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We walked to my studio, i open the door Taehyung's eyes were wide open and his jaw almost drop to the floor. I sat on my work  chair and continue to work on new songs, when i notice Taehyung turned on one of my old beat, i don't usually make songs i just make beats and send it to a website for them to make songs, i never had the time to check how they mixed their lyrics with my beats i wonder how it goes.
Taehyung: Why does this sound so familiar?
He mumble but enough for me to hear.
Y/n: Familiar?
Taehyung: AH!
he took his phone out and put on a song that has my beats with YOONGI'S RAP??? I was suprise but i didn't show it.
Taehyung: Wait! So you were the one who makes Yoongi hyung beats in his songs? Daebak!
Y/n: Wow, i have no idea.
I was still listening when my phone vibrate. I look at the Id and not so suprise.
Y/n: What?!
Jin: Where are you?!
Y/n: With Taehyung.
Jin: Whatever. Coming home?!
Y/n: No.
Jin: Great! Don't ever come back!
Y/n: I would if i could.
I hung up and look at Taehyung he looks pretty mad. Why? Cause i just yelled at my brother? But he wasn't looking at me he looked at my phone, He's mad at Jin??? Why?
Y/n: Hello? Mars to Taehyung?? Is he still on the phone?
Taehyung: Oh... Y/n...What is it?
Y/n: Why were you spacing out? Are you mad at something?
Taehyung: N-no nothing.
He smlie right after to cover his anger.
Y/n: It's late you should go home.
Taehyung: What about you?
Y/n: I'll stay here.
Taehyung: Oh wait, the wound... Is cure?
Y/n: When we got in, i immediately treat my wound while you were distracted by my flower and music.
Taehyung: Oh...sorry.
Y/n: It's ok i had a great time.
I did feel better but i didn't smile i just close my eyes and breath in relaxation.
Taehyung: Can i stay here tonight? Y/n: Why?
Taehyung: Ah! M-my keys um... I-i forgot them in the house so i'm locked outside.
Y/n: Ok?
Suddenly your computer pop up a bunch of profile and you immediately check them ignoring Taehyung beside confused looking at the profiles. The profile was about her family and how they died, according to your father's lawyer they were mudered by someone, you were taken back a bit when you saw the evidence about how they never found your brother's body, how they never found him dead.
Y/n: He's still alive... My brother is still... Alive.
Taehyung Looked at you with totally shock expression when your face was only blank from the news. Then you found a video, you click it.
Y/n: Oppa look! There's a seagull just like you.
Brother: Panda slow down before you fall.
Y/n: Eomma! Appa! Can i feed the seagull?
Mom: Sure honey! Here you go *give you some bread*
Y/n: Wahh it's so cute. *feeding the seagull*
Brother: Hey why don't you feed me? I'm a seagull too. Am i not cute?
Y/n: Aish! Oppa pabo!
Brother: What did you say? Come back here! Yah! Panda.
Y/n: Ahhh! Appa help me! Oppa is going to hit me!
Appa: Alright stop playing around kids, come here and eat.
Both: Nae.
After that you all were laughing and smiling.
Watch the video almost made you cry but you blink back your tears cause you don't want anyone to know that you were soft. Taehyung notice it and hug you right away. You felt warm in his embrace so you hug him back.
Taehyung: Y/n-ahh why are you doing this why can't you just let it go?
Y/n: Cause they have to pay for making me lose my family when i needed them the most.
Y/n: I wasn't gonna tell anyone but now you know so are you with me or are you against me?
Taehyung: I'm always with you Y/n-ahh i will always be with you.
Y/n: Thank You.

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