Meeting Dis

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Your POV

One day as I pouring over some old books in the dusty library, Kili ran into the room with Fili close behind. "Y/N! You have to come with us!" They both took hold of my arms and put their other hands on my back. The two princes half pulled, half pushed me through the winding hallways. "Where are we going, lads?" I asked and then mentally slapped myself. I'd been spending WAY too much time with Dwalin and Bofur. Even aboard the Jolly Roger and on Neverland, I never called the men 'lads'. I always used their names. The mischievous pair did not answer, but continued to pull me along. Finally they let me go as we stood in front of a rather familiar looking dwarrowdam.

I'd met a few dwarrowdams since we'd started rebuilding Erebor and my first experience was interesting. We don't have female dwarves in the Enchanted Forest so it was odd seeing a bearded woman with the stocky build of a dwarf. The one in front of me was no different except she had a very warm and welcoming smile on her face when she turned to face the three of us. "Amad, allow us to introduce Lady Y/N of the Enchanted Forest," Kili said with a childlike flourish. I rolled my eyes. "Just Y/N. There really is no need for the 'Lady' nonsense."

The smile on the dwarrowdam's face grew even wider but she said nothing, trusting Fili and Kili to finish the introductions. "Y/N, this is our mother." For a moment, I said nothing. This was Thorin's sister. That's why she looked so familiar. "You're Lady Dis. Well, I guess Princess now, isn't it?" The smile never left her face as she laughed. "And you are the young woman that saved my son and brother. The news of your bravery has already spread to the Blue Mountain." To my surprise, she pulled me into a hug and whispered so only I could hear, "Thank you. You saved my family and won one of their affections."

I pulled away and quirked an eyebrow at her. She chuckled again and said, "Do you think I would not recognize my own family's crest?" She indicated the courting braid that had miraculously survived the battle and the bead fastened to it. It had become a part of me and I forgot it was there many times. I felt the heat staining my cheeks. I did not know how she would react to the news about Thorin. "So, which one has captured your heart, Lady Y/N? I can say for certain that it was not Kili." Kili pouted and puffed his chest and I laughed. "Tis Uncle, Amad," Fili stated proudly. I felt myself get even redder.

Thorin's POV

I heard Fili say, "Tis Uncle, Amad" as I entered the ballroom. I paled as I noticed Y/N standing with my nephews and my sister. I approached and quickly pulled my sister into my embrace. "Dear sister!" I looked and noticed Y/N's face was a deep crimson and whispered to my sister, "What did you say to her?" "Nothing," came the reply before we separated. I cleared my throat and took Y/N's hand. "This is not how I wanted you to meet, but I suppose no harm done. I very much want the two of you to get on." Dis looked at me with a smirk. "My dear brother, the fact that any woman, dwarrowdam or not could put up with your brooding for so long is an accomplishment for her. This woman has to be as stubborn as you are and smarter to boot!"

Y/N laughed boisterously and said, "I like her! She would definitely fit in with a band of pirates." Dis joined her in laughter and soon, my beloved was being led away by my sister. I turned to Kili and Fili who wore looks of surprise. "What just happened?" I asked unsure of how to react. "It appears Amad approves of Y/N." I shook my head and smiled.


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