Ch. 13

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Ch. 13

Reyna stood in the living room of her home on the Via Principalis. Her stomach seemed to be trying to perform some kind of contortionist routine, twisting itself into knots as she watched the minutes tick by agonizingly slow.

She checked the clock again; six forty.

She cursed herself for agreeing to this, even if she had totally not meant to. She could have used a million different excuses to get out of it but when the moment had come, she drew a blank.

I don't see why not? Really? That was the best her mind could make up on the fly? Her disappointment with her own brain was astounding.

I don't see why not... That wasn't even a good answer for agreeing to the date.

If she were completely honest with herself, she couldn't deny that she was at least intrigued by the fact he had asked her out. This was Percy Jackson after all. There had been a time when she would have jumped at the idea of it. But that was before she had met his girlfriend and understood why exactly he had so quickly shot down her insinuations of romance between them.

Annabeth had been the perfect counterpart for the son of Poseidon; the brains to his brawn. Intelligent and brave but also caring and kind; she couldn't blame Percy for not even letting the thought of another girl cross his mind.

But then again, from what she had witnessed and seen since he dropped into the middle of the battle, this was not the Percy Jackson who had shown with a pair of Gorgons on his trail years earlier.

This Percy Jackson wasn't a kid.

He was a grown man now; a soldier who seemed to have an unquenchable thirst for battle. She understood that but it was something the old Percy Jackson was nothing like. That Percy would only fight if it were a last resort.

She wasn't quite sure what this meant. Percy was different but different is not always a bad thing. And after losing Annabeth, she had expected him to want nothing to do with war. It had turned out he had made it his life. Whether or not that was for the best was not yet known.

But she couldn't deny she was at least a little interested in finding out. Even if that led her to her current situation, standing in front of mirror in her living room, wondering if she was about to look like an idiot.

He had said to dress nice but the more she thought about it, the more she wondered if he had been joking. This was Percy Jackson, he would probably show up wearing some baggy jeans, a Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and a pair of sneakers.

Then she would answer the door in a dress and look like a complete idiot.

She turned to walk to her bedroom, deciding to make a last second wardrobe change before Percy got there when a loud knock at the door froze her in her tracks. She cursed silently in Latin and looked at the door for a moment, deciding whether or not to make him wait for her to change.

Another knock on the door sealed her fate as she frowned and stepped to the door. She pulled it open, peeking her head around to get a look at him real quick.

What she saw actually stopped her.

"Well you look quite lovely, I think." Percy said with a cheesy looking smile. He stood at her door, shiny black shoes, new slacks, a sea green dress shirt and a blue bowtie underneath a stylish black jacket. His short hair was gelled up giving it the appearance of being wet when it wasn't. Topping off the outfit was the cane in his hand, currently being twirled for dramatic effect as he waited for her to come back to her senses.

She opened the door, allowing him to enter as she looked at him a little unsure of what to say. Finally, she blurted out the first thing that popped into her head.

"You wear bowties?"

His smile grew a little more, "Of course, bowties are cool."

"They are?"

His smile vanished and he reached up, straightening his bowtie with a mock offended look.

"Bowties are cool."

He stopped fiddling with his tie and looked at Reyna. He was surprised enough that he almost let the look of false hurt fall from his face. Her hair was straightened and down around her shoulders. She had just a tiny bit of makeup on giving her a still natural but very beautiful look. She wore a black dress the stopped right above the knees and showed just a hint of cleavage while still staying very modest. He nearly choked on his words when he saw her in heels, something he never, even in his wildest dreams, imagined he would see Reyna wearing.

Wow," he said giving her a genuine smile. "Now I feel a little underdressed." She turned her head, trying to hide her flushed cheeks.

"I wasn't sure how I was supposed to dress, you just said snazzy."

Percy grinned at her embarrassed face, "So the battle hardened general is actually a bombshell underneath that tough exterior. I think you look perfect."

Reyna took a breath, trying to push the uncomfortableness she felt aside.

"You promised dinner, right?"

Percy turned more serious and offered his arm, "That I did. Shall we, milady?"

She rolled her eyes at his attempt at chivalry and nodded, foregoing his arm and walking to the door. Percy left his cane outside the door as they walked out of her home and towards the city.

She raised an eyebrow in question but he just shrugged.

"When I saw it, I had to have it. I mean honestly, with the lives we live, I'm sure I'll put it to use eventually. But I don't think it quite goes with my outfit or my beautiful date's."

Reyna just nodded, deciding not to comment.

They walked in silence for a bit but as they came into the city, Reyna wondered where they were heading.

"Do you have any idea where we're going?"

Percy smiled at her doubtful tone, "Please Praetor. I may have been an incompetent teenage delinquent when I first showed up at Camp Jupiter but I promise I'm now a functioning adult. I can handle taking a friend to dinner without screwing it up."

Reyna raised an eyebrow in question.

"We have reservations of course." Percy rolled his eyes. "Could you please show even some false confidence in my ability to show you a nice evening? It's the least I can do for saving my life and offering my siblings a safe place to stay."

She blushed a little embarrassed and shot him an apologetic look.

"Sorry, I've never really done this before. I usually just eat at home or with the legion."

Percy stepped closer and slipped his arm in hers, smirking a little at her surprised look.

"Well then that's a crime. A heroine of Rome deserves a night out once in a while. I have learned since the end of the Giant War that there's no harm in having a good time once in a while." His face darkened a bit, "There's no guarantee that you'll have another opportunity."

His words left a sobering effect on Reyna as she realized what he was alluding to. He and Annabeth had had many plans and never got to experience any of them.

Percy slowed his approach and looked up at a building to their left.

Emblazoned on the canopy entrance was a sign that read, Michelle de Café. Reyna stared at Percy, wondering if he was being serious.

"You got reservations here?" She asked with a surprised look.

Percy just smiled slyly, "I'll admit, it was surprisingly challenging but I think the owner thought he owed me a favor after the whole Polybotes debacle. When I mentioned who my date was, he seemed more scared to say no than anything else."

Reyna felt a twinge of satisfaction at that last comment but just looked at him skeptically.

"This is pretty expensive."

He chuckled, "Lucky for you, dinner is on me. Now, shall we?"

"Percy," she argued but he cut her off.

"Reyna, I've been overseas for the past year, collecting paychecks while living for free. What would make me the most happy right now is to take my beautiful date to a nice dinner in a city I haven't seen in years. Can we do that?"

Reyna felt her cheeks heating up and didn't trust her voice so she just nodded.

They were seated without a problem, Percy slipping a few denari to the hostess who smiled politely in gratitude. Within a few minutes, their waitress came over, a bottle of red wine in her hand as she offered them a glass to start their dinner.

Reyna shook her head, "No thank you."

Percy rolled his eyes, "Even in adulthood, you refuse to let yourself relax." He turned to the waitress and smiled, "I would love a glass and when you get a moment, I'd like a Johnny Walker Black, neat."

The waitress poured his drink and left two menus for them to look at as she left to get Percy's drink.

Reyna shot him a slightly irritated look which caused him to smirk a bit.

"What? The legion is safe, the camp is protected. Don't look down on me because I'm not waiting until my afterlife to live a little. Relax sometimes, let your hair down and just enjoy the moment. You might be pleasantly surprised when you actually have a little fun."

Reyna seemed slightly offended by his comment, "Just because I'm not drowning myself in liquor, it doesn't mean I don't know how to have fun."

He raised an eyebrow and shot her a doubtful look.

Reyna caught the arm of the waitress as she walked by to another table.

"A vodka martini," she asked politely, "when you have a moment."

The waitress nodded and resumed her walk as Reyna stared at Percy, slightly irritated that she had let his comment get to her.

Percy just smiled as if he read her mind, "Gods forbid you actually enjoy an evening away from the responsibilities of being Praetor."

She bristled at his comment, "Don't presume to know what I do and don't do in my free time," she warned.

Percy just held up his hands in a placating gesture.

Within a few minutes, their drinks were brought to them and they ordered their meals, a silence descended on the dinner date as Reyna seemed to be waiting for Percy to say something. She wasn't nervous any longer but instead was mostly curious as to why he seemed to so set on taking her out and showing her a good time.

"So how is life in Rome?" Percy broke the silence as he set down his scotch and decided the quiet was starting to become awkward.

Reyna shrugged, "Same as it always has been. The lower numbers haven't been an issue until this last attack. In fact, things were starting to get a little boring now that there are no enemies or quests to be dealt with."

Percy took another sip of his drink, "No super powerful deities or fatal quests? That actually sounds like a little slice of Elysium if you ask me."

Reyna tried her martini, pleasantly surprised to find it quite delicious.

"Says the one who joined the mortal military and has been at war for the past year."

"Valid point," he conceded. "But a little time away from the mythological side of my life was a welcome change."

She looked at him, "One could almost say you were looking for death throwing yourself into another war that you really don't have a reason to be in." She thought she might have been overstepping but her curiosity won out over her apprehensiveness.

Percy paused mid sip and she mentally cursed thinking she was going to a place she shouldn't. He stayed frozen for a second before slowly setting his glass down on the table.

"I wouldn't presume to know my intentions if I were you." He said in a tone that wasn't cold nor friendly.

"Sorry," she started to say but he cut her off.

"There is no more waiting for me in death than in this life." He continued. "I'm not looking for death, I'm simply not afraid of it. Perhaps the life I live isn't one that you or others approve of but it is mine and I will do with it what I please."

Reyna looked a little taken aback but her expression became apologetic, "Sorry Percy, I wasn't trying to..."

"Yes," he cut her off. "You were. You're curious and I don't blame you but I'm not big on secrets so I'll just lay it out for you."

Reyna wasn't sure what to say. He was obviously upset but he didn't seem angry. She decided to keep silent and let him say whatever he wanted to say.

"You think I want to die to be with Annabeth? I know Annabeth better than I know myself and I know she is not waiting for me in Elysium. She isn't the type of person who just sits around and waits eternities for a guy, even if it's me. If we're ever to find each other again, it'll be in the Isles of Blessed. So please don't think you've got me figured out. You don't know me, very few people do. I'm living the way I choose and no one gets to judge it but me, I've earned that much at least."

He picked up his glass and finished his scotch in one huge gulp. If the liquor burned on the way down, he made no indication, waving towards his waitress and holding up the empty glass for a refill.

Reyna sat back in stunned silence. His rant had knocked her off her feet, figuratively of course.

His words struck true as that had been her assumption. She hadn't really thought about it but Annabeth Chase wasn't really the sit around type. And the fact that Percy knew that was probably one of the worst parts of losing her. Not only is he forced to live without the girl he loved but knowing he wouldn't find her in this life or the next must have been unbearable.

"Percy," she said as the waitress brought him a fresh drink.

He held up his hand and took a sip, "I've made peace with all of this Reyna. It's not really my favorite topic so why don't we skip the sympathies and pretend like I'm not some heartbroken little girl and just enjoy a dinner like two demigods in their young twenties, an accomplishment all by itself."

She nodded her head, a little unsure of what else to do before turning her attention to her martini. No one said anything for a moment as Reyna kept her eyes on her drink to avoid the suddenly tense dinner date she was having.

But after a few long minutes, Percy's demeanor seemed to change and he relaxed, setting his drink down and shooting her an almost sympathetic smile.

"And what about you, Praetor? Should I be expecting an angry legionnaire storming in here asking why I'm having dinner with his girlfriend?"

The change in topic caught Reyna off guard. She almost chocked on the last of her martini before setting it down and clearing her throat.

"No." She said firmly. "There is no jealous boyfriend."

"Well," Percy chuckled. "That's a crime. But I'm sure the boys of the legion are all quite happy about it."

Reyna could feel the heat rising to her cheeks but was saved as the waitress brought over a fresh martini. She took a drink, trying to recompose herself.

"Venus warned me long ago that I would not find someone in a demigod. Since then, I haven't seen much of a point in looking."

Percy just started to shake his head making her frown.


"Romans," he laughed. "You think the gods' word is law. Are you serious? Of all the Olympians, the words of Aphrodite are the absolute last ones I would take to heart."

Reyna shot him an irritated look, "She's the goddess of love."

He just rolled his eyes, "More like the goddess of drama and heartbreak. Unless I hear the words out of the mouths of the Fates themselves, then they go in one ear and out the other."

"Not all of us live for defying the gods." She countered.

He waved off the comment, "I'm not telling you to tell Aphrodite to stick her words up her immortal podex but I just don't see a lot of sense of taking anything that goddess says to heart. I mean the legion is your life, are you planning on spending the rest of your life alone because of one goddess' words?"

Reyna's face was red but it wasn't because she was blushing. She could feel her anger growing at his comments and for making her feel stupid for something just about anyone, outside of him, would do. Before she could respond, the waitress came back with their food.

"Can I get some wine as well?" She asked the waitress, avoiding looking at Percy. The waitress left and came back a moment later, pouring her a glass and refilling Percy's.

They ate for the next few minutes in silence. The food was actually incredible. Reyna had always wanted to try this place but never did as it was always for the elites of the city or couples out for a fancy dinner date. She made quick work of her martini and immediately turned her attention to her wine. By the time dinner was finished, she was feeling far more lightheaded than she'd meant to.

Percy had been quiet after his comments. They spoke but the conversation was more polite. The fact that they had both brought up topics that were personal seemed to have brought an end to any meaningful conversation.

By the end of dinner, the tension was gone but neither seemed anxious to talk much. Percy paid the bill which had been about what Reyna expected... More than she would pay for a meal. But Percy didn't seem to mind and even left the waitress a generous tip.

As they exited the restaurant, Reyna turned in the direction of her house when Percy spoke up.

"I was hoping for a walk around New Rome. This place was always fun to visit at night. Any chance I can convince you to join me?"

Reyna didn't answer right away. She was torn between wanting the night to end and joining Percy, if only to see if they could put to rest any awkward tension. She looked down at her feet which were killing her in the heels she had no idea why she wore.

"I can carry your shoes," Percy offered hopefully. "I promise I won't keep you out long."

Reyna bit her lip, her mind running through a myriad of excuses to use before she gave in and nodded her head. She slipped her shoes off, letting out a sigh of relief as she freed her aching feet.

Percy grabbed the shoes and gestured with his head towards the city.

"I'm sorry for saying that during dinner," he offered as they navigated their way through the streets, taking in the views and the people. "It's not my business how you choose to deal with your love life. I was just going off my experience with advice the gods have given me in the past."

She nodded and shot his an appreciative smile, "I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't assume anything that goes on in the mess of a head of yours."

Percy smiled and came to a stop as they reached the border between the city and the barracks. He smiled as he laid eyes on a small girl standing at the entrance into the city.

"Is that little Julia?" He said loud enough for the girl to hear.

Almost immediately the statue she was standing next to came to life, seeming to spin around its pedestal.

"Perseus Jackson," the voice of Terminus said looking him up and down. "In need of any giants heads' to be bashed in?"

Percy grinned, "Thankfully not at the moment, Terminus. I was just looking to see how much bigger Julia here has gotten since I left."

The small girl smiled. She was missing one of her front teeth but seemed to be a good four inches taller than he remembered.

"Ah yes," Terminus agreed. "I think she gets bigger by the day."

"Keeping the city safe?" Percy smiled at the girl. She nodded and smiled. "I feel safer knowing you're keeping anything bad out of this city while I'm here."

"Of course," Terminus said boastfully. "Borders are my specialty."

Percy rolled his eyes, "I was talking to Julia but I suppose it's a team effort." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar he had picked up earlier in city in the event dinner was bad and he was in need of a quick snack.

He handed the chocolate to Julia who gave him a huge smile. Percy ruffled her hair and turned back to Reyna when Julia wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Are you staying?"

Percy turned and smiled, "For a while. I promise to come see you again and bring you a present before I leave."

She unattached herself and ran back to Terminus, stuffing the chocolate in her pocket as she went back to her duties with a smile on her face.

Percy went back to Reyna and took back off towards the city.

"Well that was nice of you." Reyna said as they walked. "Do you often carry chocolate around in your pocket?"

Percy just smiled a little, "She's a cutie. And occasionally I do, are you insinuating I'm putting on weight?"

She rolled her eyes but a seemed more amused than anything else.

They walked until they came to a grassy area near the lake. The Little Tiber could be seen flowing into on the other side. Percy walked to the edge of the water and without hesitating, stepped in, or well, stepped on the water.

He motioned for Reyna to join him but she just gave him an, are you serious look.

"Come on," Percy urged. "I'm not going to let you get wet."

She looked at the water nervously and took a tentative step out. As her bare foot touched the surface, she almost jumped back at its cold touch. But she set her weight down and was stunned when it held her weight like it did Percy.


Percy laughed and offered his hand. She took it and he pulled her a few steps out to where he was standing.

"Well do you want to short or long version? I can explain about pushing the water molecules to the surface and packing them together so tightly that they become nearly solid." He raised an eyebrow. "Or, I can just say, my powers, and we continue our walk?"

"Uh, let's go with option two," she offered and he gave her a relieved smile.

They walked further out onto the lake and Reyna could feel the nervous butterflies in her stomach when she realized she was still holding Percy's hand. She wasn't sure if he realized it or not but she just held on in lieu of saying something and turning the evening awkward again.

As they reached the middle of the lake, Percy came to a stop. His face looked almost excited which made Reyna extremely nervous.

"What?" She asked timidly.

"I want to do something but I need you to trust me."

Reyna felt like her stomach was doing summersaults. Was he going to try and kiss her? She wondered and then was struck with the more difficult question of whether she wanted him to or not. She bit her lip and nodded.

Percy squeezed her hand tighter, "Close your eyes."

She did and was preparing herself for anything when the absolute last thing she thought would happen, did.

They dropped through the water, sinking at alarming speeds until she felt her feet hit the soft soil of the bottom of the lake. Her face was contorted in a combination of shock and fear until she heard Percy start to laugh.

Her eyes snapped out and she saw him trying to control himself as they stood in an air bubble at the bottom of the lake. She pulled her hand free to punch him when the water crashed in all around her, nearly knocking her off her feet. Percy grabbed hold of her arm and the air bubble reformed around her.

Her dress soaking wet, she looked at Percy incredulously.

"What was that?"

He just smiled mischievously, "Don't let go, it's hard to keep the air bubble going around you when I'm not in contact with you. Fresh water isn't as easy to control as salt."

"What are we even doing down here?" She grumbled looking down at her soaked dress in dismay.

Percy closed his eyes for a second and she was dry in an instant.

"Where's the fun in walking around a lake when you can walk through it." He gestured all around them as the lake, which wasn't overly deep, was being illuminated by the moonlight.

She followed his gaze and a small smile broke out on her face as she saw a sight she never thought she'd ever see. The lake, which was man made by the legion, was filled with freshwater aquatic life. She caught a few nymphs giggling at them from a few yards away before dissolving into the water. Catfish littered the lake floor, and a myriad of fish swam all around them. They would swim up to the air bubble before darting off in different directions, almost as if they were being told to do so.

She looked at Percy who seemed to be in a daze and she realized that was the truth. He was using his weird telepathic powers to communicate with the fish. She slid her arm up and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together, earning a surprised but not unhappy look from Percy.

"Come on," Percy offered. "I was thinking we'd take the aquatic route back." He gestured towards the spot where the Little Tiber met the lake.

Reyna nodded as their air bubble transformed into more of an air tunnel, leading them from the lake and to the river.

Neither said anything for a bit as they took in the sights, smiling as they walked past the currents of the Little Tiber as easy as if walking through air.

"So," Percy offered. "Aside from a few questions too personal, this was fun, right?"

A little smirk tugged at her lips, "It was alright." He frowned but when she chuckled he joined in. "You did well Percy. Not my usual nighttime plans but I did have fun."

They walked a little further as brook trout and salmon whizzed by their little air tunnel, giving the look like they were speeding up the river when they walked at a casual pace.

"I have to ask you though," Reyna said after a little bit. "Why go to all this trouble?"

Percy didn't say anything at first, his eyes trained on the water as the current shot past them.

"I don't really have a firm answer for that." He said honestly. "I don't know if you think I have things planned out but I really don't. I just wanted to do something nice considering I punched you during the battle."

She rolled her eyes, "I can take a punch."

"I know that. I didn't say it was all for you. I almost killed Piper, I lost control of myself during the battle. I needed an evening away from it all too. I needed a distraction from everything."

Reyna felt a little hurt from his comment. "A distraction?"

Percy stopped walking, "Not you. Just the night, a normal dinner, nothing to do with wars or enemies or even my new little siblings." She slowly nodded in understanding but still not overly thrilled with the answer. He squeezed her hand, "The fact I got to do it with you made it about a million times for enjoyable."

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away from him, "Right..."

Percy frowned and jerked her forward by the hand. Her eyes widened in surprise as their faces were only inches apart. Her face was bright red she was sure but she couldn't seem to pull herself away and her voice had apparently chose that moment to quit out on her.

"If you must know, I always wondered what it would have been like if things had been different when we first met." He said softly. "And I have to say, it was a nice night."

She swallowed the lump in her throat, "A shame it hadn't worked out that way." She wasn't even sure where those words came from, but apparently her subconscious had decided that was the right thing to say.

"It really was," he whispered so close she could feel his breath on her lips. His scent filled her senses as the smell of a sea breeze overwhelmed everything around them.

She just nodded, her dark eyes looking into his sea green ones. He looked at her, his eyes seeming to be asking a question that he apparently got the answer to. Before she could react, he pressed his lips to hers and the somersaults her stomach was doing turned into full-fledged back flips. Her mind drowned out the rest of her body and put all her focus on her lips. She was very inexperienced with everything romantic and kissing was one of those things she never really learned to do. She felt his arms go around her waist and her arms just seemed to naturally find their way to her neck as she leaned up on her toes, deepening the kiss as she began to lose herself in it.

It was only the need for air that broke them apart. Reyna's face resembled that of a cherry while Percy seemed calm as can be, though he was smiling a little sheepishly.

"Sorry," he offered. "If you didn't want to do that."

She looked anywhere but his eyes, "No," her tone was awkward and uncomfortable. "I wasn't exactly pushing you off."

He slid his arm around her waist, "I would suggest you hold on." Before she could protest, the currents exploded under their feet and they shot out of the water and into the air. Reyna let out a silent scream and Percy slid his arms under her legs in midair, landing in a grassy spot with a somewhat painful thud.

"Sorry, I should have given you more warning."

Reyna scowled at him, mostly because of the terrifying way they left the Little Tiber. She looked around and found they were on the backside of Via Principalis, her home only a short twenty yards away. He set her on her feet, holding onto her arm as she regained her balance.

"So," Percy said little awkwardly, "Can I walk you home?"

Reyna only nodded, her mind racing from the fact that Percy had just kissed her. Her emotions were a jumbled mess at the moment as she tried to figure out exactly how she felt about it.

As they came to her front door, Percy snatched up his cane and twirled it in his hand, seeming to want to do something with his hands as neither of them said anything right away.

"Tomorrow morning I will organize a meeting for the Senate. Be there for an 11 A.M start." Reyna said looking behind Percy rather than at him.

"Right," he said. "Wouldn't miss it."

No one said anything for a moment as Percy played with his cane.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow then?" He offered wanting the uncomfortable silence to end.

She nodded and reached for the door. Percy turned to walk away when he suddenly stopped.

"Oh, uh, your shoes." He handed them over and her fingers brushed over his as she grabbed them, sending a shiver down his spine. He looked up and noticed she looked like she had felt it too.

Before he could change his mind, he dropped his cane and slipped his arm around her waist, pressing his lips to hers hungrily. Reyna returned it with just as much enthusiasm, fumbling with her door until she found the knob. He pushed the door open and threw her shoes inside before she wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened.

"Want to come inside for a bit?" She said breathlessly as they broke apart. In response, Percy's hands went to her backside and lifted her right off her feet. She wrapped her legs around him as he carried her inside. His hands sliding up her thighs and under her dress was the last sight seen before he kicked the door shut.

A.N: Dedicated to @FourTrisTheFortress for being such a huge Preyna fan... lol

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