Chapter 2~

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Quick author's note! All of the terms and definitions are the ones I got off of quizlet! Oh, glorious quizlet... Now, for the chapter you've probably waited over a month for! (Sorry about that!)

Whilst flipping through my different playlists, I stopped upon a song that fit the mood. That lovely song is none other of the title of this fanfiction!

'Lost One's Weeping'

I slightly shrugged, shoving my phone into my pocket, and slipped in my earbuds.

Feel it cutting into me, the doubting painful knife
Feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right
Couldn't take the love I had, so weak and burning low
But it grew into a weapon only hurting me, this I know nonfiction

So good with numbers, science, math I like
But I'm terrible at English so I despise
This part of me that wants a simple "right or wrong"
And I feel that everything I choose will always be false"

I stopped dead in my tracks. English class. I wrinkled my nose in disgust just thinking about what today will be about. 'Let's see... Another divorce?' I pushed open, and her, once again, complaining. "-Class, this is why you never marry a woman by the amount of money she makes in a month! Especially if she's a teacher!" I sat down in the typical main character seat by the window on the far side of the room. I was the only one who bothered to. "Now that everyone is finally here, let's begin the review! Assuming that everyone did their homework, I'm going to collect and grade them today. I bit my lower lip. 'Shit...I only did half of it...Wait. I thought she said yesterday that this homework assignment didn't count!' I Well quickly sketched a few random answers down, and wrote my name at the top. 'Kuro Utau...finished!' I handed it to her. 'Thank Arceus...' Now to start the lesson! I will write a few problems on the board, and I want--" Ms. Grey turned her head to me and smirked. Devilishly. "Kuro whose sitting in the corner to answer them." With that look she was practically telling me 'Oh your miserable in this class? Let me fix that with a bit of humiliation! Your hopeless!' What a bitch...

I shakily walked up to the whiteboard. My legs were lead, snapping at each step I take. I reached for a marker, and turned my attention to the problem.

"Match the definition to the correct term." On the left, it had 4 terms. On the right, it had the definitions.

(Left side)
1. Tragic Flaw
2. Soliloquy
3. Aside
4. Comedy

(Right side)
1. A long speech given by a character alone on stage; monolog
2. A play that ends happily, and contains humorus content
3. A character weakness; error in judgement
4. A character's quiet remark to the audience or another character that no one else is supposed to hear

I tapped my finger on my chin. 'English 4 review isn't that impossible! I guess she doesn't want to hunt me down afterall! This one goes with this..-'

"Kuro Utau, come to the front office someone is here to see you, and check you out of class."

'Oh deer god. Who's here to see me?!' I started to freak out. "Well, it can't be helped... You'll have to answer these questions tomorrow!"

I nodded, and grabbed my bag off of the chair. Speed walking down the hallways to see who was waiting for me, I slipped my earbuds in whole no one was watching.

And today
This homework
About me
A blank sheet
Content with
This life I will now live
'Til I think why are we
just sometimes no always
Saying how we're sad and
Saying how we're lonely?

Can you even read the blackboard written clear as can be?
Can you even read his mind? See that kid's lost fantasy?
Can you even find the one who dyed his red heart to black?
Hey, who could it be?
Hey, someone tell me!

Can you even solve the question with your abacus yet?
Can you even stop the rope from hanging him by his neck?
Did we really choose it right saying we're okay this way?
Hey, just tell me how
It's not like I care now"

I paused it, and walked up to the big oak doors that stood between me and that mystery person. I grabbed the doorknob. I hesitated, thinking about all the people who it could be. Let me just say that not all of them were 'good.' I sighed, and finally turned the knob, and pushed the door open.

"No way..." I stood there, like dry cement, unable to move. "I-it can't be you!"

Haha! Cliffhanger! Though, you won't have to wait for a month for the next chapter. Probably a week or two. Have fun waiting! ^^~

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