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I opened the car door with a heavy shove. The wind made my light brunette hair blow all over my face. " Come on Eve! " A boy called my sharp turquoise eyes flicking over him. Moving my hair out of my face I followed him towards a trail. The wind was calming down now. The branches arched over head the leaves leaving splotches of the sky hidden.

" Remind me why I agreed to go on a hike with you again? " I asked the boy he had darker brown hair that was curlier than mine but he had the same turquoise eyes as me. He shrugged " I dunno, might have something to do with the fact I asked you right after you woke up " he said a hint of smugness in his voice, I just grunted in return.

After walking for awhile the ground started to slope upwards and I spoke " I need to rest for a moment you can keep going, I'll catch up in a bit " He nodded and continued on as I sat down grabbing a water bottle out of my small black  back pack I had on before putting it back. I put my hood up on my dark blue and silver coat.

That's when I spotted it. The light bouncing off something in the distance, I stared it down before standing. I walked over towards it curious, I could make out the object now against the forest floor. I bent over it.

it was a small green stone with odd symbols engraved on it. It was encased by a gold colored metal and chain. I picked it up, it was surprisingly light.

then it came.

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