Coronations pt. 1

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 Thorin's POV

Finally, the night of my coronation arrived. As eager as I was, I was also slightly nervous. I had never even been to coronation feast before. Would I be a good king and would my people accept Y/N as their queen? I had yet to discuss the topic of marriage with her, but deep down I knew that there could be no other for me. I looked at myself in my royal garments and almost felt like someone else. A knock on the door grabbed my attention. I turned to find Dwalin coming into the room. "You ready, Thorin?"

We were met with cheers as Dwalin and I entered the throne room. Everyone was dressed in their finest. They bowed low as I passed them, but I barely acknowledged them. My eyes scanned the room for one particular woman. My brow furrowed when I could not find her. Where was she? I had most definitely expected her to be there when I was crowned. I saw her once I finally made it up to the throne. She was leaning against a pillar as if she were trying to hide from the crowd, but she had a soft smile on her face.

Your POV

Thorin looked proud and majestic as he approached the throne. I leaned up against a pillar to observe from afar. I felt out of place amongst all the races of Middle Earth. Part of me felt like I did not belong, but then again where does a pirate belong? I cheered loudly with the rest when Balin spoke words in Khuzdul and placed the crown on Thorin's head. He'd had a different crown made than the one his grandfather had worn. He had told me that he did not wish his grandfather's legacy to taint his own reign.

I managed to sneak off to the ballroom before the other guests. I was determined not to draw attention to myself and praised God that my gown from the Enchanted Forest did not stand out. "You look lovely my dear Lady Y/N," came a silky voice behind me. I turned to find Thranduil and Bard nearing. I smiled at them both. "I hear you are King now, Bard." He shrugged as if it were no big deal. "I, for one, have never put much stock in kings," I said jokingly.

Thranduil laughed and spoke, "I seem to recall bearing the brunt of your disdain." He bowed and kissed my hand. "I'm still not apologizing for that," I said. "It is I who owe you an apology. I should not have called you a plaything when you are clearly not." I cocked my head to the side. This time Bard answered my unasked inquiry. "We have all seen the way King Thorin looks at you. He holds you in the highest regard and clearly you mean more to him than just a member of his company." I flushed at their words. "There you are, Y/N!" I saw Dis making her way over to us. She bowed before Thranduil and Bard and then proceeded to lead me away. I mouthed "Sorry" to the pair of them and turned my attention to Dis. She pulled me through the back hallways of Erebor. "My brother is looking for you. He needs help escaping all the dwarrowdams that have flocked around him. I'll tell him that I need him and you can go wait for him out there." She pointed to an opening in the rock.

I walked through the door and was surprised to find a breathtaking moonlit garden. I strolled through the patches of lovely flowers and found a swing next to sparkling lake. I sat on the swing and began to sway as I awaited the arrival of the new king.

Thorin's POV

Everywhere I turned, there were more and more dwarrowdams around me. I knew they all had their eyes on one thing. Marriage to the King or one of the princes. Fili would be crowned the next day and Kili the day after. I knew that I would not marry any of them and Kili was smitten with the she-elf. That left Fili, but he would choose his own bride in time. "Thorin, I need to have a word with you," my sister said to me. I was glad to have the distraction. "Please excuse me," I said to the crowd surrounding me. "She's waiting for you in the Royal Garden," Dis whispered to me.

I felt the smile on my face. I gave her a quick peck on her cheek and proceeded to make my way to the Garden. It is a secret place only known to the royal family so Dis must have shown Y/N where it was. I opened the door and found Y/N swinging with childlike glee. Her peals of laughter brought a smile to my face once again. I took a few moments just to watch her. She was wearing the same gown she had on when we first met. It had been repaired. Her (h/c) hair had come slightly undone from its pins. It hit her face lightly as she swayed back and forth.

She looked and saw me standing in the shadows. The smile never left her face as she slowed her swinging. "Thorin, why do you stand so far away?" I took a step toward her as she stood and gave an exaggerated bow. I laughed heartily. "You do not bow to me Amrâlimê." I pulled her close to me and kissed her softly. "Thorin, shouldn't you be at your feast? They will miss you, especially all those females vying for your attention," she said teasingly. "It is you I want by my side. You have saved me in more ways than you know." Y/N looked at me sadly.

"Your people will expect you to find a queen. A dwarrowdam worthy of the title." Bewildered, I stared at her for a moment taking in all her lovely features. "I do not wish for any queen other than you. You are the only one who has proven themselves worthy to be my queen and it is you I love." She still looked melancholy. "Thorin, I love you but I am no queen. I am a pirate. The people of Erebor will never accept me as their queen." I did not believe her. "Come with me back to the feast. At least enjoy some time with our company. They all love you as well." She nodded and put on a smile for me. I would do whatever it took to convince her that she was wrong. 

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