since we'd arrived on Neverland.

"Dwalin, go with them. They might need you," Y/N told our friend. Dwalin looked to me and I nodded. "We will be fine, Dwalin. go with them." Y/N led me down below the deck of the ship. I held her close to me. "Y/N, are you truly worried that we will not make it home?" She nodded and said, "I'm worried that we won't make it home before the baby is born. Nine months isn't a very long time." I coughed a little and looked down at the ground. "What?" "It could be longer than nine months, Amrâlimê."


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