New Friends and the Stubbornness of Dwarves

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(a/n: Memories in italics)

Your POV

I began telling the company of my own adventure, at least the part that lead me here. How the Wicked Witch was hunting me, how I'd searched for a way to leave and found it in the form of a magic bean and of how I'd been caught by the ogre. "I believe that as I was struggling, the magic bean fell from my pack and opened the portal," I finished. "Why is this witch after you?" Bilbo asked. I now knew that Bilbo was a creature called a hobbit. I sighed, "She is trying to enact a powerful spell. She needs a special heart to succeed. My heart. I'm afraid my magic is no match against her dark magic."

The company sat there, enthralled by my story. "Why your heart?" I shrugged. "I think it's because I am the only person still alive who knew her before she became the Wicked Witch except for the one who trained her in magic. I have traveled many realms and met her during one of my travels with my father." Thorin, who seemed not to be listening finally spoke, "Get some sleep." He seemed so gruff and standoffish. "Lass," Bofur spoke next ,"I'm glad you're with us. Makes the journey more interesting." I smiled at him and laid out my bedroll.

"Thorin doesn't like me very much, does he?" I whispered to Fili or Kili. At that moment, I couldn't remember which was which, just that they were Thorin's nephews. The blonde answered, "Don't mind Uncle. He doesn't like or trust anyone at first. Right, Kee?" So the blonde was Fili and the brunette was Kili. Kili nodded in response and the two exchanged a glance. I knew I'd have to keep an eye on them. They each had a mischievous glint in their eyes that reminded me of my old friend Jefferson.

He was a portal jumper and we met in Wonderland after my father tried to leave me...again.

I watched as my father's ship sailed away yet again. I cursed him under my breath and scanned my surroundings. "Are you lost, child?" I heard from the vicinity of my feet. I looked down and saw flowers."That's silly. Flowers can't talk," I muttered to myself. "But of course we can talk!" I jumped back and leaned down. Sure enough, talking flowers. "Where I am?" The flowers began bickering amongst themselves. "You'll never get a straight answer out of them," a deep voice said from above me.

I stood and came face to face with a man. He had on an orange coat and a large hat. "Jefferson, though some people call me the Mad Hatter. You're in Wonderland." I looked at him skeptically. I wasn't exactly the most trusting of people considering how many times my father had tried to abandon me and then accepted me back whenever I found him again. "Y/N. Are you truly mad, Jefferson?" He flashed a mischievous grin. I knew right then we were going to be good friends.

I could tell Thorin's nephews were trouble makers just like Jefferson. I gave a small chuckle and settled down to sleep only to be shaken awake a while later. "Lass," Dwalin said, "Can you take over the watch?" I nodded and rubbed my tired eyes. I probably would have had an easier time keeping watch if I knew exactly what kind of threats existed in this world. Wonderland, I knew to expect red knights and to avoid the Queen of Hearts. Here, I had no idea what to watch for.

Thorin's POV

I was surprised to find Dwalin asleep the next morning. I walked over to the tree where the watch took place and came face to face with a sword. I threw my hands up in surrender. "Sorry Thorin. You startled me," Y/N said with a small smile. "Could you?" I asked gesturing to the sword. She sheathed her sword and whispered another apology. She stretched and looked up at me. She was small for a human, just shy of my height. "Dwalin was supposed to be on watch. Why are you?" I asked far more sharply than I'd intended.

She took a deep breath and glared at me. Oh, Mahal! Had I been a lesser dwarf, I probably would have be terrified. "Dwalin asked me to," her voice was full of anger. "I doubt you could protect yourself let alone the entire company with that one sword and a few magic tricks. Women are not meant to be out in the wilderness," I commented evenly. "I beg your pardon? I'll have you know that my life has been nothing but adventure and wilderness since I was a child. I am more than capable of handling myself!" She stormed away while I stood there unable to speak. No one ever spoke to me that way. I scoffed. "The stubbornness of dwarves!" I heard her grumble, "Seems that doesn't change no matter what realm you're in." Women are much too emotional. I was hesitant to have a woman in the company anyway, but I could not leave one stranded in a strange land.

I looked back and found her making leaves dance as the rest of the company stirred. "Morning, Miss Y/N," Ori greeted. Y/N looked up and noticed my gaze on her. She glared at me and then turned her attention back to Ori. The morning went on much this way. I would look to check on Y/N and she would glare at me and we'd look away. Despite my distrust, I could not help but look at her and I did not know why. I'd heard stories of dwarves finding what was known as their "One." The person they were supposed to be with forever. She couldn't be mine, could she? Dwalin and his brother Balin approached and sat next to me. "Seems like the lass has done wonders for the company's spirits," Balin said. "Hmm," was all I managed to say. "We should get moving. Right, Thorin?" I was completely focused and almost didn't hear him. "Right. Get a move on!" I called to the company. 

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