An Old Enemy

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Jay woke up to see he was still on Sara's couch. He heard something in the kitchen and saw Sara making breakfast.

"Morning Sara, how are you?" Jay asked.

"Morning Jay, I'm great thanks for asking. Did you sleep okay on the couch?" Sara asked.

"It's better than sleeping outside in the forest." Jay said with a smile.

Sara smiled back, then they both heard a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" Sara asked. Jay gave a shrug and Sara went to open the door.

She gave a small scream and slammed the door shut. She locked it and grabbed a broom.

"What's going on?" Jay asked, his voice sounded worried.

"There's something on the other side of this door, that shouldn't be there." Sara said, her voice filled with panic.

There came a louder knock on the door, this time sounding like it mean business.

"Go away, and don't return!" Sara yelled to the door. "And I'm not opening the door for you!"

The knocking suddenly stopped and all was quiet for a moment. "Maybe whoever it was left?" Jay suggested.

Sara walked over to him and said, "I wish that were true, but I have a feeling that that thing is still around."

Jay gulped. Sara slowly looked out her peephole to see if they left. "I don't see it, but I really think that it's out there." Sara said, holding on tightly to the broom.

Jay was going to ask what "it" was, but was interrupted when the knocking returned, but it sounded different, like it could break down the door. He and Sara didn't say anything, they just stared at the door.

The door finally gave in and broke off it's hinges and landed close to Jay. They both heard a laugh and someone say "Is that any way to treat your guest?"

Jay knew that voice. It was the voice of someone who was never returned to Kryptarium Prison where they belonged. It was someone Jay was hoping never to run into again.

He was just how Jay remember him. He still had his white scales instead of purple, purple markings instead of black ones, and creepiest of all, his once pink eyes now red with angry.

"Pythor!" Jay shouted with angry. He hated that snake.

"Hello, it's a pleasure seeing you again." Pythor said, a smirk on his face.

Sara, who still had the broom in her hands stood between Jay and Pythor. "Jay, you know him?" Sara asked slightly looking back at Jay but never let the snake out of her sight.

"It's a long and complicated story, but he's not a friend, I'll tell you that." Jay said.

"Well then, get out of my house you giant, Iguana!" Sara yelled at Pythor and tried to get him out by whacking him with her broom, but failed. And it only made him angrier.

"Iguana! I am a proud member of the serpentine, and the last anacondrai! Not an Iguana!" Pythor yelled, clearly insulted by the comment.

"Well, serpentine or whatever you are, get out my house and away from me and Jay!" Sara yelled, still trying to hit Pythor with the broom.

Pythor knocked to broom out of Sara's hands and broke it. "I'm not leaving without the ninja." He said and pointed his staff at both of the like it was a gun.

"What do you want with me?" Jay asked.

"I'm finally getting rid of you ninja. Then, no one came save the rest of Ninjago from my revenge for entombing me and my kind." Pythor said, beginning his monologue. "And the best part is your to hurt to fight back, and the other ninja aren't around to protect you."

"Yes they are." Sara said, coming up with an idea. "There right behind you in the doorway."

Pythor turned to the door and didn't see anything. He was about to turn around when something hit the back of his head, causing him to go unconscious.

Sara had hit Pythor in the head with a frying pan. She shared a smile with Jay for a moment, then decided to take action.

"We need to get out of here." She said and put the frying pan down. She quickly help Jay stand, and supported him. She put his now good arm around her shoulder and they stared to walk towards the entrance. The first few step were hard, but they got it. Jay still had a broken leg and a cracked rib.

"Maybe you should just leave me and save yourself." Jay suggest once they were a good few feet from the house.

"And leave you here alone when that mad snake wakes up? No way." Sara said as they walked further.

They were walking as fast as they could, they were on the run. 

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