★ Class & Magic Information ★

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In this world, instead of ranks, magic-users in the guilds have classes, and every cat can learn up to 2 magic spells.


There are 5 different classes, each with their own specialities and roles. Once you choose your class, you cannot change it. However, there is enough flexibility within each class for you to make your character unique.

Some quests require cats with specific classes, so it's important for guilds to have a good mix.

✨| Mage Class |✨
Mages are cats who dedicate themselves to magic rather than physical ability. Some may call them lazy, but they prefer to think of themselves as opportunistic. Why learn to hunt and battle when magic can do it for you? Their spells are often stronger than those of cats in other classes, because they tend to practice them more.
Requirements: at least 1 elemental magic (fire spell, water spell, ice spell, wind spell, or plant spell).

❇️| Healer Class |❇️
Healers dedicate their lives to medicine and helping others. They rarely fight and often choose to avoid battle. Fellow guild members depend on Healers to take care of them when they are sick or injured.
Requirements: a strong healing spell.

🔳| Rogue Class |🔳
Cats in the rogue class are still warriors, so don't confuse them with clan rogues. These cats specialize in stealth and offensive attack. They are often great hunters, with a silent stalk and a powerful pounce, and like to sneak up on their enemies before attacking.
Requirements: none, but the sneak spell is recommended.

⚜️| Scout Class |⚜️
Scouts are perfect explorers, because this class specializes in speed and awareness. They are often very observant and reliable, and are almost always the first cats to notice any danger. This class is quite common in the Swift Wind guild.
Requirements: either the agility spell or the locator spell (or both).

⚔️| Defender Class |⚔️
Defenders are cats who specialize in defensive combat. They generally depend on their physical power more than their magic, but it's common to see them using spells in battle. They often work as guards or fighters within the guild. Defenders are useful on any type of quest, just in case you run into danger.
Requirements: none



Typically, only guild members know how to use magic. Usually you learn your first spell during your apprenticeship, and your second spell after you've had experience as a warrior.

The magic spells are innate abilities that require dedicated practice in order to be able to use. Once learned, magic needs to be used regularly to be powerful, otherwise it will weaken over time. Magic takes a lot of energy to use, and it can tire you out quickly, but as you practice more, it becomes easier and your spells get stronger.

Magic does not require any flashy movements or exciting exclamations to use (so you don't need to shout out "FIRE SPELL!" and wave your tail around); however, some cats choose to do this anyways for dramatic effect. Beginners often find it easier to cast spells when saying them out loud.

You can learn any two spells you want, but you cannot learn more than two.

|🔥| Fire Spell |🔥|
The elemental fire spell can summon small, hot flames that you can control for various purposes. The flames can burn things, but only with intense concentration, so it's impossible for the flames to accidentally catch and start an out-of-control fire. Without concentration, the flames will quickly die out, and it cannot work if it is raining. This spell is normally used for combat, although some cats who learn fire magic slowly start to prefer eating their prey cooked.

|💧| Water Spell |💧|
This elemental spell lets you control small amounts of water that are already present and can have many practical applications, such as averting raindrops to keep yourself dry or causing a river's current to carry you where you want to go. A favourite spell for those in the Roaring River Guild.

|❄️| Ice Spell |❄️|
Arguably the most creative of the magic spells, the elemental ice spell can freeze small amounts of water from a pool or from the air and shape them to your desires. Since it's typically too weak to have many practical uses, some cats use it to create pretty frost patterns or freeze a friend's whiskers as a prank. A very strong ice-user could perhaps freeze someone's paws to the ground. Ice cannot be animated (given life of its own).

|🌱| Plant Spell |🌱|
An uncommon elemental spell that draws power from the flora surrounding you. You can convince some plants to grow, shrink, move, and attack (for example, using thorns or releasing spores or toxins). However, this spell is unreliable and extremely difficult to master. Because the plants are living, they rarely listen.

|🌫️| Wind Spell |🌫️|
This elemental spell gives you limited control over the air around you. You can calm a breeze, or bring up a cold wind. This can be especially useful in the snow, or in a sandy area, to blind your opponents.

|✳️| Healing Spell |✳️|
A very useful spell for healing small wounds, speeding recovery, and easing sicknesses. This spell requires you to touch the cat that you are healing, and unfortunately you cannot heal yourself. This is one of the most exhausting spells, and you could easily fall unconscious if you are not careful. Usually, cats who learn this spell will dedicate themselves to healing.

|🌀| Agility Spell |🌀|
The agility spell temporarily increases your physical ability. For a short time, you can step lighter, run faster, jump higher, and strike quicker. It's very common among warriors in the Swift Wind Guild. Cats who excel in this spell sometimes say that using it is the closest they ever feel to flying.

|🛡️| Shield Spell |🛡️|
This spell creates a translucent barrier that can last for a few minutes. It is a favourite for cats who have a knack for getting into fights. However, the barrier weakens after every hit landed on it.

|💤| Sleep Spell |💤|
The sleep spell does what you would expect it to: it makes everyone around you extraordinarily drowsy. This affects different cats differently, of course, so it's not guaranteed that they will fall asleep. Beginners using this spell often fall asleep themselves.

|🔘| Locator Spell |🔘|
This detection magic is very useful for quests. If you know the scent of what you are trying to find, you can sense the direction you need to go, no matter the distance. This can be used in nearly any situation, from locating prey to finding missing cats.

|🐾| Sneak Spell |🐾|
The sneak spell is a favourite of cats in the Dark Shadow guild. Using it will cloak you in darkness and quiet your pawsteps so that you may sneak around without being heard or seen. It's perfect for stalking prey and eavesdropping on private conversations. This spell doesn't make you invisible, so you can still be seen, it's just less likely that you will be spotted.

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