Stopping a Curse

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Your POV

As it turned out, Pan was indeed in Storybrooke. In Henry's body! Rumplestiltskin came up with a plan to swap their bodies back and rob Pan of his powers. "How do you plan to do that, Crocodile?" Even thought Rumplestiltskin no longer had gold, scaly skin my father still insisted on calling him that ridiculous nickname. "With this?" He showed us a cuff. "But, that was on Zelena."

"Apparently she got it off because it reappeared here a short while ago. Not to mention, there are two," Rumplestiltskin answered before placing the cuff on Henry's...well Pan's wrist. "If you have to fight Pan, please not the face," Henry said before he was put to sleep by a spell. "We have a problem,"  a brunette said as she entered the room. "What is it, Belle?" She shook her head. "You have to see this."

I grabbed Thorin's hand and pulled him outside. "Not again," I heard someone mutter. "What is it?" I asked. I knew it was magic but I could not name where it came from. "The curse. Pan's cast the Dark Curse again." I quirked an eyebrow at Regina. "What does that mean for us?" She shrugged. "It means that Storybrooke will become the new Neverland," I heard Pan say. We turned to face him and then we suddenly couldn't move. We could still see and hear everything, but we could do nothing to stop it.

What Pan hadn't realized was that while he was talking, Rumplestiltskin had come up behind him. Pan and Rumple began to argue and after a moment, Rumple stuck his hand up in the air. I watched as another shadow, not Pan's, came swooping in carrying a shining object. I recognized it as the Dark One dagger. Before Pan could say more, Rumplestiltskin stabbed his father through the back with the dagger. Pan transformed back into an adult man.

Thorin's POV

The two men disappeared in a purple cloud of what I assumed was magic and we were able to move again. One woman, Belle, began weeping openly as Regina stooped to pick something up. I watched as she stared at the object for a moment. "I know how to stop it," she said, "I cast the first curse so I can stop this one. We have to go back to the Enchanted Forest." I looked at my companions. They all wore looks of shock. "What about Henry?" Emma asked.

"He was born here, so he'd be left. With you. Take him across the town line. I'll give you new memories." Y/N spoke up then, "What about us? I assume that Thorin, Dwalin, Thranduil and Bard will return to Middle Earth since that's where they are from, but what about me? I was born in Middle Earth, but I was in the Enchanted Forest with my father when the curse was cast." I held her close. I would not lose her.

Regina gave her a sad smile. "I don't know. It's possible you could return to Middle Earth with your husband, but it's equally as possible for you to end up in the Enchanted Forest with the rest of us," the queen told us. I saw the pain on Y/N's face and felt tears beginning to prick my own eyes. We had been through too much since we'd met to be separated yet again. The family next to us said their goodbyes as I clung to Y/N.

After Emma and Henry pulled away in the yellow wagon, Regina tore the curse and aimed her magic at the approaching curse. I exchanged glances with Thranduil and Bard just as the curse came over us. I closed my eyes and waited. When I opened them, we had returned to Dale. I smiled until I realized that Y/N was not standing next to me.


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