Millie's Family & Striker

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Millie's Family & Striker

Striker was at Lin & Joe's ranch with his horse Bombproof until he saw a car stopping by the ranch

"Who's that?" Striker said curiously as he went towards the car & looked into it before smiling "Well, look what the cat dragged in."

(With Millie's Family)

"Hey Mama, do you think Blitzø will visit us again?" Sallie May asked

"Let's hope so, honey." Lin said

"Hey, Joe, Lin, look who decided to drop by." Striker said as he enter the house with an unconscious Blitzø over his shoulder

"Well, speak of the devil." Lin smiled joyfully

"Put him in that recliner over yonder." Joe said

When Striker put Blitzø on the recliner

"Mm..." Blitzø moaned as he woke up "Where am I now?"

"Blitzø, it's great to see you." Joe said

"How ya doing, sugar?" Lin asked

"Who are you & how do you know me?" Blitzø said confusingly

"Oh come on, you met us before." Joe said

"I'm sorry, but I've never seen you before." Blitzø apologized

That made Millie's Family & Striker confused

"Blitzø, what are you talking about, of course you have." Lin said confusingly "We're Millie's family, remember?"

"Millie? Why does that name sound familiar?" Blitzø wondered

"What's wrong with you, boy? Ya feeling alright?" Joe asked in concern

"Yes sir, I feel fine." Blitzø said

"He must have gotten amnesia somehow." Striker thought before smirking "I can use this to my advantage"

"Well, whether you remember us or not we're just glad that you're here." Lin smiled

"Do you think you can help us out around the house & ranch?" Joe asked

"Yes sir, I'd be happy to help." Blitzø smiled

Meanwhile at Verosika's office, everyone was having an argument of who's fault was it to send Blitzø to who knows where.

"How could you blow him away like that?!" Loona yelled at Millie

"I was aiming at Mammon but that son of a bitch ducked!" Millie argued

"Don't get mad at me cause you have a bad aim." Mammon said

Just then Millie got a call.

"Hello?" Millie said

"Hey Millie, this is Mama." Lin said "I'm just calling to tell you about your boss."

"Wait, Blitzø is with you?" Millie said as everyone gathered around to look at the phone

"Yes he is & he's an amazing farmhand." Lin said as she sent pictures of him, a few of them had both Striker & Blitzø in them which shocked Moxxie & Millie

"Mama, what is Striker doing there?" Millie asked calmly on the outside but angry on the inside

"Listen Sugar, regardless of what he did, we need him." Lin said "You know your Papa & I don't have many farmhand around here. I tell ya Blitzø & Striker are just hitting it off like brothers, they're like two peas in a pod."

Stolas, Fizzarolli, & Verosika were not liking how the cowboy was getting close to Blitzø

"Also, will it be alright if Blitzø can be a part of our family?" Lin asked

"...Sure, that's fine." Millie smiled as her eye twitched

"Great, see ya later, Millie." Lin said as she hung up

"That bastard!" Millie shouted angrily

"Crumbs, if Striker gets too close to Blitzø, he'll take him away." Moxxie said

Back at Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch, Blitzø was cleaning the house until saw pictures on the wall. He saw a picture of a young Joe & a young pregnant Lin, a picture of Lin & Joe with their kids when they were little, & the last picture he saw was surprising. He saw a picture of himself with the Hellhound & two other Imps he saw before, he was mostly surprised when he saw himself hugging the Hellhound, as for the other two Imps

"Hm, they look like an adorable couple." Blitzø said "This picture seems very familiar."

Just then he got a call.

"Hello?" Blitzø said

"Blitzø, it's us, you're sisters." Barbie Wire said

"Hey Barbie, hey Tilla." Blitzø said

"We saw you singing in the videos online, I guess you're following your musical dream." Barbie said

"Yeah, I guess so." Blitzø said

"We also saw a video of you rescuing that little Hellhound girl from the Exterminators." Tilla said "That was very brave of you."

"Yeah, you're a hero." Barbie said

"Oh, it was nothing." Blitzø said

"It definitely was something." Barbie said

"Yes it was & we're very proud of you." Tilla said

"Thanks." Blitzø said "I got to go, I have work to do."

"Okay, see ya later, bro." Barbie said

"Bye Blitzø." Tilla said as she hung up

Then he got another call from someone else.

"Hm, who could it be now?" Blitzø wondered as he picked up "Hello?"

"Blitzo, apparently you've forgotten I do not want you singing, and to think I was proud of you for killing people with your little I.M.P. company, I think I need to make another example out of but this time I'll make you physically unable to speak let alone sing." A male voice said in a threatening condescending manner

"What?" Blitzø said as he froze in fear "Who is this? Why are you threatening me?"


"Hello? Hello?" Blitzø said as he looked as his phone "Who was that? Why does he wanna hurt me & why does his voice sound familiar?

Blitzø put his hand close to his chest as his heart was racing, but then he felt something in his chest pocket. He pulled it out & saw it was a card.

"I.M.P, Immediate Murder Professionals." Blitzø said as he realized something "Wait, now I remember, I remember running this assassination company & Stolas would sometimes call me for...something."

"So, you're starting to remember, huh?" A voice said

Blitzø turned & saw Striker

"Striker." Blitzø said

"You really wanna know what Stolas calls you for?" Striker said.

"Huh?" Blitzø said

"Stolas would call you to be his plaything." Striker said

"What?" Blitzø said shockingly

"You heard right, he would have sex with you in exchange for his book to get to the living world." Striker said "As a result of that, he only thinks of you as a plaything."

"No, that can't be." Blitzø said

"It's true & his wife & daughter despise you because they believe you're taking him away from them." Striker said

"I don't understand, they were kind to me." Blitzø said

"It may seem that way, but deep down they don't give a shit about you." Striker said

"..." Blitzø stood in silence & shock

"Look Blitzø, how about you come along with me?" Striker said "You come with me, we can start our own assassination business, what do you say?"

"I don't know." Blitzø said unsurely

"Come on, Blitzø." Striker said

(The Other Side by Hugh Jackman & Zac Efron)(I don't own this song)


Right here, right now

I put the offer out

I don't want to chase you down

I know you see it

You run with me

And I can cut you free

Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in

So trade that typical for something colorful

And if it's crazy, live a little crazy

You can play it sensible, a king of conventional

Or you can risk it all and see

Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play

'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride

It'll take you to the other side

'Cause you can do like you do

Or you can do like me

Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key

Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly

It'll take you to the other side


Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in

Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen

So thanks, but no

I think I'm good to go

'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in

Now I admire you, and that whole show you do

You're onto something, really it's something

But I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells

I'll have to leave that up to you

Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play

'Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride

I don't need to see the other side

So go and do like you do

I'm good to do like me

Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key

Oh, damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine

I don't need to see the other side


Now is this really how you like to spend your days?

Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays


If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town

Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns


But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little

Just let me give you the freedom to dream

And it'll wake you up and cure your aching

Take your walls and start 'em breaking

Now that's a deal that seems worth taking

But I guess I'll leave that up to you


Well it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly

So what percentage of the show would I be taking?


Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action

I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen


I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine


Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime




I'd do eight




Maybe nine




Don't you wanna get away to a whole new part you're gonna play

'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride

To the other side

So if you do like I do

So if you do like me

Forget the cage, 'cause we know how to make the key

Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly

We're going to the other side


So if you do like I do


To the other side


So if you do like me


We're going to the other side


We're going to the other side

We're going to the other side

"So, do we have a deal?" Striker said as he stuck out his hand

Suddenly they heard a noise outside. When they went outside, they saw a huge crowd of country demons cheering

"What's going on here?" Blitzø said as Sallie May

"I told everyone that you were here & they're all wanting to hear you sing." Sallie May said

"Heh, shall we entertain these folks, Blitzø?" Striker said

"Yeah, sure." Blitzø nodded

They went on to the stage, Striker pulled out his guitar as Blitzø started singing

(Remind Me by Brad Paisley & Carrie Underwood)(I don't own this song)


We didn't care if people stared

We'd make out in a crowd somewhere

Somebody'd tell us to get a room

It's hard to believe that was me and you

Now we keep saying that we're OK

But I don't want to settle for good not great

I miss the way that it felt back then

I wanna feel that way again

Been so long that you'd forget

The way I used to kiss your neck

_Sallie May_

Remind me, remind me


So on fire, so in love

Way back when we couldn't get enough

_Sallie May_

Remind me, remind me

Remember the airport dropping me off

We were kissing goodbye and we couldn't stop


I felt bad cause you missed your flights


But that meant we had one more night

_Sallie May_

Do you remember how it used to be

We'd turn out the lights and didn't just sleep


Remind me baby remind me

_Sallie May_

Oh so on fire so in love

That look in your eyes that I miss so much


Remind me, baby remind me

I wanna feel that way

_Sallie May_

Yeah I wanna hold you close


Oh if you still love me

Don't just assume I know

_Sallie May_

Do you remember the way it felt?


You mean back when we couldn't control ourselves

_Sallie May_

Remind me,


Yeah, remind me

_Sallie May_

All those things that you used to do

That made me fall in love with you

Remind me, oh baby remind me


Yeah you'd wake up in my old t-shirt

All those mornings I was late for work

Remind me


Oh, baby remind me yeah

After they were finished, the crowd cheered. The female country demons had hearts pop out of their heads while a few had fainted lovingly & some were trying to hold back on trying to make Blitzø theirs. Then Striker played his guitar again while they sang the next song

(Highway Don't Care by Tim McGraw feat Taylor Swift & Kieth Urban)(I don't own this song.)


Bet your window's rolled down and your hair's pulled back

And I bet you got no idea you're goin' way too fast

You're tryin' not to think about what went wrong

Tryin' not to stop 'til you get where you goin'

You're tryin' to stay awake so I bet you turn on the radio

And the song goes

_Sallie May_

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby, hm baby


The highway won't hold you tonight

The highway don't know you're alive

The highway don't care if you're all alone

But I do, I do

The highway won't dry your tears

The highway don't need you here

The highway don't care if you're coming home

But I do, I do

_Striker & Sallie May_

I bet you got a dead cell phone in your shotgun seat

Yeah, I bet you're bendin' God's ear talking 'bout me

You're tryin' not to let the first tear fall out

You're tryin' not to think about turnin' around

You're tryin' not to get lost in the sound


But that song is always on

So you sing along

_Sallie May_

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby

I can't live without you, I can't live without you baby, oh baby


The highway won't hold you tonight

The highway don't know you're alive

The highway don't care if you're all alone

But I do, I do

The highway won't dry your tears

The highway don't need you here

The highway don't care if you're coming home

But I do, I do

_Sallie May_

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby

I can't live without you, I can't live without you baby, oh baby


The highway don't care

The highway don't care

The highway don't care

But I do, I do

_Sallie May_

I can't live without you, I can't live without you, baby

After they were done, the crowd went wild

"Striker! Sallie May! Blitzø!" Joe called out "Come on, we got work to do."

"Coming." Blitzø said

After an hour of work.

"Hey Blitzø, can you go help Sallie May in the farmhouse, sweetie." Lin said

"Yes ma'am." Blitzø said as he left

When he got to the farmhouse, he saw that there was nothing inside

"Sallie? Hello?" Blitzø said

"Right here, Blitzø." Sallie May said as she entered the farmhouse

"Oh hey, what is it you want my help with?" Blitzø asked

Sallie May closed the door, locked it, & put the key in her shirt

"You ready to work, Blitzy." Sallie May smiled seductively as she walk over to him

"Uh, what are you doing?" Blitzø said nervously as he backed away & bumped into someone

He turned & saw Calis(the Imp with a bee in her hair)

"Hi Blitzø." Calis smiled as she had a bag of lipstick & some of the other female country demons were coming out of hiding,

"Uh Oh." Blitzø gulped

Suddenly the farmhouse was jumping up & down & had hearts & screams coming out of it. Blitzø tried to escape from the window but was dragged back in & tied up.

"Ladies, please." Blitzø begged as they put lipsticks on their lipstock

"Pucker up, sugar!" They said

9 hours later, Blitzø came out of the farmhouse with a lot of lipstick marks, bite marks, & hickeys on him. The female country demons gave him their numbers.

"I had a fun time, here's my number if interested in playing another love game." Sallie May said as she kissed Blitzø's lips, gave him her number, & left

"Had a good time, Blitzø?" Striker said as he approached him

"Maybe." Blitzø said as he noticed Striker's horse "Whoa, what's that?"

"This is Bulletproof, my horse." Striker said

"Wow." Blitzø said in amazement

"Heh, you sure do love horses, don't you." Striker said

"Yeah, I always loved horses." Blitzø said

"So, have you thought about taking my offer?" Striker asked

"Well, what you told me was a lot to take in, so I'm gonna need some time to think about it." Blitzø said

"Alright." Striker understood "It's getting late, I'll see ya in the morning."

"Okay, good night." Blitzø said

After Blitzø went to bed & fell asleep, he was having a dream. He found himself surrounded by darkness.

"What is this place?" Blitzø said as he looked around until he saw Striker "Striker?"

"You don't want to do things alone, Blitzo?" Striker said

"Huh?" Blitzø said as Striker disappeared & Fizzarolli appeared "Fizz?"

"You tried the solo act, it didn't work out so well" Fizzarolli said

"What?" Blitzø said confusingly as Fizzarolli disappeared & Verosika appeared "Verosika?"

"Yet you still shove away anyone who gets too close, until they resent you for being a selfish shitty shit fuck." Verosika said angrily

"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" Blitzø said fearfully as Verosika disappeared & Stolas appeared

"Are you afraid to love people, Blitzy?" Stolas asked with a scowl

"What are you talking about?" Blitzø as he backed away

"You are going to die alone" Stolas said

"Guh!" Blitzø startled as he woke up from the dream

He went to the bathroom & looked in the mirror

"What was that dream I had & what does it mean?" Blitzø wondered

He washed his face with the sink, grabbed a towel & dried his face. When he looked up from drying his face at the mirror, he saw Arackniss behind him who covered his face with a chloroform rag.

"Mmm! Mmm!" Blitzø muffled

"Shhh, it's alright, just relax." Arackniss whispered as Blitzø slipped into unconsciousness

Outside the ranch, Arackniss put Blitzø in the trunk of the car

"Did you get him?" Henroin said

"Yeah, let's go." Arackniss said as Henroin drove off

The next morning, Millie's Family were looking for Blitzø

"Did you find him?" Joe asked

"Negative." Striker said

"Honey, where do you suppose he went?" Lin said worriedly

"I don't know, but I hope he's okay." Joe said

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