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(a/n: The next couple of chapters will be fillers. I promise things will pick up again soon if you just stick with me.)

Your POV

"What do you mean, Thorin?" He cleared his throat again and repeated himself. "I got that. What do you mean by that?" He looked at me. "Well, there's never been a record of dwarf and human conceiving a child before. Dwarrowdams are usually with child for three to five years." I felt my eyes widen. "Three to five years?! In other words I'm probably going to be pregnant for far longer than nine months?!"

I could have strangled my husband then, but then I remembered that it takes two to tango so to speak. He nodded sheepishly. It pleased me to know that I was the only person that could make him cower. I took a deep breath. "Alright, so nine months for a human, three to five years for a dwarf so anywhere between one year to four would be my guess." Thorin shrugged. "I suppose that could be." I glared at him. "I swear Thorin Oakenshield if I am pregnant for four years, I will never have another child with you." We shared a laugh as I felt my eyes began to droop. I remembered that I had not slept the night before. I made my way over to my bunk and crawled in. "I need to sleep. Wake me when the others get back?" He nodded and I drifted off.

I felt myself being shaken awake a bit later. Baelfire was carrying a boy over his shoulder. I figured that it must be his son Henry. "What happened?" I asked sleepily. My father and Charming entered behind Bae. "Pan took his heart. Emma and the others went to get it back." I looked at them all and then at Thorin. I could see the worry etched on his face. "Where's Dwalin?" he asked. "He's on deck with your two friends, keeping an eye out for Lost Boys and the ladies," my father answered. I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't certain Thorin could handle losing his friend again.

Thorin got up to go join Dwalin, Charming and my father on deck. "I'll stay with Bae," I whispered to him, "He needs someone right now." Thorin nodded and gave my cheek a quick peck. "I love you." I smiled at him. "I love you too." He left and I turned to Baelfire. "Are you alright?"

Thorin's POV

I joined Dwalin, Hook and Charming on deck. Thranduil and Bard were there as well. "She doesn't believe we'll get off the island," Hook said lowly. "Y/N? What makes you say that?" Hook looked over his shoulder. "She and Pan were close before he traded her to me, almost like siblings. She was the only lass on the island and he protected her. Then something happened to him. He changed. Y/N believes that he wants her to stay on the island and doesn't think the shadow will work." I sighed and asked, "Will it?"

"Aye. Unfortunately, it will only take us to Storybrooke. After that, we'll have to find a way to get you three back to wherever it is you're from." I hated to admit weakness, but I had to admit that I was in over my head. This wasn't Erebor or even Middle Earth. This was a place of magic. "What can we do?" Hook shrugged and adjusted his hook. "For now we wait. The Evil Queen is the only one with dark enough magic to control the shadow."

After a few moments of silence, I finally asked the question that had been on my mind. "Why did you leave her?" Hook wore a look of surprise before he answered, "That's just the man I was. I put myself before others, even my own daughter. I'm not proud of it." I didn't respond and I wouldn't have a chance to. The three women were approaching the ship. The Evil Queen, Regina held a heart in one hand and a small box in the other. "What's in the box?" Charming asked. "Rumplestiltskin."

There was a person in that box? If you could call that "Rumplestiltskin" a person. I followed everyone below deck. I needed to be with my wife now. "Y/N," I said softly, knowing she'd be able to hear me over all the commotion. She got up and walked over to me with a smile. "You seem cheerful, my love." She nodded. "We're getting out of here. We can find our way home from Storybrooke hopefully." We decided that the little family needed to be alone now and we returned to the deck.


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