Chapter 1(Page 1)

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Chapter 1
Ouch that hurt, wait I have wings? Cool

The pain was blinding. Eve toppled over into the wet mud beneath her she felt blood trickle down her side but she was too busy being in pain to do anything about it. Imagine being shot 20 times in the back then having them pulled out with no care, now imagine that pain 100X yeah not fun? She felt consciousness slipping away from her and soon she was knocked out.

When Eve awoke her brother was standing above her shaking her "Eve! Wake up" He shook her harder as she slowly regained consciousness. Eve lay limply on the ground, her hair was matted with mud and so were her clothes. "What happened!" He demanded "God, I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you manage to bleed out?" He face was tight with worry. She tried to speak but what came out probably sounded like gibberish.

Her brother put his hand to her forehead "You have a bad fever come on, we gotta go mom will be worried" He picked her up. Eve wanted to protest but she was too weak to even speak actual sentences, "Gezz you're heavy" He said and Eve gave him a nasty glare.

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