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Your POV

I turned in a circle and realized that I was not with my kings and guard. I was in the Enchanted Forest. "No, no, no!" I whispered frantically. I had known there was a chance that I would find myself back here, but I held onto the hope that I would return to Middle Earth with Thorin and the others. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to find my father smiling down at me sadly. "Papa...he's gone," I whispered before throwing myself in his arms.

"It's alright, luv. We'll find a way to get you back." I pulled back and dried my tears. I walked over to join the rest of the confused citizens of the Enchanted Forest. "Hey, Red. What's the plan?" I asked. "We're going to the summer palace." I nodded. Palaces didn't intimidate me anymore. I was a queen and I was determined to act like one until I could return to my home. To Thorin. "So, how'd you meet the king? I never expected that from you." I chuckled. "Red you should know that we don't always choose who we fall in love with."

"Y/N!" Ruby called me. I turned and saw her running in my direction, a wide smile gracing her features. "What's got you so happy?" She didn't answer at first, trying to catch her breath. "See that guy over there?" I looked in the direction she indicated. "Of course." He could have been considered handsome I supposed but not my type. "He just moved to the village. His name is Peter. He's a blacksmith." I quirked an eyebrow. "Is that supposed to mean something, Red?"

"Granny would never approve," she said sadly. "So? Red, you are a grown woman. You can love who you want." She stared at me, open-mouthed. "What? It's true. I know your Granny doesn't want you to marry, but she can't control you forever." She smiled again. "Oh, really?" came Granny's voice from behind me.

"I wasn't expecting to fall in love at all, let alone with a king. But he is a good king and a wonderful husband and I know he'll be a wonderful father," I told her. "A-are you?" I nodded and was suddenly swept into a hug. When she pulled back, Red cleared her throat and motioned behind me. I saw my father preparing to mount a horse. "Papa? Where are you going?"

"To find the Jolly Roger, luv. I'm a pirate and I need my ship," he answered, not meeting my gaze. "I'll go with you. It would be easier to find a way home." He shook his head. "No, luv. It's not safe for you to come with me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was leaving me. Again! "I can't believe you! We finally find each other. We helped each other escape from Pan and finally made a connection. And now you're leaving me again!" I hated yelling at him, but I was angry. I'd just lost my husband and now my father.

I watched as he rode away. I felt a strong arm wrap around my shoulders and looked up to see Charming. "Look, I know it's not much but you can be part of our little family. At least until we find a way to return you to Middle Earth." I gave him a watery smile. At least he cared. "I'm sorry. I'm just overly emotional." Snow came over and put a hand on my elbow. "Come with us."

Thorin's POV

I paced back and forth in the throne room of Dale. Y/N was wife and my child. They were gone. "Thorin?" Dwalin spoke softly. I stopped pacing and turned to him, fighting back tears. "We will get her back. I know my queen and she's a fighter. She'll never give up until she's back here." Dwalin was a wonderful friend. Even when I was mad with the gold-sickness, he'd stayed by my side. He was there when Y/N and I married. He even made Y/N's crown for her.

"Thank you, my friend." Thranduil and Bard stayed silent through the exchange. They both looked as melancholy as I felt. "Mellon, I know that we are all saddened by your separation, but I believe your companion to be correct. She will find her way back to you. In the meantime, you must carry on. You must rule your kingdom the way she expects you to." He was right and I knew it. I bid Thranduil and Bard goodbye, then Dwalin and I returned to Erebor.

"Uncle!" Kili greeted us at the gate. He looked between the two of us and his brow furrowed. "Where's Aunt Y/N?" I frowned again and looked to Dwalin. As I heard Dwalin begin to explain the current situation, I made my way to the council chambers where I knew I'd find Balin and possibly Fili. "Thorin, lad where have you been? You should have been back from Dale days ago." I quickly relayed everything that had happened since our departure from Erebor.

"I want to go to Rivendell," I told them. "Thorin, you've only just returned. You should wait a little while," Balin said. I nodded. He did have a point. I needed to rule my people and I couldn't do that if I was gone again. "Very well. Send a message to Lord Elrond and let him know what has happened." I needed access to his library. I thought he would have something that could bring Y/N home and if he did, I would do anything for his help.

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(a/n: This story is coming to an end soon. There will only be a few more chapters. I really hope you've been enjoying it.)

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