Ch. 11

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Ch. 11

It only took the god of messengers a few minutes to find a particular son of Hades. But had he known what he was bringing the kid into, he likely would have taken some extra time to at least warn Nico what to expect.

As the light faded, Nico looked around the throne room with confusion evident on his face. He was about to ask what this was about when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a blur that he instinctively ducked.

Percy had a small dagger in his hand and had narrowly missed cutting his throat. He had no time to question the attack as Percy lunged at him. Nico barely had time to raise his hand and push Percy’s arm off course as he came around for a second attack.

“What are you doing?” Nico yelled, half angry and half confused.

“You’re fucking dead!” Percy snarled in response.

Nico took a quick glance and found the gods looking just as confused as him. They seemed grounded in their thrones, the shock of what was happening freezing them momentarily.

Nico stumbled back and a crack opened up in the throne room floor. He hadn’t even meant to but a half dozen undead zombies somehow managed to crawl from the crevice, standing between him and Percy.

Percy didn’t hesitate. He tried to push through them but the undead reached to grab hold of him. As the first tried for him, he grabbed its arm, pulling hard and kicking its legs out from under it. Another lunged at him with a blade but Percy’s wrist came up and hit the undead’s, stopping the strike. Percy jabbed his free hand into the soldier’s throat before wrapping his arm around its head.

He spun hard, kicking a third in the ribs and snapping the zombie’s head clear off it body before tossing it into another one’s face causing it to momentarily stop. Percy’s dagger was back in his hand within a second as he drove it straight up into the soldier’s lower jaw and into its skull.

The last soldier grabbed Percy from behind and tried to pull him back. He felt this and pushed himself backwards, overwhelming the undead and causing it to stumble and fall, Percy landing on top and rolling backwards and onto his feet. He reached into his back and pulled out what looked like a small stick. He whipped it to his side and it elongated into what turned out to be a pretty wicked looking nightstick. Before the undead could fully recover its balance, he struck.

A quick blow to the side of the leg, dropped it down to a knee before Percy cracked it so hard upside the head that half its zombie like cranium exploded into dust before the rest its body followed suit.

The lone two surviving undead stood a few feet apart between Percy and Nico. Nico still looked utterly shocked while Percy just looked absolutely murderous. Before any words could be spoken, the two undead mercenaries lunged at him. One now held a sword while the other what appeared to be a bayonet. (Which seemed to fit with his ragged looking Redcoat uniform.) Percy jumped back to avoid being run through by the bayonet and then ducked, using his long nightstick to knock the legs out from under the one with the sword. Before he had even hit the ground, Percy’s foot was already in motion, stomping its head into the marble to reducing the soldier to ashes. He swatted the bayonet around and jabbed the soldier in the stomach, causing it to hunch over.

Percy grabbed hold of its head and pulled it closer, trapping its head between his arm and his side. He twisted his body and the undead’s neck snapped with a sickening crunch.

Percy let his body drop unceremoniously to the ground and turned to Nico, looking unfazed by the fact he had just run through the six undead as if they were mere nothing more than training dummies.

“You want to kill me? Fine!” He growled looking murderous. “But you come after my family, it’ll be the last mistake you ever make!”

Nico held his hands up defensively but couldn’t respond before an explosion between the two demigods sent them flying in opposite directions.

“Enough!” Zeus roared standing from his throne. He had watched the scene in shock and slight awe but finally recovered his wits to put an end to it before Nico got killed.

Percy landed half way across the room, his clothes partially scorched from the lightning bolt that had landed only feet from where he was standing. He climbed to his feet still looking furious.

“You wanted me to take care of the threat! Now you’re stopping me. Let me finish this!”

The gods all looked a little confused until Athena spoke.

“You think the son of Hades is the one attacking the campers?” Her voice held a hint of disbelief in it and it only seemed to make Percy angrier.

“He’s got power over shadows, never fit in at camp and is the only person that would talk about our relationship as if it were a love affair. I’m not gay, you being so isn’t my god damn problem!”

The look that appeared on Nico’s face immediately made Percy regret his words. On the top of Half-Blood Hill, he had been so sure that Nico was the figure. Everything seemed to fit, the powers, the talk about a weird relationship and how he never fit in with the rest of the campers. But as he saw Nico’s face turn red from embarrassment and then furious with anger, he started to question his conclusion.

Nico pulled out his Stygian Iron sword and pointed it at Percy.

“You have made an enemy today, Percy Jackson.” His voice was low and dangerous. “Even if I had a problem with you, I would never go after children to settle it. Whatever friendship we once had, you can forget it existed. Keep your distance from me or you’ll quickly learn not to doubt me again.”

Nico slashed the air in front of him and it seemed to ripple before he stepped towards it and was engulfed by a shadow.

Riptide dropped down to Percy’s side, the anger that had been fueling him before was gone and he almost stumbled as the exhaustion of both his battle with the undead and the battle at Camp Half Blood finally set in.

Frank awkwardly put a hand on his shoulder.

“I thought it was Nico too man.”

Percy just exhaled slowly as he realized the entire council was just watching him.

“What do you want from me?” His voice was dejected and he sounded like he just wanted to be told what to do.

“Son,” Poseidon said gently and pointed to his arm which was still bleeding from the arrow wound. He looked down and noticed a small puddle forming on the floor. In all the commotion of battle, first at camp and then with Nico, he never had a chance to put a bandage on.

“Dude,” Frank said with a hint of worry in his voice. Percy followed his eyes and saw that he had actually bled all over the floor of the throne room. Suddenly his weariness made a little more sense and his legs wobbled a bit before losing his balance only to have Frank catch him.

“Shit, someone help him.” Frank said holding his rather large friend up.

In a flash, Apollo was out of his throne and down to his human height. He snapped his fingers and a chair appeared right under Percy’s legs.

“God of Medicine,” he grinned. “At your service, little Cuz.”

Apollo pulled up Percy’s sleeve and whistled.

“Damn, losing a step Perce? This one cut deep.”

Frank coughed awkwardly, “Uh,” he looked at his feet. “That was actually me.” Apollo raised an eyebrow and Frank’s hands went up defensively. “I was aiming for a monster. He stepped right into it.”

Apollo muttered a hymn under his breath and his hands began to glow as he shook his head.

“Frank Zhang, you’re better than that. I’ll have to stop down while you’re at camp and work on your archery for a bit.”

Frank rolled his eyes but didn’t argue with him. He was more concerned about Percy but the color was already starting to return to his face as Apollo began to wrap a bandage around the wound. With a snap of his fingers, the bandage tied itself up and Apollo rubbed his hands together grinning at his handiwork.

“A little ambrosia and you’ll be good as new.”

Percy flexed his arm and nodded, “Thanks Apollo.”

Apollo’s grin grew, “It’s in my job description bro.”

Zeus cleared his throat and Apollo rolled his eyes in annoyance before flashing back to his throne.

“Now that we’re done with this nonsense,” Zeus drew a few irritated looks from Poseidon and a couple other gods, “we can finally get down to business.”

“Father,” Athena spoke up and waved her hand in front of her as an image of the Caldecott Tunnel appeared in the middle of the throne room. The image zoomed forward and showed the Field of Mars where the legion was assembled in battle formations. The image spun around and showed a large army of monsters assembled on the other side marching towards the Romans in their own battle lines.

A few curses were heard muttered as the Olympians noticed a figure atop a dark steed.

The masked figure rode atop a horse that appeared to be made of shadows, a shadowy comet tail trailing behind every step it took.

“What the f….” Percy stopped speaking and the look of disbelief melted off his face. It was replaced by a stoic look though his eyes had darkened to a eep forest green showing his true emotions.

“Another attack? Who is this guy?” Hermes asked in disbelief. Most of the gods seemed to mirror his feelings on the matter.

Zeus stared at the image for a minute before his gaze turned to Percy, the question not even needed to be spoken.

Percy flexed his arm and seemed satisfied with how it felt before he looked at Ares expectantly.

“Wait,” Poseidon looked at his son apprehensively. “You just fought a battle and you’re wounded. I’m not going to let you put your life at risk. The Romans can take care of themselves, they aren’t even badly outnumbered.”

Most of the eyes of the room were on Percy but he just looked at Ares, waiting for the god to react.

“I need armor and a shield, Patron.” Percy insisted. Ares ignored the looks of disbelief from the gods and the wide eyes of Poseidon before he snapped his fingers.

In an instant, Percy was draped in black and red armor. He wore grieves on his legs, vambraces on his arms and a chest and back plate to cover his midsection. Riptide was sheathed at his waist and both a spear and shield were strapped to his back. Pinned between his arm and side was a Greek style helmet complete with a blood red horsehair plume. He looked at his body and a small satisfied smile crept onto his face.

“Dad, I’m fine. This is what I do. I’m a soldier and Rome was once my home as well. If it needs help, it is my duty to answer her call.”

“Dude,” Apollo grinned. “You look so badass.”

Percy picked his head up and mischievous smile played on his lips but he kept silent.

“Percy,” his father urged but was cut off by Zeus.

“The attack has begun. We need to send you there now.”

Percy looked at Frank who had been silent since the image of Camp Jupiter appeared.

“Bro, I can handle this. Go back to Clarisse, let her know what’s going on.”

Frank looked like he was going to agree for about a second before his eyes narrowed.

“No. Camp Jupiter was once my home as well. If the legion needs help, then we’re going together.”

Percy opened his mouth to argue but caught himself, deciding he much preferred to have Frank at his side than go alone.

“Alright, then I think it’s time to get down to business and do what it is we do best.”

Frank’s lips quirked into an uncharacteristically evil grin.

Percy grinned, “Someone get us to Rome.”

The gods all stared at them a little confused but none outside of Poseidon wanted to say anything that might change their minds. Athena snapped her fingers and they disappeared into a golden light.

The duo reappeared behind the enemy lines which were already pushing back the more disciplined but smaller Roman forces. Percy looked at Frank and raised an eyebrow.

“What do you want to do?” Frank asked.

Percy just smiled and put the helmet on his head, his face seeming to vanish inside, only his mouth and sea green eyes visible.

“What do I want to do? I want to unleash some hate, bro.”

Rather than respond, Frank’s body began to glow until he was in the form of one of the giant eagles that were already in the skies above them. He moved around experimentally for a moment before dipping down on one side allowing Percy to climb aboard.

Frank shot into the sky. In the heat of the battle, their presence was unnoticed by the monsters while the few Romans that noticed them didn’t think anything of one of the giant eagles.

Just as they were reaching the Roman lines, Percy pulled Riptide from its sheath. He climbed to his feet on Frank’s back as Frank dove downward until they were only about ten feet above the fighting, “Good luck buddy.” He said before Frank bucked and sent Percy flying off his back.

Percy caught himself and tucked his legs in, flipping once before he hit the ground, Riptide touching down first and sliding into the earth like a knife through butter.

As soon as the hilt touched the ground, a crack broke into the earth and the battlefield rumbled sending monsters and Romans alike stumbling back, leaving him alone in between the two armies.

The minor earthquake had managed to silence a previously chaotic battlefield. Both armies recovered their balance and stared at this new mysterious figure that had broken up their fighting. Percy slowly rose to his feet, sheathing Riptide at his waist and raising his hands to his helmet. He turned to the Roman troops and plucked the helmet off his head as a roar rose up from the legion ranks.

Percy, for his part, just gave them a relaxed smile, “Sup guys?”

Before any of the Romans could form an intelligent response to his casual question, the monsters had recovered their wits. They laid eyes on the son of Poseidon looking at him hungrily but also warily.

They had apparently learned from the past few hundred or so that had tasted Riptide firsthand.

“Attacking Rome head on?” Percy asked looked at the monsters with an eyebrow arched. “That will prove to be a poor choice.”

With that, Percy decided he had done enough talking. A Cyclops lunged at him, trying to grab him with its meaty paws only for Percy to gracefully step aside, sending the clumsy monster straight into the waiting Roman lines. Before a second made it five feet from Percy, an arrow sprouted from its neck and dissolved into dust

The Roman lines pulled out their pilums.

Percy slipped back amongst the Romans having no wish to get between the legion and their enemies as a wave of imperial gold weapons flew into the front line of monsters, sending dozens on a the expressway to Tartarus.

Before they monsters could step closer, Percy broke free from the Roman lines and threw himself straight into a wild centaur, sending it crashing into a few of its brethren. He pulled the shield off his back and unsheathed Riptide. He sidestepped an Empousa as it dove at him, smashing it across the face with his shield before sending a Telekhine flying with a kick to the chest. He whirled around cutting the legs of a Cyclops out from under it before slamming his shield into the back of the head of the dazed Empousa.

The Romans surged forward as Reyna, flying above on Guito, ordered the charge before the monsters could reform their lines which was proving difficult with the erratic and slightly insane Greek demigod causing chaos in the middle of the forces.

The weariness Percy had felt in the throne room was gone. Adrenaline coursed through his body as he slashed from monster to monster, carving a path deeper into the enemy lines, his sword and shield working in perfect synchronization deflecting blows and dealing out death to any foolish enough to get close to him.

Arrows whizzed by Percy’s head on both sides, narrowly missing him and catching monster after monster straight between the eyes before they knew what hit them.

Percy’s lips formed a sadistic looking grin as he realized Frank was in a groove, his misfire at Camp Half Blood already forgotten as he helped Percy formed a path straight into the middle of the monster army.

Reyna who was flying overhead paused in her commands to the legion as she watched Percy. He seemed to have a death wish, fighting his way straight into the middle of the monsters with no path for retreat and no real chance for backup.

The more she watched, the more she was mesmerized by both his bravery and recklessness. She hadn’t seen him in years, not since the Romans left Camp Half Blood. She found out he left shortly after her, taking her fellow praetor with him as they literally vanished from the godly world.

Now, watching him, she wondered where exactly he had been. He was fearless and his skills seemed to have somehow gotten better. He was completely encircled by enemies but none seemed willing to challenge him head on, opting for try and flank him only to run into his shield or blade, covering all angles.

Percy’s mind was blank. His vision was red. His sword and shield were extensions of his body. He drove Riptide into the chest of a Dracaena, left it there and spun around to smash his shield into the face of a lunging Hellhound. The oversized pooch crumpled to the ground and melted into shadows.

A Telekhine swiped at his legs but found only a hard fist being driven into his snout. Percy surged past the monster, using his shield as a weapon and slamming it into a wild centaurs face. The stunned monster was sent flying backwards with a Spartan like kick to the midsection.

Percy was breathing heavily as he turned only to find the monsters had given him a wide berth for the moment, yet they were already inching closer with his sword laying on the ground a few feet away from him.

With the slight reprieve, he was finally able to get his bearings. He could hear the Romans fighting several yards back, too far to get to him in time. He was vaguely aware of Reyna flying overhead on her Pegasus, looking for a way to help him but not finding one that wouldn’t be suicide.

Unknown to her though, Percy wanted it that way. He didn’t want help. He was exactly where he wanted to be; surrounded by enemies with a slim chance of survival and a certainty of glory. Perhaps this would be the day when he found what he had been seeking since the day he left Camp Half Blood.

A glorious death.

He would never try to get himself killed but dying protecting his friends was something he was very okay with.

A chance to end his pain and finally get a chance to find his love in the eternity of afterlife.

Of course, he would never hand his death over to these monsters. No, if they were going to take him, they would have to earn it and at a heavy price.

No monsters had made to attack yet but that was likely because of the insane smile plastered on his face as he stood crouched with his newly brandished spear over his shield in a hoplite stance, waiting for the first one to find their courage.

Without a word, the lines of monsters parted in front of him, forming a path to a steed made out of shadows. The rider on top was in all black. His hood hid his face but Percy’s blood already began to boil when he saw him.

He took a step towards the figure when the monsters charged.

Percy cracked a Dracaena across the face with his shield, spun around and drove his spear into the gut of a Cyclopes before he let out a roar of pain.

He felt the Hellhound’s claws dig into his skin before the bucked and threw the monster to the ground in front of him and stabbed it through the skull with his spear.

He could feel the wet warmth of his blood pouring from the wounds on his back but had no time to think about it as he spun out of the way of a Cyclops club only to be hammered in the back by a charging wild centaur.

He fell face first into the ground and spun onto his back and raised his shield as a spear was driven at his chest. He kicked the monster back and turned his head, narrowing missing the Cyclops’ club. Before he could recover again, he was pinned to the ground by the one eyed giant’s monstrous foot.

He tried to struggle to no avail as the monster brought its weapon up to finishing him.

Just as it started its downward swing, a blur of black sent the monster flying backwards. With a monstrous roar, Frank, in the form of a huge gorilla started sending monsters flying in every direction with his monstrous arms. He stood over Percy’s legs and fended off any would be attackers.

With a thud, Percy watched Reyna land in front of him, guarding Franks’s back as she cut down monster after monster that tried to get to Percy.

Despite the situation and the ridiculousness of the thought, the only thing that popped into his mind was; damn, she looks good.

Shaking off his shock and that ridiculous thought, he climbed to his feet. All he could feel was the searing pain in his back where the Hellhound claws had ripped him open. But he pushed the pain into the back of his mind and found Riptide lying a few feet away from him.

He picked it up and could hear the Romans closing in. They were pushing the monsters back, giant eagles swooping down and picking up random monsters before dropping them on top of their allies.

“Reyna, cover us.” He barked and turned to Frank. “Give me a boost big guy!”

Without waiting for any sign of recognition from the giant primate, he ran at Frank who turned at the last second, grabbing Percy by the chest plate and hurling him over the heads of the monsters.

Percy flew a good fifteen feet before he cashed into the chest of a Cyclops, using it to cushion his fall before he slid Riptide across the monster’s throat. He looked up and found the figure still sitting on horseback, his head looking in his direction but not making a move to get in any kind of position for battle.

Not willing to miss his chance, Percy charged straight at him. At the last second, he launched himself at the rider, looking more like a deranged linebacker than a demigod in battle. His mind was blank again as he prepared for his vengeance against whoever or whatever this was.

He was so focused that he failed to notice the figure made no attempt to defend himself, rolling around on the ground, trying to squirm away as if he were injured. Percy brought Riptide down, narrowly missing his head and impaling the figure through the shoulder, nearing severing his arm from his body.

“Now you die.” Percy’s eyes almost looked glazed over. His lust for blood consuming all other thoughts as he twisted the blade before wrenching it free.

He raised Riptide prepared to decapitate his enemy only to have his weapon wrenched from his grasp at the last second. Without a second thought, he spun around and delivered a heavy handed punch right into the face of Reyna, sending her stumbling to the ground in a dazed heap.

Before he could even react, he was tackled to the ground by what felt like a furry freight train. Frank transformed back into his human form and crawled up to the bleeding figure.

“Frank! Kill him!” Percy growled, a little woozy from being dropped by gorilla Frank.

Frank pinned the figure down with his foot and reached down, pulling back the hood and stumbling back a step with wide eyes.

“What are you doing?” Percy screamed.

Frank turned aside when Percy got back to his feet, giving his friend a look at the face of his supposed enemy.

Piper McLean lay barely moving. Duct tape around her mouth and a bruised and bloodied face as she drew ragged breathes through her nose as she lay in a pile of her own ichor.

Percy dropped his sword as the world around him began to spin and darken. The last thing he saw were the tear streaked eyes of his one-time friend Piper McLean before he lost himself to the darkness.

A.N: I would like if we could all have a moment of silence for a friend of mine, @FourTrisTheFortress... We lost a great writer and a great person. Her replacement will never live up to her legend.

Thank you.

And @AvataringKataang..... Game on, you're the new Ella.

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