Camping in the Woods

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Sorry I haven't been updated recently, but I've been working on a new story. It's still a little ways from being released but it'll all be worth it if you guys love it. Enjoy the new chapter and please comment. Also there's a little bit of Jaya at the end of the chapter. 😉😊

Lloyd's compromise was working out great. The ninja were camping in the woods so they didn't have to go back to the temple. And they would get an early start the next day.

They were all huddled around the campfire, but no one was talking. They were all busy think of Jay. They really missed him.

Nya was thinking of what could be happening to him at the moment and barely ate her dinner, which was energy bars and fruits. She thought of numerous scenarios. One was of Jay being taken by one of their past enemies against his will, while another was that the bear dragged Jay away somewhere. She just couldn't stop thinking of things like that. She loved Jay and missed him more that anything.

Cole was to busy feeling guilty. 'Why didn't I invite him to come along with me?' Cole thought to himself. He felt responsible for Jay being alone at the temple. 'If I had just stayed with him, or asked him his plans, then maybe he would still be at home, safe.' Cole thought to himself.

Lloyd was also feeling guilty for this. 'I should had made sure that everyone had plans.' He thought as he ate a banana. 'Then he could have told us he had no plans, and one of us could have offered him to come along.' 'If something bad were to happen to him, I'd never forgive myself.'

Zane was also worried for Jay. Like Nya, he ran countless scenarios in his head, but his were more logical, and didn't involve the bear. The most likely scenario was still that a stranger found Jay and took him back to their home.

Kai was very upset. His phone had no service and he couldn't call Skylor.

And Jay was still missing. That was important too. Kai mostly thought this was one of Jay's pranks to get back at them for leaving him out of their activities at first. But once he saw Jay's crashed bike, he knew this wasn't a prank.

Soon they all went to sleep, well most of them did. Nya keep tossing and turning, trying to sleep, but couldn't get the though if Jay being hurt out of her head.

She eventually gave up and just looked up into the sky. She thought of how Jay saved her from Nadakhan, and how he had tried to save her in the lighthouse. But she ended up saving him instead. It was the moment she realized she still loved him and wanted to continue their relationship. She missed him even more now.

"Hey, you okay?" A voice asked.

Nya saw Cole walking next to her. "I'm just thinking of Jay." Nya said as she looked up at the sky again.

"Yay, I'm really hope that he's okay. If I'd known he'd be alone, then I would have invited him to come with me." Cole said, lying down next to Nya, looking at the sky too.

"Same here, all I want now is for him to be okay. I'm so worried." Nya said, thinking of how she almost lost Jay once already when Nadakhan took him.

"I'm sure that Jay's okay, he's a strong, even if he was kidnapped by a villain, he'll be okay." Cole said, telling himself more than Nya. He was worried about his best friend more than he cared to admit.

Nya could see this and decided that Cole needed more comforting than she did. "Cole, I'm worried about Jay too, but we'll find him, even if we have to search all of Ninjago." She said and put a hand on Cole shoulder.

"I know Nya, it just I feel responsible for all this. I was the last one to leave the temple. I saw him sitting by himself, but just assumed that he was going somewhere later. I should have asked him, or something. Then maybe I'd be safe and sound at the temple." Cole said, feeling like he lost the only person who really felt like his true brother.

"It's okay, we're all to blame." Nya said frowning. "I'm his girlfriend, I should have talked to him about it, but every since my parents got back I've been treating Jay like he doesn't exist. I should be the one to blame."

Cole looked at her and said "Let's not play the blame game, let's just say we both messed up. Now let's try and get some sleep."

Nya took Cole's advise and tried to fall asleep. This time she actually fell asleep that night.

Nya was dreaming of a handsome and funny, bright auburn haired young man. She was in his arms in a warm and comforting embrace. She felt safe. Like nothing bad could ever happen. Before she knew it she felt something on her lips. She saw the man was kissing her, and she didn't fight it. It actually felt even better than the hug. She never wanted that moment to end.

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