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Ch. 12

Percy Jackson felt like he had been sleeping for days.

His mattress felt pretty phenomenal; like his own little slice of Elysium. His pillow was simply divine and if he had his way, he would have stayed in that exact position for at least another day or two.

But the sounds of someone walking around his bed immediately put him on alert. His left eye peaked open and found Frank, pacing back and forth with a worried expression plastered on his still chubby face.

"Dude?" Percy asked weakly, surprised at how dry and coarse his throat felt.

Frank spun around, "Perce! Dude, I thought you were gonna die!"

He scrunched his eyebrows at his friend, "What?"

"Bro, you've been out for like eighteen hours!"

Percy sat up abruptly and immediately regretted it as he felt the wounds in his back open up. He let out a pained grunt and reached for the pitcher of water bed side table. Frank grabbed it for him and handed it over.

Percy didn't hesitate, taking a big gulp and then pouring the rest over his shoulder, soaking his back and wounds. Immediately he felt the water go to work, dulling his pain and slowly starting to work on his injuries. After a full minute his wounds already felt better, certainly not healed but getting there.

As he felt the relief of his pain being lessened, he remembered the events that led him to where he was.

"Piper! Oh shit," he rolled himself out of bed and found his legs uncharacteristically unsteady.

"She's alive," Frank steadied him. "She was taken to Olympus. Jason showed up a little while after you blacked out."

Percy looked at Frank and noticed the black eye blooming under his left eye.

"What happened?"

Frank sighed a little tiredly, "Well, first he tried to kill you and was ready to kill me to get to you until Reyna stepped in." His expression turned amused, "For a mortal, damn she can put the fear of God into just about anyone. Jason took Piper to Olympus to find Apollo."

Percy let out a deep breath that Piper was okay.

"Wait, what was she even doing there?"

Frank's face darkened, "She was captured. It was a trap. He wanted you to kill her thinking it was him. It almost worked if not for Reyna pointing out how wrong your fight looked. Her hand were bounds under the cloak and it looked like she took a beating before being set up to die."

Percy sat back down on the bed and put his face in his hands.

"I lost it. I would have killed her without a second's hesitation. I'm losing it Frank, how did I not notice what was going on?"

Frank awkwardly put his hand on his friend's shoulder, "Dude, you're not perfect. It was set up for you to fail. It's not your fault, just be happy it didn't work."

"Thanks to you... And Reyna." Percy picked up his head as a genuine look of fear took over his face. "Oh shit."

Frank laughed, "Yeah, you dropped Reyna. It was a great punch but good luck with that."

Percy picked himself up, "I need to find her... This is gonna be awkward."

"You want me to go with you?" Frank offered looking hopeful to witness this awkward and possibly dangerous conversation. Percy shook his head, "Go visit your siblings. And message Clarisse. Tell her we'll be back to Camp Half Blood as soon as we can."

Frank looked a little disappointed he might miss Percy getting his ass kicked but nodded nonetheless.


Percy searched through New Rome for a good forty minutes trying to find Reyna. As he approached the Garden of Bacchus, he saw the familiar glint of her two metal dogs and slowed his approach to a careful walk.

Apparently his intention worked as he was not appearing as a threat when neither dog paid him any mind until he cleared his throat behind the Praetor.

"Hello Percy," she said in a surprisingly relaxed tone.

"Reyna," he started but stopped when she held up her hand. She waved her hand and her two dogs took off towards the city of New Rome.

She gestured to the seat beside her on the bench and Percy, after a moment's hesitation, sat down beside his onetime fellow praetor.

They sat in silence for a moment and he realized she was the most at ease he had ever seen her as she relaxed in the garden. It seemed like all the weight she usually carried was off her shoulders and she was just a normal girl, well, woman now.

"Thank you for stopping me. I'm not sure what came over me..."

She seemed to think about his words for a moment before responding.

"You seem very different than the last time we met. You... You're more, Roman." Percy arched an eyebrow but she continued before he could say anything. "And dumber."

"Ouch," Percy said not expecting that.

"What you did out there," she turned and looked at him with a very serious expression. "You were asking to die. Brave and courageous? Yes, but not for the right reasons."

Percy stayed silent knowing she was pretty spot on with that summary of his actions. She looked at him waiting for a response but the one she got was not what she was expecting.

"I'm sorry I punched you."

Reyna put a hand to her jaw where her skin had been split and was now sporting a bruise the size of an orange.

She shrugged, "I've been hit harder."                           

"Ouch again," he smiled a little. "And there goes my pride."

Reyna rolled her eyes but the corners of her lips twitched a little as she held back her own amusement.

Percy raised his hand and water from one of the gardens fountains shot out, stopping in front of his hand and staying suspended there, waiting for its master to command it.

Slowly and with slight trepidation, he brought his hand to her face with just a faint brush of his fingertips, touched the bruise he had caused. The water followed his touch, gently pooling around it and working its magic. After a few seconds, the bruise had faded and the small cut was gone, no scar or lasting effect in its place.

Reyna touched her face experimentally before the blood began to rise to her cheeks despite her brain's protests.

Percy made slight shooing motion and the water returned to the fountain.

They fell into another silence, this one a little more awkward after the intimate contact.

"Are you truly looking for death? There are easier ways to achieve it if that's your goal."

Percy smiled but it was faux and without humor.

"I am not looking for death," he lied. "I let my emotions get the better of me and forced you and Frank to save me. Thank you, that was very brave of you to come to defense."

Reyna looked unconvinced but seemed to decide not to question him about it further.

"Thank you for coming the legion's aide. We were caught off guard by the attack."

"Camp Half Blood was just attacked as well. After the battle, I was on Olympus when the gods saw the attack." He followed her gaze out to the garden and could see why she was here. Despite his lack of love for the wine god, the garden was quite beautiful and serene.

"Still," Reyna continued. "You didn't have to come and you did. For that, we are grateful."

Percy's smile came a little more genuine, "The legion took me in when I didn't even remember who or what I was. I owe her my allegiance for that."

"You look different," Reyna said bluntly. "Where have you been?"

Percy ran a hand through his short dark hair, "Iraq and Afghanistan mostly." Reyna's eyes widened and she shot him a quizzical look.

Perseus mentally sighed. He hated this part of being back in his old life. Everyone wanted to know where he'd been and why he left which meant he would have to explain it. That almost always sparked memories he worked very hard to keep buried deep in his mind.

"Frank, Clarisse and I couldn't stand sitting around camp, pretending nothing happened with constant reminders of what we lost. Mars offered us an alternative that helped keep us busy. We joined the Canadian Special Forces in honor of Frank's mom and have been overseas for about the past year."

"You're a mortal soldier?" Reyna seemed surprised by this.

Percy just shrugged, "It's not much different than being a demigod soldier. Monsters are monsters whether they're mortal or mythical."

Silence enveloped the two former co-praetors as Reyna took in this information and tried to imagine Percy Jackson wielding an assault rifle instead of a sword.

"And now you're back?"

Percy shook his head, "Back would mean I plan on staying. But for the moment, I don't have a choice."

She raised an eyebrow and Percy looked around making sure there weren't any unwelcome ears listening to their conversation.

"Turns out Poseidon got busy right after the Titan War. I've got some twin siblings that I need to make sure are safe. They're young and just found out they are demigods."

Reyna didn't seem overly surprised by this. They were talking about the gods after all and they never seemed to be able to keep in their pants for more than a few years at a time, (and those were the ones with a semblance of self-control.)

"You brought them to Camp Half Blood?" Her voice held a hint of disapproval in it. Although the relationship between the Greeks and Romans was a million times better than it once was, (in no small part thanks to Reyna herself), it was clear both camps thought they were the superior haven for half-bloods.

Percy didn't respond to her question. Instead, he thought about her words and replayed the events of the day in his head. It had been his dream to come to Camp Jupiter after the war with Gaea, with Annabeth, of course. After her death, he tried not think about the plans that he never got to live out. But to Reyna's credit, she had a point with her doubtful tone. Camp Jupiter was by far the safer and more secure location for young half-bloods. Greek or not, his siblings would be welcomed with open arms in New Rome. Percy's name carried a lot of weight in the camp and his family would be protected as if he were one of their own.

"Your numbers are low." He commented finally looking at Reyna to see her reaction.

To his surprise, her face seemed to fall a little. "I know. After the Giant War, more and more demigods want to leave the safety of New Rome and live a normal life." Percy nodded, knowing the feeling all too well. "But the monsters still hunt half-bloods," she continued. "Some make it of course but others, especially those with stronger scents, are still hunted and challenged in the mortal world. And the attack today," she stopped and looked at Percy with an almost fearful expression. "We haven't seen monsters organized so well since the end of the war."

Percy cautiously put his hand on her shoulder. He was happy to see she didn't shake it off. "It's not a random attack. Somebody or some thing is organizing it. Camp Half Blood was hit at almost the same time."

"Another enemy? But who?"

He shook his head, "I don't know, something powerful. This is why the gods plucked us out of the Middle East. Whoever it is knows me. He went after my siblings and I tried to kill him but it was like he was just toying with me. He knows me but I have no idea who or what it is. When I went after Piper..."

"You thought it was him." She answered. "It was a trick. She was put there to die at your hand. The entire attack on Camp Jupiter was a set up for you."

He ran a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry. The attack was my fault..." She shoved him stopping his words.

"Don't apologize. An enemy of yours is an enemy of the legion. Whether you want it or not, you have the loyalty of every demigod in this camp, even the ones who don't know you. You have earned their allegiance, do not apologize for doing what you would do for any of them."

Before Percy could respond, a familiar voice from behind them broke up their conversation.


Percy turned and found Clarisse's face looking at him with an eyebrow raised from a misty image.

"What?" He asked as he started to panic of another attack on Camp Half Blood.

"Dionysus found me. They want you back on Olympus. I guess Jason is throwing a hissy fit about what happened to his girlfriend."

Percy rolled his eyes. The last thing on his mind was what Jason had up his skirt at the moment. He felt terrible about Piper but he had no intention of dealing with the Lord of Drama 2.0 right now.

"Good for him. I promise I'll file that request on the top of my list of things I give two shits about. Tell Mr. D to go have a drink because I'm not going to Olympus to deal with Jason's bitch fit." Thunder boomed overhead but Percy just rolled his eyes to himself.

Clarisse chuckled quietly at the thought of Percy telling the council that.

"Wait Clarisse," Percy turned to Reyna. "You were right. My siblings aren't safe at Camp Half Blood. Their numbers are even lower than the legions."

Reyna knew what he was asking and nodded, "I'll have to get approval from the Senate but we can call a meeting to get their vote."

Percy gave her a grateful smile and turned back to Clarisse, "Pack your shit and the twins'. We're bringing them to Rome."

Clarisse looked questionably at him for a moment but he just stared back at her until she put up her hands.

"Alright Captain." Clarisse said sardonically. She clearly wasn't thrilled but wasn't about to question his judgment. She swiped through the message leaving Percy alone with Reyna once again.

"And you?" Reyna asked curiously.

Percy raised his hand and the water in the fountain rose again. He made a swirling motion with his hands and the water began to spiral around the little naked cupid looking dude on top of the fountain.

Percy looked at little more closely and almost gagged. The little cupid dude wasn't cupid at all.

It was Dionysus. Or, well Bacchus. But the thought made Percy shiver involuntarily and the water to fell back into the fountain.

"Percy?" Reyna asked and he realized he had gotten distracted in his life altering realization he was looking a naked Dionysus.

"Uh, what?"

She rolled her eyes, "What about you? Will you be staying here or should I ask the Senate for the children to be put in the care of the legion?"

"For a while. I'm...," he paused for a second and turned to look at her. "Honestly Reyna, I don't know. A week ago, I thought I was done with this stuff. Now it turns out I have siblings and some kind of powerful pervert stalking me in the creepiest way possible," she raised an eyebrow, "he's hunting the people I love."

A look of sympathy flashed in her eyes as she saw how completely unsure he was about just about everything. She could sympathize with him. She had thought about leaving the legion herself and finding her own way through the world, perhaps even find the happiness Venus had assured her would never be found in another demigod.

"Very well," she nodded. "I will call for a meeting of the Senate. It will likely be tomorrow morning given the battle yesterday and how late it already is. I would prefer to have you there, I find it unlikely any would dare vote against it in your presence."

"Thank you," he said gratefully. "I will find a way to make this up to you."

Reyna waved him off, "No, you saved this camp once before and then returned again to turn the battle in our favor. You are in no debt to Rome."

She turned to walk away but he touched her arm with his hand.

"I wasn't talking about making it up to the legion." He said honestly. "I meant I will make it up to you."

"That's not necess..." she began but Percy cut her off again.

"Let me buy you dinner tonight, in the city. I have missed the food of New Rome for far too long."

She turned to face him and immediately started to regret it. Her cheeks burned and she knew he could see it.

"You mean dinner, like a date?" Her voice had a hint of doubt in it that she hadn't meant to be there.

Percy shrugged, "If you would prefer we go as former co-workers that's fine too. I owe you much and I did punch you in the face. I think the least I could do is take you out for a nice dinner."

Reyna tried to keep the blush off her face. She mentally cursed herself out for this sign on weakness. She was not a girl who blushed, especially when it was simply an old friend offering to repay her for a favor.

"Uh..." she caught herself, "I mean, I don't see why not." She couldn't believe she had just said that. She was sure her brain had told her mouth to tell him it wasn't necessary or find another polite way to refuse his offer.

Apparently her mind and mouth were not on the same page.

She wanted nothing more than to walk away from this now incredibly embarrassing conversation.

But Percy just smiled, "Awesome. It's a date." He caught himself and smirked slighty, "or it's not. Whatever. Either way, tonight, around seven.  I'm gonna go buy myself something snazzy to wear. I'll stop by your house around quarter of."

With that, he turned and headed towards the city of New Rome. About fifteen feet away, he turned and found Reyna just staring at him, a little unsure of what had just happened. He grinned, took a few quick steps and jumped, clicking his heals in the air, successfully breaking Reyna's daze as she let a small laugh escape her lips before pursing them tightly.

Once he was out of sight, he stepped between two of the building and straightened up quickly, wincing as he felt the warm flow of his blood pouring out of his freshly opened wounds. He cursed himself for being such an idiot. Though funny, he quickly surmised the small laugh was not worth the immense amount of pain he was in.

"Alright, first to the infirmary. Then some new clothes." He muttered to himself, slowly making his way towards the barracks, careful to keep his back as still as possible as he ruined yet another perfectly good shirt.

A.N: All potential Preyna is brought to you by @FourTrisTheFortress

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