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Your POV.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath. I cursed myself for my stupidity. My enormous teal gown had gotten caught on a tree root. "Why did I agree to go to that stupid ball?" I thought as I tried to free my dress. I dearly loved my friend Rapunzel, but attending the christening ball for her baby was not my smartest move. I knew the Wicked Witch was after me. She'd been hunting me for years. I saw green smoke in the ballroom and immediately grabbed my hidden pack and ran.

I'd been planning on the leaving the Enchanted Forest for a while after I found a way. I planned on leaving a few days before, but Rapunzel begged me to attend the christening. I didn't have very many friends, so how could I refuse? I should have. As I freed my gown, a rumbling caught my attention. From the corner of my eye, I spotted the ugliest ogre I'd ever laid eyes on. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, grabbed my bag again and quietly began walking. Ogres are almost blind, but they have exceptionally hearing. The last thing I wanted was to attract the attention of an ogre.

I was looking so closely at the ogre that I didn't notice the fallen branch on the ground in front of my foot. SNAP! I closed my eyes. "Stupid!" I thought. The ogre turned to me and came charging. I took off, knowing in the back of my mind that it was pointless. There is no outrunning an ogre and before I knew it, the ogre had me clutched in one of its large hands. I could barely move as its grip on me tightened, attempting to squeeze the life out of me. I struggled to escape or to at least free my hands to do some damage. Suddenly, there was a bright purple light and the ogre was falling with me still held tightly in its fist.

Thorin's POV

"Thorin! Stop!" the wizard called from the back of the company and I urged my pony to halt. Turning to him, I noticed his eyes were on the sky. The company and I followed his gaze. There was something falling from the sky just a few feet in front of me and my kin. It hit the ground with a large THUD and the ponies panicked. "What is it?" Ori asked after we'd steadied the ponies and dismounted. I approached the massive beast with caution. "It appears to be dead, whatever it is," I announced kicking at it with my boots.

"It is dead, but I'm not," a voice came from the other side of the creature. I walked around, the company close behind. Clasped tightly in the giant's hand was a small woman. Human or hobbit by the looks of her. She had not the ears of an elf nor the beard of a dwarf. She spoke again. "Hello. Could you possibly pry this vile creatures fingers open? This position is really uncomfortable." I had to admit that her voice was pleasing to the ear. "Please?" she added.

My company made quick work of the beast's fingers. The young woman slid down to the ground and stood brushing herself off. "Thank you!" she cried as I took in her appearance. Definitely human. Her dress was unlike anything I'd ever seen and fit her, dare I say it, nicely. Her (h/c) hair was slightly disheveled, but then she did just fall from the sky. As lovely as she was, I didn't trust her. How could I? No one in my company seemed able to speak for a moment before Gandalf found his voice. "Who are you, child?" The woman looked up as her (e/c) eyes met mine and then turned to the wizard.

"My name is Y/N," she replied, taking a step around the colossal beast closer to us. I finally managed to choke out a response, "Thorin Oakenshield and Company. At your service." Why was my voice shaking? Words came easily enough to me when I addressed my company. She gave a small curtsy and looked around. 

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