Dinner with a Friend

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This is just a filler chapter, but I hope you still enjoy it. Comment and enjoy the chapter. Also, sorry it's so short. 😉😊

While the others were looking for Jay, he was getting to know Sara.

"So, you've lived here your whole life, you grow your own food, and are lactose intolerant." Jay said, summing up everything she told him.

"Yup." Sara said, not turning around from cooking dinner.

"Does anything interesting happen around here?" Jay asked.

"Not really," Sara said, this time looking away from the stove. "The last interesting thing that happened around here was some kid trying to build some treehouse fortress."

Jay went quiet for a moment, was it in Wildwood Forest that Lloyd tried to build his treehouse?

"And even stranger, the kid had a bunch of iguanas, or lizards, helping him." Sara continued.

Jay was now on the verge of laughing. Did she seriously think that the serpentine were lizards or iguanas? It was funny to think about.

"Then," Sara said, trying to hold in laughs. "a bunch of men in pajamas stoped them. It was one weird day, that was for sure."

Jay was now sure she was talking about one of his and the guys first missions with the serpentine. When Lloyd was trying to build his treehouse with the Hypnobrai, and the ninja foiled his plot.

He just couldn't help but smile at the memory. It was still when Lloyd wanted to be evil, like his father. None of them knew that that little brat who tried to make a treehouse fortress, unleash the serpentine, and rod a candy store, would become the green ninja. It was also really funny to think about for Jay.

"Anyway, here's dinner, hope you like your vegetables." Sara said in a apologetic tone.

"I think it's nice, and it smells delicious." Jay said, and he thought it really did. Even though Sara had just made tomato soup, mashed potatoes, and green beans, it smelled almost as good as Zane's cooking. Almost.

"Plus, if I can survive my best friends cooking, then I think I can survive anyone's." Jay said. This made Sara laugh hard.

"You best friend is Cole, right?" Sara asked, trying to remember what Jay told her earlier.

"Yay, he's a great friend, but a horrible cook." Jay said, and they both laughed.

"Isn't he also the one that stole your girlfriend?" Sara asked, her tone now serious.

"Yes, but we made up, and now me and Nya are back together." Jay said, a smile now on his face at the thought of Nya.

"Well, she must be a very luck girl to end up with a guy like you." Sara said, her tone now happy again.

They talked as they ate their dinner, unaware they were being watched, by someone who wanted to get some payback on the ninja.

"I can't wait until tomorrow." The figure said, then walked away from the cabin.

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