Chapter 5

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Keefe P.O.V 

I couldn't believe Biana was gone! I knew that Fitz would obviously be feeling more pain than me, but since I was sorta adopted by the Vackers, didn't that mean she was my sorta adopted sister? 

It was such a bad idea to leave Biana in that room alone, even though Everglen had amazing security, the Neverseen did manage to break into Everglen so many times, so who could say they couldn't do it now? 

I shared this all with Fitz, but he shook his head. "Look, Keefe," Fitz said. "We killed the Neverseen, and they aren't coming back. It's probably some creepy dude wanting Biana now that she can get her matchmaking lists and stuff. So, stop worrying about nonsense things and call Dex and tell him to come to Everglen." 

Fitz handed me his Imparter and I silently took it, not wanting to cross Fitz when he was in such a terrible mood, but I couldn't help but think, 'What if we didn't defeat the Neverseen and Fintan and Vespera and Alvar and my mom were all still out there?' 

"Dex Dizznee," I said into Fitz's Imparter. I could still hear Fitz pacing around the room, muttering to himself. 

Immediately, the Imparter was answered, but not by who I expected it to be answered by. Instead of my strawberry blond and periwinkle blue-eyed friend, a girl with blond hair and ice blue eyes answered the Imparter. 

"Oh, hi Keefe!" she said, twirling her hair. "I'm over at Dex's mourning with him because of, yeah, you know what. So, do you need Dex or anything because I could go get him..." 

"Hey Marella," I said. "No, I don't need Dex right now, I just need him to come over to Everglen in about 15 minutes. And it's not a prank, it's something serious. Biana has gone missing!" 

"Wait, really!?" Marella exclaimed. "I'll tell Dex and either we will both come in 15 minutes, or I'll come if Dex is too upset. Thanks for calling Keefe. Bye." 

Marella had also became really close to Dex during the time the Neverseen was attacking. She had just found out that her Dad was actually part of the Neverseen and her mother had died helping her, so Marella now spent a lot of time with Dex because she hated living with somebody she didn't really know. 

I handed Fitz back his Imparter and he called Sophie. I made sure not to eavesdrop of their conversation because I knew that Fitz hated that sort of stuff. 

"Sophie will be coming right over," Fitz said to me after hanging up on the Imparter. 

"I know," I said. 

"How?" Fitz asked angrily. "I thought you said that you wouldn't eavesdrop on other peoples conversations anymore! Or was that another lie?" 

"Look, Fitz!" I said. "I'm sorry that I continued being part of the Neverseen with Tam when I told you I was finished, but now that my Mom was in charge, I could play easy double-agent! And I could update you about Bangs Boy!" 

"That doesn't make it okay!" Fitz said. "You could have at least told one of us instead of making us all so worried!" 

"Look, we're not talking about that we are focusing on finding Biana!" I said. "Come on Fitz, just let it go so we can focus on the important thing. I'm here now, aren't I?" 

"You're probably going to leave again soon," Fitz muttered, but he shut up after that. Sometimes having Fitz as your best friend was really hard, and you had to resist the urge to punch him in the face. 

I think Fitz could tell what I was thinking because he sighed and sat down on his bed. "Look," he said. "I know that I am really hard sometimes, but I just don't want you to run away again. You are my best friend." 

"I know," I said, trying my smirk. Fitz grinned at that. 

"Don't push your luck," he replied. 

The gate swung open at Everglen and Fitz and I both rushed out to see who it was. It was Tam and Linh, both about 10 minutes early and both looked like they were ready to kick some butt. 

Tam looked angrier than ever and Linh looked like she was ready to go to war and back (which might actually happen if Biana wasn't returned). 

Without saying a word, Tam walked right past Fitz and I, immediately followed by Linh who was at least human enough to give each of us a nod of the head and a tight smile. 

Within a few more minutes, Marella came followed by Dex and Sophie. We all sat around Everglen's main dining table in silence.  

"Where's Alden and Della?" Sophie asked after a few minutes. 

"They are with the Council sorting out funeral stuff," Fitz responded without looking up. "So we're on our own for the next day or two, and I don't want Mom and Dad getting involved. They have too much going on." 

Sophie nodded and we sat in silence once again, Marella tapping her feet on the carpet impatiently and Dex glancing around as if he was scared of his surroundings. 

"Well?!" a demanding voice that I knew too well said. "Are we just going to sit here while Biana could be getting tortured?" 

Tam stood up impatiently. "I thought we were going to do something!" he continued. "Not just sit around like a lazy pack of dogs in the sun!" 

"Well, then what do you suggest we do?!" Fitz exclaimed. "Can't you tell that I'm trying to think?!" 

I stood up and waved my hands around. "Look you two, calm down. I can sense all of your emotions just spiking. We all want to find Biana, Tam." I said. "And Fitz, we know that you are thinking about what to do. So, let's compromise and go to Biana's room where the crime happened so we can think and do something. Sounds good?" 

Tam heaved a sigh. "Better then nothing," he muttered. "And to be honest, I didn't know what to do either." 

"Well," Linh said. "I know that Tam said one thing right. Biana is in serious danger right now, so let's get moving!" 

Linh dashed up the stairs immediately followed by Tam. Marella grabbed Dex's arm who was now looking around dazed. 

"Come on Dex!" Marella said. "We have to help them!"

"My parents..." Dex muttered. "Dad..." 

"Dex! Snap out of it!" Marella exclaimed, snapping her fingers in his face. 

"What's going on with Dex?" Sophie asked worriedly. 

Marella turned. "It's been happening a lot lately," she said. "Dex is getting like these dazes moments where he can't remember or do anything and he keeps hallucinating about his parents and his Dad. I took him to Elwin, but he said nothing was physically wrong with him, so I'm getting worried. It's been happening even more now..." 

"Should I take him back?" Sophie asked. 

"No," Marella said. "He's already starting to get out of it, see?" 

I glanced at Dex and saw that he was indeed getting out of it. He seemed less dazed and more focused. 

"Come on!" he said, grabbing Marella's sleeve. "Let's go help them find Biana. I created something that will help track fingerprints and footsteps so we can check where she was and where she was going and who was with her!" 

Marella glanced at us and mouthed an 'I told you so' before following Dex up the stairs. 

I walked slowly after them with Sophie and Fitz. 

"What's going on with him Foster?" I asked. 

Sophie gulped. "Seeing his symptoms, if it gets any more extreme..."

"What?" Fitz asked. 

Sophie leaned in and whispered quietly. "His mind might be starting to break." 

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