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Adu was drinking her coffee in the college canteen.....suddenly there was a rush among students....

Adu went near to see the matter...

A: what happen guys?


S: Are yaar one famous businessman came to our college today.

A: Really, who?

S: what was his name...huh..hmm... Oh yes...Mr Agarwal....the legend...

A: what!

(No no I can't stay here anymore...he...why he is here...)

Madame? Madame?

Adu got out her world of thought when ramlal ji called her..

A: Ramlal bhaiya?

R: wo principal sir aapko bula rahe hain(principal is calling u)

A: Hmm okay,

Adu hesitatedly took every step towards the door of principal office.

She knocked....

What I am gonna do now....

Oh Ms. Agarwal come in...

She saw the man of her life who was meant to be her savior, knight in shining armour.....but no he...he just..

"Dad?" a whisper left her mouth....

She can't believe her father is standing in front of her....better to say sitting infront of her. Why he is here? That's the only question in her mind.

From childhood....she has never seen any emotion for her.... except hatred....hatred for taking birth....and existing. After all she will always be a criminal in his eyes.


Did she heard correctly.... when did the heavy and scary voice of Mr. Laksh Agarwal turned into soft voice? And he is using it to address her. Her eyes even refused to blink....

Laksh without missing any chance....he quickly hugged her..."My bachaa...how are you? Tell papa...papa is sorry beta. I will die in regret if you don't forgave me."

Aditiya somehow pushed him back making herself release from the hug. Laksh's face is now clearly showing hurt but in his mind and heart he knows he doesn't deserve her at any cost.

"Come back home beta." he requested in response Adu just nodded as no. She doesn't wants to go back to that hell.

Laksh knew he had to be hard to take her back....back to her home.

Laksh wiped his tears and then grabbed her hands to drag her with him. Adu was always habituated with such acts....she tried to resist but all in vain.

Laksh dragged her to his car while pushing her inside the back seat. Adu's eyes got widened..."Let me go Mr. Agarwal! She yelled at him but Laksh got in with her locking the doors and ordered the driver to drive to Arora mansion. Hearing the name Adu freezed in her place. After recovering from her shock....she started trashing on Laksh's hold like a mad girl...."Leave me.... leave me...you monster....."

Laksh knew he can't handle her alone. He called Preeti to wait near the temple they are gonna pass instead of directly going to Arora house.

Adu is still panicking...while the car stopped near temple and Preeti got inside...while cooing at her daughter in baby voice.

Adu calmed down but not due to Preeti but for being tired. She knew they are again taking her back to her cruel fate

The car stopped inside the Arora mansion....

Laksh got up along with Adu wrapped around his hands....

Adu's eyes started shedding tears knowing that she is back into her hell....her doom's day is near.

Laksh took her inside the mansion...where she saw all the people who is the reason she is so miserable.

Then before they can enter into their living room....she heard someone stopped them..."Wait!"

She turned her head towards the person only to see the face of the person she hates more than anything in her life ....her dadi....no no not dadi but a selfish woman who decided to side with her selfish family during tormenting an innocent kid.

Her eyes were only showing anger....too much anger...why this woman has to show her face? May be she still hates Adu(in her mind)...well that's what Adu thought but her confusion increased when she saw the puja thali in her dadi's hands.

"Our daughter will not enter into this house without aarti....and I am going to do that....so you guys needs to wait...." her dadi requested politely while Adu turned her head away.

Adu's dadi started doing her aarti...she is just wants to go back to her home....her safe heaven.

She can't even tolerate this woman....

Adu entered into the house...the house in which she worked as a maid even being the daughter-in-law.

Her dadi then did something unexpected....she pulled Adu into a tight hug...

"I am so happy bacha...you are back...we know you have many complaints and believe me when I say that we are regretting... regretting everything we did to you...we were blind....blind by selfishness.... I am sorry... I am sorry.... really really sorry."


Hello people,

I am sorry for the late updates...


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