Digital Friends

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Fawn's POV
I hid. I hid and I hope nobody finds me. They can't find me, I'll be dead. I could tell the police but they're the best liars.

I sit on the top bunk of my best friend's bed. The laptop that I got from them for my birthday illuminates the room.

One click and I'm playing Undertale. I'm avoiding Undyne in Waterfall with Papyrus' help. Papyrus seems a lot like my friend.

I sigh. This is my 10th time playing Undertale. The characters feel so real and they feel like my friends, like the family I want.

A bit of playing later and the longing to sleep overwhelms me. I turn off the laptop and slip it into the pack hanging on the bed. Laying down, I close my eyes. Only to open them again.

A few shadows enter my room. At this sight I know my mind is playing tricks on me or it's a dream. The shadows look like Undyne, Alphys, Sans, and Papyrus. I blink several times but they don't go away. Same thing happens when I pinch myself.

"No way is this real." I think. Suddenly the shadows have mass and color and 4 of my favorite Undetale characters are standing in front of me.

All I can do is smile and wave. Papyrus does a goofy smile and waves back.

"HELLO HUMAN!" Papyrus greets loudly.

"Shh Pap." Undyne hushes. "Do you wanna get caught?" Papyrus shakes his head in response.

"I know you wanna come." Sans says, smiling. "I can see right through that bone-tired look of yours, the one that's mixed with shock and awe."

I nod and hop off the bunk, slinging my pack over my shoulder.

"What kind of computer is this?" Alphys asks, looking in my pack.

"Apple." I reply back. She looks confused.

"You ready kid?" Undyne asks me. It doesn't take me but a split second to make my decision.

I nod.

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