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After you both hugged each other you told him to go take a shower before going to bed, you do your homework since tomorrow is Saturday you will lock yourself in the studio all day. When you were done Taehyung's came back listening to music, he was rapping then i realize his rapping skills suck all the lyrics were wrong.
Y/n: Hey you're a vocal right?
Taehyung: Yeah
Y/n: Then why are you rapping?
Taehyung: Cause this is my favourite track. KILLER KILLER AHH!
You shook your head and turn back to the music when you remembered.
Y/n: Hey i've a song that will go great with your deep vocal voice.
Taehyung: I thought you only make beats?
Y/n: Yoongi just sent me these lyrics cause when i sent him the beat he said it won't work with rap, only with vocal but he can't sing those high and deep notes.
Taehyung: Ok i'll try hand me the lyrics.
45 minutes later...
Y/n: Are you ready? Let's get started.
Wow, his voice is beautiful is so relaxing, i layed my head back and enjoy the rest of the song.
-Skip time-
We just finish recording.
Y/n: You were great, i think you should become a singer.
Taehyung: Really?
Y/n: Yeah.
Taehyung: Thanks, now let's go eat something i'm hungry.
Y/n: Ok
After we finish eating, it was pretty late 11:34pm so me and Taehyung went to the bed and sleep.
8:07am i wake up and didn't see Taehyung there, i went to the bathroom do my morning routine and go to the kitchen. I step in and saw Taehyung cooking breakfast and humming a song happily. He turned around and notice me, he smile at me.
Taehyung: You must be hungry aren't you? Come here and eat.
Y/n: Ok
Taehyung: I give you my Master Piece Eggs and bacon.
You took a bite and it was pretty good. You kept eating like there was no tomorrow, Taehyung chuckle a little seeing you so cute while eating the eggs he made.
Taehyung: Y/n-ahh let's hang out later.
Y/n: Ok since i've nothing to do beside locking myself in the studio. Where do you wanna go?
Taehyung: Let's go to the park.
Y/n: Ok
After eating, you and Taehyung wash the dishes, you went to your room to change and head out.
Getting out of the house you locked the door, is was winter so you wore a hoodie with a beanie, you two walked to the park. When you got there you both sat down and talk about life, you told him everything about your family and he told you everything about his.
Y/n: So your father plan your whole life?
Taehyung: Yeah, since my brother was so stubborn he changed his target.
Y/n: Wow, speechless.
You both look at the direction where the voice came from.
Taehyung: Hyungs! *waving*
You saw the whole BTS, great.
Jin: Yah! Why are you here?
Y/n: Isn't it obvious? Hanging out with friend.
Jin: Ha! You have no friends.
Taehyung: Ah! Yoongi hyung, Y/n is the one who created those beats for your song.
Yoongi: WHAT?!! Are you serious?!!
Taehyung: Yes.
Y/n: Hi...
Yoongi: Oh my god finally i got to meet you now we can collaborate.
Y/n: I'd be happy to.
Hoseok: Hey guys look cherry blossoms. It's Spring!!!!!! Wahh!
Jimin: Aish! Hyung why did you scream in my ear?!
Hoseok: Sorry Chimchim ahh
Jungkook: Hey guys...
Namjoon: Yes Kook?
Jungkook: Where is Y/n?
Spotted you under the cherry blossom tree.
Jimin: There she is.
Namjoon: Wait! Is she...?
Hoseok: She is...
Taehyung: she's...
Jin: Smiling... She's smiling *crying*
Jungkook: Hyung why are you crying?
Jin: She's back, my Y/n's back.
Yoongi: What do you mean we thought you hate her?
Jin: I never hate her... She's back *sobbing* My sister, my best friend. Everything in front of your eyes is Y/n. The real Y/n.

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