Stolas, Robo Fizz, & Verosika

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Stolas, Robo Fizz, & Verosika

After Blitzø lost the mob

"Whew, that was close." Blitzø said in relief before seeing a phone store "Hey, maybe I can get a new phone here

When he entered the store

"Hello, welcome to—" the manager said as he looked at Blitzø "Holy shit, you're Blitzø!"

"Excuse me, my old phone broke & I was wondering if I could get a new one, please." Blitzø said

"Oh sure, I have some very good models over here." The manager said

After Blitzø picked out his new phone

"How much does this one cost?" Blitzø said

"Oh, you don't need to buy it, it's on the house." The manager said

"Really? I mean I don't want it to be too much trouble." Blitzø said

"I insist, just take it & leave." The manager insisted

"Oh Okay." Blitzø said

Blitzø put his old data into his new phone, he noticed he had some phone numbers & names he didn't remember. Then he got a call from Moxxie, Millie, & Loona.

"Hello?" Blitzø answered his phone

"Blitzø, are you okay?" Loona said

"How are you feeling, Blitzø?" Millie asked

"Sir, where are you?" Moxxie asked

Blitzø was confused, who are they & how did they know him & why are they asking him so many questions?

"Who are you?" Blitzø asked confusingly which shocked them

"What?" Loona said shockingly

"Heh heh, that's very funny sir." Moxxie chuckled nervously

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm not joking." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, it's us Moxxie, Millie & Loona." Millie said. "We're your—"

Suddenly Blitzø new phone battery went dead

"Who were those people?" Blitzø wondered

"Blitzø." A voice said

Blitzø looked & saw Chives

"I've been looking for you." Chives said

"Who are you?" Blitzø asked

"I'm Chives, Mr. & Mrs. Goetia are expecting you." Chives said

Chives led Blitzø to the Goetia Mansion. When they entered the mansion, Chives led Blitzø to the living room where Stolas, Stella, & Octavia was

"Master Stolas, Mistress Stella, Mistress Octavia, I've returned with him." Chives said

"Blitzy, such a pleasure to see you." Stolas said happily

"We're happy that you're here, Blitzø." Stella smiled

"Hi Blitzø." Octavia greeted with a smile

"Who are you all & how do you know my name?" Blitzø asked politely

"What? Blitzø, it's me Stolas, Stolas Goetia, the Goetic Prince of Hell." Stolas said confusingly

"I'm sorry but I've never seen you before in my life, but I'm glad to meet you." Blitzø apologized which shocked them & he went up to Stella & kissed her hand "You look very graceful today, miss, I can see why your husband married you."

"Oh my." Stella blushed

"It's a real honor to meet you all, your highnesses." Blitzø said as he bowed to them

"Dad, I'm getting very worried, isn't Blitzø acting sort of strange?" Octavia whispered

"Perhaps so, we need to call a doctor." Stolas suggested

After they called the doctor

"I've diagnosed Blitzø, but I have bad news." The doctor said

"What's the bad news?' Stolas asked

"Regrettably, I'm afraid he has amnesia." The doctor said

The Goetia family froze in shock.

"What?" Stolas whispered

"So, he doesn't remember us?" Octavia asked

"That's what amnesia does, it's a miracle that he knows his own name." The doctor said "I should be going, take care."

After the doctor left.

"Blitzy..." Stolas said softly in sorrow

"Please Stolas, I know it hurts, but you have to stay strong." Stella comforted "You must tell his friends."

"You're right, but they're going to be very devastated when they find out." Stolas said as he left to call Moxxie, Millie, & Loona

Stolas tried to call Moxxie, Millie, & Loona, but nobody answered his calls, so he left them a message. Stolas came back & he & his family entered the room where Blitzø was.

"Blitzø, are you feeling alright?" Stella said

"Yes ma'am." Blitzø said

"I tried to call your friends, so I left your friends a message." Stolas said

"Stolas & I talked it over & decided to let you stay here for a while." Stella said

"Thank you very much, Mr. & Mrs. Goetia." Blitzø bowed to them which made them flinch as they didn't like how Blitzø use their last name

"Blitzø, please just call us by our first name." Stolas said

"Yes, your highness." Blitzø said

Blitzø decided to help around in the mansion by helping maids with cleaning

"Achoo!" One of the maids sneezed

"Aww, what a cute sneeze." Blitzø said

"You think it's cute?" The maid said

"I sure do, it's a cute little laugh for a cute little lady like you." Blitzø flirted

"Oh Blitzø, you're making me blush." The maid gushed

Helping the chefs make food

"With a little spice there & there you have it." Blitzø said as the cook tasted the soup with a spoon

"Zut Alors! This is exquisite! Your a natural" the chef said he kissed him on both cheeks

& helping the gardeners with the garden

"Here you go, miss." Blitzø said as he gave one of the female gardeners a flower

"Aww, you're so sweet." The gardeners blushed

After he was done, he found Octavia along with her parents in a music room that had a lot of instruments. Stella was playing the harp as Stolas & Octavia were playing the violins

"Hey guys, may I join in?" Blitzø asked politely

"Of course you can, Blitzø." Stolas said

Blitzø went to the piano & started playing

(Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel)(I don't own this song)


Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence


In restless dreams I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

'Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence


And in the naked light, I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never share

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence


"Fools", said I, "You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you"

But my words, like silent raindrops fell

And echoed

In the wells of silence


And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

And tenement halls"

And whispered in the sound of silence

After they were done, the servants & maids were clapping & cheering for them

"Oh, looks like we gained an audience." Stolas said

"Blitzø, there's something me & Stolas want to ask you." Stella said

"Yes?" Blitzø said

"Will you—" Stolas said


A green bomb went through the window from outside & released green gas in the room

"Stolas? Stella? Via?" Blitzø called out before he was knocked out

"Hee Hee Hahahahaha!" A voice laughed & glitched

After the green gas was gone, Stolas & his family were ok, but they noticed Blitzø was gone

"Blitzø, where are you?" Stolas called out in panic as he turned to the servant "Find him, search everywhere."

After the servants left to find Blitzø, Octavia found a card on the floor, she picked it up, turned it around, then her eyes went wide & she was shaking in rage

"Via? What's wrong?" Stella said worriedly

"I know who took him." Octavia said as she showed them the card

"Robo Fizz." Stolas said as he seethed in anger. "We have to hurry to Loo Loo Land."

(At I.M.P)

The trio got the voicemail & went into shock, after they called the doctor

"Doctor, why the fuck didn't you tell us Blitzø had amnesia!?" Moxxie said in outrage

"You never asked." The doctor said which pissed them off

"Dafuq kind of doctor are you!?" Loona yelled angrily

"You were supposed to tell us that before you left, jackass!" Millie yelled angrily

"I'm sorry, but I have to tend to my next patient." The doctor said

"Hey, don't you fucking hang u—!" Loona said


"SON OF A BITCH!" Loona shouted

"I wonder how Blitzø got amnesia in the first place." Millie said "Wait, didn't he get hit on the head by the desk when Loona pushed him?"

"That must be it." Moxxie said

"This is all your fault!" Loona yelled as she pointed at Moxxie

"My fault?" Moxxie said "You're the one who pushed him!"

Then Loona's phone rang

"What?" Loona said in frustration before her eyes widened "He's been what by who!?"

"What's wrong?" Millie said

"Blitzø has been kidnapped by Fizzarolli, we need to go now!" Loona said

(At Loo Loo Land)

"Ugh..." Blitzø said as he woke up & saw Robo Fizz smiling face "Gah!"

"Rise & shine, Blitzo! Hahahahaha!" Robo Fizz said

"Who are you?" Blitzø said nervously

"Come on, Blitzo, you know me, Fizzarolli." Robo Fizz said

"But I don't." Blitzø said

"Wait, you don't remember me?" Robo Fizz said confusingly

"I wish I could." Blitzø said regrettably

"Hmm..." Robo Fizz said as he looked closely at Blitzø with his data eyes widened in surprise "Amnesia?"

"Is there something wrong, sir?" Blitzø asked

"Oh no, everything's fine." Robo Fizz smiled "Anyway, Loo Loo Land is in need of your services right now, will you help us out?"

"Yes sir, I'll do my best." Blitzø said

"Then you're hired." Robo Fizz said as he shook Blitzø's hand

Went they exit the tent, Blitzø looked around Loo Loo Land

"Wow, so this is Loo Loo Land, this kinda reminds me of when I used to work at the circus with...Barbie...& Tilla." Blitzø said as he remembered his sisters

"That's nice, I'm gonna go report to Mammon." Robo Fizz said "You go get to work."

"Yes sir." Blitzø nodded

He went around Loo Loo Land to help out the co-workers, Robo Fizz informed Mammon that Blitzø had amnesia which surprised him. Blitzø noticed Wally Wackford at the carousel & he looked like he was having trouble

"Excuse me, is there something wrong?" Blitzø asked politely

"I'm trying to get this dadgum Merry-Go-Round to work again." Wally said in frustration

"May I take a look, maybe I can fix it." Blitzø offered

"Sure, go ahead." Wally said

"Let's see." Blitzø said as he looked inside the carousel "Oh, I see what's wrong

After a few minutes of repairing, the carousel started working again

"Why Blitzø, you're very good at that." Wally smiled "But there are also a few other rides, you have to fix."

"Okay." Blitzø said

After repairing the rides

"With a co-worker like you, who needs a repairman." Wally said impressively

Suddenly they heard yelling & noticed an Imp couple yelling at each other & a little girl Imp sitting on the ground crying. Blitzø went to them with Wally behind him.

"Excuse me." Blitzø said politely

"Ugh, do you mind, Mr. Show Imp, I'm trying to settle things down with my wife." The Imp father said

"What's the matter?" Blitzø asked

"Our daughter got hurt & we were told that there isn't a fucking infirmary around here!" The Imp mother said angrily

"Okay, calm down, I have a first aid kit." Blitzø said

"Wait, you do?" The Imp mother said surprisingly

"Yes, I can fix your daughter." Blitzø said as he knelt down to the little Imp girl "What happened, kiddo?"

"I was running & I fell & hurt my knee." The Imp girl whimpered

"Aww, don't worry, I'll make it better." Blitzø said as he pulled out his first aid kit

After Blitzø treated her wound

"There we go, all done." Blitzø said as he finished wrapping the bandage around her knee, then he pulled out a lollipop & gave it to her "Here you go, for being brave."

"Thank you, mister." The Imp girl smiled as she kissed his cheek

"You're welcome, little miss." Blitzø smiled back

"Glad you came to us." The Imp father said gratefully

"You're such a helpful darling." The Imp mother complimented

"Aw shucks, it was nothing." Blitzø blushed. "Also, don't have a bad day just because something goes wrong. For example"

(Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammar)(I don't own this song)


I've been waiting on the sunset

Bills on my mindset

I can't deny they're getting high

Higher than my income

Income's bread crumbs

I've been trying to survive

Several demon families heard Blitzø's singing & decided to check it out

The glow that the sun gets

Right around sunset

Helps me realize

That this is just a journey

Drop your worries

You are gonna turn out fine.

Oh, you turn out fine.

Fine, oh, you turn out fine.

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

You gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

Some of the children were dancing along with their parents

I know it's hard, know it's hard

To remember sometimes,

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.


I got my hands in my pockets,

Kicking these rocks.

It's kinda hard to watch this life go by.

I'm buying into skeptics,

Skeptics mess with

The confidence in my eyes

I'm seeing all the angles

Thoughts get tangled

I start to compromise

My life and my purpose.

Is it all worth it?

Am I gonna turn out fine?

Oh, you turn out fine.

Fine, oh, you turn out fine.

The teenagers moved their feet and bobbed their heads with smiles

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

You gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

I know it's hard, know it's hard,

To remember sometimes,

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.


Only rainbows after rain

The sun will always come again.

And it's a circle, circling,

Around again, it comes around again.

I said,

The co-workers started dancing along


Only rainbows after rain

The sun will always come again.

And it's a circle, circling,

Around again, it comes around,


But you gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

You gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

I know it's hard, know it's hard

To remember sometimes,

But you gotta keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

And keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

And keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

And keep your head up, oh,

And you can let your hair down, eh.

After they were done, the crowd cheered. Then Wally's phone rang & he picked up

"Hello? Yeah, we'll be right there." Wally said before hanging up "Blitzø, I just got a call from Fizz, he's expecting you at the circus tent."

"Okay." Blitzø said

When Blitzø got to the circus tent.

"You've been doing a good job, Blitzø." Robo Fizz said

"Thank you, boss." Blitzø said

"Hehehe, you're welcome, but I'm not the boss here." Robo Fizz said before gesturing to Mammon "This is the boss."

"Please to meet you, Blitzø, I'm Mammon, the founder of Loo Loo Land" Mammon said as he shook Blitzø's hand

"It's nice to meet you, sir." Blitzø said "Also, may I make a suggestion?"

"You may." Mammon permitted

"I ran into an unhappy couple whose daughter got hurt & they told me that there wasn't an infirmary here." Blitzø said

"That's true." Mammon nodded

"So, I treated their daughter's wound & everything is fine now, but I suggest we build an infirmary in this theme park in case someone else gets hurt." Blitzø suggested

"I see, but we'll worry about that later." Mammon said "Right now, I have a task for you."

"What is my task, sir?" Blitzø asked

"Your task is to go on stage & entertain our customers." Mammon said

"Right away, sir." Blitzø said

When Robo Fizz went on stage

"Hey hey hey, ladies & gentlemen, we have a special guest." Fizzarolli announced "Put your hands together for Blitzø, the Singing Imp."

The audience cheered as Blitzø went on stage

(Springtrap Finale by Groundbreaking)(I don't own this song)


I, I've been waiting a long time

For someone to discover me

Why, you ask?

It's because I am getting

A little claustrophobic in here

I see how you get ideas

About how I really came to be

Well I guess I can see

How you think I am mean

Golden green

All machine

Cause it's me

I've been stuck here all alone

No one to tell the things I know

Well I guess I can see

How you think I am mean

Golden green

All machine

Cause it's me

_Robo Fizz_

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped


Well deserved

I paid the consequence and

I have learned

That I'm twisted

But it still hurts

Why do they get to go and why do I have to stay?

They moved on

But I am stuck in here

Well they're not wrong

But I'm asking for some peace of mind

If I could rewind

I would never come back

To the place at the time

This is it

The big finale

But they never quit

They were out to get me

What I did is unforgivable

And I will pay the price

Golden suits

Are now my curse

So now I walk towards you

Can you get me out of all my troubles and

All my past mistakes

All the sadness

Please all of the hate

I see how you get ideas

About how I really came to be

Well I guess I can see

How you think I am mean

Golden green

All machine

Cause it's me

_Robo Fizz_

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped

You are never going back

Cause you got springtrapped


I guess I'm all alone

And I don't think I move on

I'm forever stuck in gold

To live the life of an animatronic

Fright attraction

Someone please prove me wrong

This is it

The big finale

But they never quit

They were out to get me

What I did is unforgivable

And I will pay the price

Golden suits

Are now my curse

So now I walk towards you

Can you get me out of all my troubles and

All my past mistakes

All the sadness and

All of the hate

After they were done, the audience cheered. Blitzø sang a couple of more songs & did some tricks to entertain the audience. Fizzarolli, Mammon, & Wally were loving this as they were getting a lot of souls & money. After Blitzø was done, he went backstage.

"Hey Blitzø, we're gonna need help with the cannon." A co-worker said

"Okey-dokey." Blitzø said

While Blitzø was cleaning the cannon

"Alright, we're ready to fire." Another one of the co-worker said as he lit the fuse

"Huh!? No, wait!?" Blitzø said in panic as his head popped out of the cannon


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!" Blitzø screamed as he was sent flying out of Loo Loo Land

"Blitzø! Blitzø! Blitzø!" The audience chanted as they all want to hear more songs of him

"Have you found him yet?" Mammon asked the co-workers

"No sir, he's not anywhere." One of the co-workers said

"Where the devil could he be?" Mammon said in frustration "There's a lot of customers waiting to be entertained."

"Boss." The co-worker that was supposed be in the cannon

"Hey, how'd you get back here so fast?" Robo Fizz asked

"What do you mean, I didn't even do the cannon act." The co-worker said

"Then if you weren't in the cannon then who was?" Robo Fizz said confusingly

"Uh Oh." The co-worker who lit the fuse on the cannon said

"What do you mean 'Uh Oh?'" Mammon asked curiously

"I might have shot Blitzø out of the cannon." The co-worker said nervously


Mammon & Robo Fizz were pissed as they walked closer to the co-worker

"Boss, please, I didn't mean to, it was an accident!" The co-worker whimpered as he backed away

But Mammon & Robo Fizz attacked him with no mercy as he was screaming. Just then, the Goetia family arrived at Loo Loo Land along with I.M.P.

"Loo Loo Land, it had to be Loo Loo Land." Moxxie said anxiously

"Moxxie this is no time for your phobia of theme parks." Stolas said "We gotta find Blitzø."

Suddenly they heard screaming, they followed the source of the scream & found Mammon & Fizzarolli standing in front of a beaten up co-worker

"Mammon, Fizzarolli." Stolas said gaining their attention

"Stolas, what brings you here?" Mammon asked

"Where is Blitzø?" Stolas asked in a demanding tone

Meanwhile Verosika's gang were riding in her car looking for Blitzø

"How are we going to find him, it's not like he is going to fall from the sky." Kat said

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Blitzø said as he fell into the car

"Whoa Blitzø, is that you?" Ace said

"Thank you, ladies & gentlemen, you've been a wonderful audience." Blitzø said, sitting up with open arms before laying back down unconsciously

"Huh, that was easy." They thought

"Excellent, now that we found him, let's take him to our place." Apple said as the others agreed

When they got to their place, they cleaned & patched Blitzø up, & put some new clothes on him. After that Ace, Josh, & Kat went to tell Verosika they found him while Milky, Coco, Apple, & Kiki were watching him sleep.

"He's so handsome when he's asleep." Milky said lovingly

Apple touched his cheek which caused Blitzø to purr

"Whoa, what was that?" Coco said surprisingly

Apple touched his cheek again which caused him to purr again

"Aww, he's so precious." Kiki said

"Yeah, so cute." Apple agreed as she & the others kissed him leaving lipstick marks

A few minutes after they left

"Ugh..." Blitzø groaned as he woke up & found himself in a room. "Looks like I'm not in Loo Loo Land anymore."

He exit the room & looked around

"This place really needs a clean up." Blitzø said "It's a good thing I'm here."

Blitzø started cleaning up while Verosika & her gang were out. After he was done cleaning, he started think of something that the place needed

"Hmm..." Blitzø said in a thinking gesture "You know what this needs? A hot spring!"

Blitzø built a hot spring, a heart-shaped pool, a bar, a stage, & a massage room in 8 hours. When Verosika's gang got back.

"Whoa!" They exclaimed amazingly

"Damn, this place is clean." Josh said

"Did Blitzø tidy up here while we were gone?" Kiki said

"Guys, look, a pool!" Apple said excitedly looking out the window "There's also a hot spring & a stage."

"Hey, check out this bar." Ace said impressively as he sat by the bar

"You sure this is our crib?" Milky asked

"I don't know but I ain't moving out anytime!" Kat said with excitement

"Let's go check on Blitzø." Coco said

When they went to the room Blitzø was in, they saw that he wasn't there.

"Where'd he go!?" Ace exclaimed confusingly

"Don't tell me he just up & left!" Coco said in panic

"Don't panic, he can't be too far." Kiki said

They went around the crib to go look for Blitzø, then Apple & Milky entered the massage room.

"Hello there." Blitzø greeted with a smile

"Oh Blitzø, we were looking for you." Apple said in relief

"We thought you left." Milky said

"Well, you don't have to worry about that, I'm still here." Blitzø said "May I interest you two in a massage?"

Milky & Apple looked at each other before smiling seductively, then they closed. Meanwhile Kiki & Coco were still looking for Blitzø.

"Shit, where could he be?" Coco said in panic

"Calm down, he'll turn up." Kiki said

Suddenly they heard a noise. They followed the noise to the massage room, they peek inside & saw Milky & Apple getting a massage & enjoying it.

"You have such magic hands, Blitzy." Apple said

"I don't think I can take this anymore." Milky said as she tackled him making him grab her ass by accident

"Oh." Milky moaned as she licked her lips. "You naughty Imp, you like it when you touch my round ass?"

"Uh..." Blitzø blushed nervously as Apple hugged him from behind

"How about we have some fun?" Apple said seductively

"Hey, mind if we join you?" Kiki asked as she & Coco looked at Blitzø with lust & hunger

"No, we don't mind at all." Milky said

"Oh dear." Blitzø gulped

Meanwhile Verosika arrived at the crib & heard noise. When she got to massage room & found her female gang members with Blitzø .

"What are you doing with him?" Verosika said angrily

"Just having a little fun." Milky said

"Wanna join us?" Coco asked

"Hmm." Verosika said as she looked at Blitzø with hunger then she locked the door & pounced on him

"Uh oh." Blitzø gulped as Verosika kissed him on the lips & the other joined in.

8 hours later, Blitzø, Vortex, Verosika & her gang were walking to her office. Blitzø had a lot of lipstick marks, bite marks, & hickeys on him. Milky, Coco, Apple, & Kiki were still looking at him with lust & Ace, Josh, & Kat were looking at him with respect & a little lust. When they got to the office, Blitzø & Verosika sat down.

"Blitzø, why didn't you tell me that you can sing?" Verosika asked

"Why didn't I tell you? Do I know you?" Blitzø said confusingly

"What?" Verosika said as she, Vortex, & her gang became confused

"Who are you & how do you know me?" Blitzø asked politely

That made everyone confused especially Verosika, she thought he might insult her, call her names or something but this was a surprise. Suddenly Vortex got a call from Loona.

"Hello?" Vortex said as he put his phone on speaker

"Vortex, this is Loona." Loona said

"Wassup?" Vortex said

"It's Blitzø, he's missing & he has amnesia." Loona said

That made everyone frozen in shock & looked at Blitzø

"Hello, this is Blitzø." Blitzø said to Loona on the phone

"Blitzø? Vortex, do you have him with you?" Loona asked

"Yes." Vortex said

"Tex, what are you doing?" Verosika whispered angrily as she didn't want anyone to know where Blitzø was

"Great, we'll be there to pick him up." Loona said

"Okay." Vortex said as he hung up

"Vortex, why did you tell her that he was here?" Verosika said angrily

"Verosika, Loona & the others are very worried about him & we can't keep him from them." Vortex said as Verosika sighed sadly & went to the window & looked outside

"Ms. Verosika, if you want, I can stay here for a little longer." Blitzø said

"No, it's okay." Verosika said reluctantly

"But I really don't mind staying here if you want me to." Blitzø said as Verosika looked at him

That nearly broke Verosika's heart seeing how considerate & kind Blitzø was as she never saw this side of him before

"Blitzø, I appreciate you wanting to stay here for me, but your friends are worried about you & they need you more than I do." Verosika said with regret

Blitzø stared at her for a moment before opening his mouth

(What Do You Mean(Remix) by Justin Bieber feat Ariana Grande.)(I don't own this song)


What do you mean? Oh, oh

When you nod your head yes

But you wanna say no

What do you mean? Hey-ey

When you don't want me to move

But you tell me to go

What do you mean?

Oh, what do you mean?

Said you're running out of time, what do you mean?

Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?

Better make up your mind

What do you mean?

You're so indecisive, what I'm saying

Tryna catch the beat, make up your heart

Don't know if you're happy or complaining

Don't want for us to end, where do I start?

First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right

Wanna argue all day, making love all night

First you're up, then you're down and then between

Oh, I really wanna know

What do you mean? Oh, oh

When you nod your head yes

But you wanna say no

What do you mean? Hey-yeah

When you don't want me to move

But you tell me to go

What do you mean?

Oh, what do you mean?

Said you're running out of time, what do you mean?

Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?

Better make up your mind

What do you mean?


You're overprotective when I'm leaving

Tryna compromise but I can't win

You wanna make a point, but you keep preaching

You had me from the start, won't let this end


First you wanna go to the left, then you wanna turn right

Wanna argue all day, making love all night

First you're up, then you're down and then between

Oh, I really wanna know

What do you mean? Oh, oh

When you nod your head yes,

but you wanna say no

What do you mean? Hey-ey

When you don't want me to move,

but you tell me to go

What do you mean?

Oh, what do you mean?

Said you're running out of time, what do you mean?

Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?

Better make up your mind,

What do you mean?

After Blitzø & Verosika were done, they smiled at each other

"You sure you don't mind staying for a little longer?" Verosika asked

"I'm sure." Blitzø said

"How sentimental." A voice said

Everyone looked & saw Robo Fizz & Mammon

"Fizz, Boss." Blitzø said

"Hello Blitzø." Mammon said

"Sir, I'm sorry for not being at work for the past several hours, please don't fire me." Blitzø said

"Oh Blitzø, how can I be mad at my best employee for something that's not his fault." Mammon smiled before taking him by the arm. "We're going back to Loo Loo Land, Blitzø, immediately."

"Unhand him, Mammon." A voice demanded

Everyone looked & saw I.M.P with the Goetia Family

"We will not allow Blitzø to do your dirty work." Stolas said

"He's coming with us." Loona said

"No, he's staying with us!" Verosika shouted "& we're not giving him up without a fight."

"Ooh, I sure do love a good fight." Robo Fizz said excitedly "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!"

So the fight started, Moxxie was trying to shoot Ace who was dodging the bullets before pinning him to a wall by the neck

"What are you gonna do now, shortie?" Ace smirked before feeling a sharp pain in his back "Aaaaaaagh!"

"Hands off my man!" Millie shouted as she stabbed his back with a knife before putting him in a chokeholds

"Hahahahahaha!" Robo Fizz cackled as Loona tried to slash him with her claw before he wrapped his body around her & bonded her "No one can save you now."

"Wanna bet!" Vortex said as he grabbed Robo Fizz & threw him into a wall

"So that's how it's going to be? Hahahahahahahaha!" Robo Fizz cackled as he speed rolled into Vortex

"Tex!" Loona shouted

Verosika was flying around Stella to confuse her, then she charged at Stella

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Stella used her supersonic scream & sent Verosika flying into a wall. Then the two woman wrestled each other until Verosika wrapped her tail around Stella's neck & threw her across the room

"Get her!" Josh said as he, Kat, Milky, Coco, Apple, & Kiki charged at Octavia who snapped her eyes open & telekinetically stopped them in their tracks

"Begone THOTS!" Octavia shouted as she sent them flying with a wave of her hand

Stolas had Mammon pinned with his foot

"Hand. Him. Over." Stolas demanded

"Never. FIZZ!" Mammon shouted

"Right boss." Robo Fizz said as he wrapped his body around Stolas & bonded him

"I won't let you use him for your acquisitive desires, you avaricious bastard!" Stolas said as he struggled to get out

"I like to see you try to take him from me, you old hoot." Mammon smiled sinisterly

"Eat this, you shitbag!" Millie said as she threw a grenade at him

Mammon ducked & the grenade landed in Blitzø's hands

"Oh sh-" Blitzø said


"AAAAAAAAGH HOOHOOHOO WHEEEE!" Blitzø yelled as he was sent flying

"BLITZØ!" Everyone exclaimed

Blitzø landed in a car which accidentally turned on & drove him to who knows where.

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