Chapter 1~

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Sweat was dripping down my forehead. no matter how exhausted I was, I knew I had to keep running for my life. "No..." I muttered ever so quietly. "I can't die, yet." It felt like this nightmare wouldn't ever end.

Finally, I reached to the end of the Forsaken labyrinth, otherwise known as my dream world. I was greeted with a shining light and a whisper in my ear. " Good riddens " was all that I could make out. Before I could reach the bright light, I felt a cold, wet blade go straight through my back.

"GAH!" I fell out of my bed. "Well, good morning to you too, world." I muttered, adding that bitter, sarcastic tone to my voice. "It's been the third night in a row that I've had that same dream. Will I ever be enveloped by that welcoming bright light? Or will a steel blade keep me from from letting me enter my peace of mind? I will just have to find out...' I thought, while staring blankly at the cieling, forgetting that I have school today. I got off the floor and looked at the buzzing alarm clock. 6:34. I'm supposed to wake up at 6:20, but, screw it.

I don't even remember how it began. All of a sudden, people started to ignore me and my parents hated me. Not in a, "Oh it's for your own good" way. It was merely, "I've now realized that you're a lousy excuse, so why have you around?" way.

"Stupid school. Why do you have to be on the days that I don't want you on?" I said to myself, while getting ready for Hell. Oh... I meant to say school. Meh, same-difference. It can't be helped. I tied the black collar bow before stepping out of my bedroom. For school uniforms, it isn't terrible. It's a white Oxford shirt, black pleaded skirt, and black flats, including the black collar bow I already mentioned.

I walked out to the kitchen to grab my special chocolate waffles, because chocolate is life, and...waffles. When I turn to walk out the door, stands my soulles, ungrateful, dreadful mother. "You're gonna be late. You were supposed to be out of the house two minutes ago, but no. You're still here. So, get out of my house. Now." I sighed. "I was planning on doing that anyways, but you were in my way. So, can you please move? If looks could kill, I'd be dead in a split second. "Bye~!" I screamed in a ring-y voice.

Time skip!

Sooner or later, I made it to the front of the school and looked at my watch. 7:49. I guess I'm not late. Surprisingly, I'm 11 minutes early! It's not time to rejoice yet, though, I'm about to face Satan put in human form. (Not from The Devil is a Part Timer, cuz he's adorable!) I went to my small, cubby sized locker and grabbed the supplies I would need for the day. Just then, I felt the air knocked out of me when I was pushed down by my enemy, Selene.

"Well, well. What do we have here? Another pest in my way, I see." I got up, recovering my energy, and looked her in the eye.

And so I finally snapped.

"What did I ever do to you, Selene? Why in Hell would you ever bother me? Are you just doing this for a "better" reputation? If you are, then, screw you. I don't need to even bother seeing you in my presence. But, excuse me... class starts in a minute." I walked away from a shocked face, which turned into a sly grin. 'It's probably the reaction she's been waiting for. Ah, shit.' I thought to myself, while walking to English class, pulling my phone and ear buds out of my bag.

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