7. Vivian...

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Above is the mansion


Dadi pov:

My baby...she came...after what happened I don't expect her to.... Come back....but she did....I am so so much happy.....

Dadi I need ur picture for my project about " Grandparents " Will..u give me? (With hesitation)

No...replied dadi.

I am your no dadi...just get out....veemla o vemla....take this trash away from me....

But dadi please....I want it or else I will get "E".

So what....you re trash....now go...


Adu got slapped by veemla...why u re here huh....causing me trouble....

That day Adu begged her dadi to give her a picture of dadi..

So Adu herself made a picture...by drawing....

In school teachers r not fond of Adu.....
So they gave her "D"

Adu got a hard scolding from principal sir.....

and he also called her father for parents teacher meeting...where the principal complaint against Adu in a harsh manner to her dad I.e. Laksh.

That day Laksh came back to home from school with Adu....

This girl is just pain in my head.....

Adu received slapped again from her mother....she grabbed Adu by her hairs and dragged her to her room....

P: you...you idiot...that's it....today I am going to make u learn ur lesson....

She started whipping little Adu with belt....Adu was crying.....begging her to stop...to listen.....but.....no one listen...

Adu fainted due to extreme pain as she was not able to take that much....

Flashback ends

Adu pov:
I don't know what to feel....anger, betrayed, or tired....

Adu beta take her blessings....baby...suddenly requested by Preeti....

I am feeling tired....I want to go back inside the car

No Adu....you have to meet everyone...here...replied Laksh...

Butttt...fine...Adu replied back.

Someone special is waiting for you bachha(child) winked preeti.

Adu got totally confused about....but she followed...towards everyone...

She can see everyone standing there....everyone....who r the part of her horrible past....Adu got nervous...

Everyone is just staring at her with guilt, love, affection...

Suddenly a girl....ran towards her....n engulfed her in a big hug...

Di...how are you di....you look so gorgeous....wow di....babbled her sis Richa....

Adu didn't reply....as she no more consider her as sister....

“Are you that much angry with me that u don't wanna reply?”....Richa asked with tears in her eyes.....

I am not feeling well....replied Adu...

I want to go back she stated turning towards her parents....

No Adu....we didn't brought here to return you back.....and you are already with us...your family...so stop being stubborn...Laksh said with a stern voice.

Tears started flowing from her eyes....“let me go...please...I don't wanna be here...she started requesting please”...she begged

Her requests again went unheard...

She covered her face with her hands and started crying....

....suddenly she got engulfed by a warm hug...she look upward to see the person who hugged her...n that person was no one other than.....

The most ruthless, wrathful, dangerous person alive....

The Vivian Arora....

“Missed me babe?”....Vivian asked in his dark voice...which was sending shiver through out the spine of Adu...

Adu was in awe for few seconds...seeing him after so many years...he was still charming...yes her prince Charming....the man she loves...her one n only...her eyes started roaming on his body....

Soon she recovered....from her stupid dreamland....

She knows he was the man who broke her to the point of never return....

She again got her panic attacks....

I wanna go hoooommee... Please (inaudible voice)

No...replied Vivian...still holding her in his arms...u r not leaving me again...Adu....

She again fell in his trap of eyes....but she has to be strong....

“Leave me” she started struggling in his arms...

Soon Laksh came towards them...and snatched Adu from Vivian....“Vivian stop controlling my daughter...I already lost her once not again for you understand”....

Vivian didn't argue....as he agree with what Laksh said

“Why he is here....to torture me again...to broke me again”....Adu thought.

Suddenly a wave of confidence came in her....n she turn towards her father n said...."I am leaving."


hello lovelies,

Sorry for late updates....


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