The Interrogation

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Biana P.O.V

It hurt. It really did. I had never felt so much pain in my entire life. The pain wasn't physical, it was mental, and every memory Gethen forced into my head only made it hurt worse. 

So this is what it felt like to have your mind breaking. Just imagine, the worst pain that you have ever felt in your head, then multiply it by like ten million, and then you have the pain I was feeling. 

It feels like your head is trying to split into a million different directions and you can't follow all of them, so your conscience gets stretched into a million pieces, until every piece of your conscience can't even sustain you for a minute, and then, you are officially lost.   

I was shaken awake one night, my breath shallow and I was panting hard. Cold sweat had formed on my brow and I felt like I couldn't get enough air. 

Ruy stood in front of me, cruel and cold as usual. "Get up Vanisher," he said. "Gethen wants you." 

"So, know Gethen is the boss?" I asked weakly. "Were you not powerful enough?" 

Ruy scowled down at me. "No, because apparently, being a Psionpath isn't a strong enough ability to be the leader. And, you are one to talk about being weak. You can't even get up!"

"I can!" I protested and tried to shove myself up out of the bed like I usually did. It didn't work. My arms felt too weak and shaky and I fell onto the metal head of the bed and hit my head on it, which didn't help my headache. 

Ruy smirked. "Told ya. Now, Gethen wants you, so I'm here to take you there and make sure you don't do any funny business." 

Ruy pulled me off the bed and I staggered on the ground, nearly falling over. Ruy took me into a long hallway and shoved me toward the first door that I saw. 

"In," he said, pointing at the door. 

O stepped in hesitantly. 

There, in front of me sat Gethen in a tall brown chair, holding a strange looking metal contraption in his hands. He gestured at the chair in front of him. 

"Take a seat Biana," he said. 

"No thanks," I replied. 

Gethen smirked. "Oh, you have no choice but to sit. You see, you are so weak, you can't even stand on your own." 

He snapped his fingers at Ruy. "Let her go." 

Ruy nodded stiffly and I felt his hand leave my arm. Immediately, my face met the ground with a hard smack. 

I looked up and saw Gethen giving a small smile. He then pointed to the chair. "Sit." 

With nothing else I could do, I dragged myself to the chair that he was pointing at and sat down, facing him and his strange metal machine. 

He saw me looking at it. "So, Biana," he said. "Do you want to know what this is?" he said, gesturing to the machine. 

"I assume you are going to show me whether I want to know or not," I said, although secretly, I did want to know what it was. 

"Well, well," Gethen said, folding his hands on top of each other. "This "thing" is a truth machine. If you do not tell the truth to a question, then you will feel a stabbing pain in the head." 

When Gethen said head, he pointed to his own temple. "And you know especially that your head cannot take that pain Biana, so true answers only. We wouldn't want you to break." 

Gethen grinned maniacally because he knew that he had got me. To be honest, I was pretty sure he did. I would either have to answer all of his questions or have the machine break my mind.

"It was created by our most experienced Technopath," Gethe continued. 

I gritted my teeth. "Tinker." Tinker had betrayed us many times before revealing her true intent with the Neverseen. She had purposely given Sophie a pin that would block Dex's bombs and tools during battles because it cut off all technological signals near it.  

Gethen nodded. "Yes, she is still here with us. Now, grab her!" 

"What?!" I said, glancing around as two people with the Neverseen symbol pinned to them dressed in black head to foot so I couldn't see their faces, grabbed me and shoved me toward Gethen who held out the machine menacingly. 

"Stop!" I yelled. "Please!!!" 

"We need the truth Biana," he said. "And the only way to get it is from you." 

Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head. 


"Sophie!?" I asked although I knew it was her. "Get out of me!" 

"Where are you!?" Sophie persisted. 

"I...I don't know!" I thought. 

"Look," Sophie thought. "We are trying to find you. We're in Everglen right now okay? In your room." 

"Stop telling me this!" I thought hysterically. I couldn't let Gethen learn this information! 

"Look Biana. We have something to tell you." 


"Look Biana, Dex's mind...It's breaking."  

"STOP TELLING ME THINGS!!!" I thought angrily. 

"Biana, please, we want to help..." 

Sophie's voice trailed off, and suddenly all I saw was Gethen's face. 

"Okay Biana," Gethen said. "What is the latest news with your friends?" 

It was like he knew. I couldn't let Gethen know about Dex's condition! I couldn't! 

" Tam is developing on his shadow powers..."

Suddenly, I felt the hugest pain in my head yet. I leaned forward and screamed loudly, louder than I had ever screamed before. It was like I could feel my skull cracking, my mind breaking, splitting even more. 

"The TRUTH!" Gethen roared. 

"Dex...Dex..." I stammered. 

"DEX WHAT?!" Gethen yelled in my face. 

"Dex's mind is breaking!" I yelled out finally. The pain finally went away, but I could still feel the remains of it, still buried in my brain, forever changing it. 

Gethen was panting with anger, but he nodded at my response. "Okay," he said. "Next question. Where are your friends right now?" 

"I don't know!" I protested. 

The pain hit me again, lightning quick and sharp. 

Gethen just looked at me. He knew the pain I was feeling right now, and he was glad that I was feeling it. 

I was panting, glaring up at Gethen with such hatred that I could feel my hate traveling toward him. But, it was so much less than the pain. 

Oh, the pain! I couldn't describe how much it hurt right now. 

"Everglen..." I finally choked out. "In my room..." 

Gethen grinned and snapped his fingers. The people that were holding me let me go and I fell onto the ground, feeling the weight of the machine on my head. 

They took the machine off, but I still felt the lingering of the pain. 

"We got what we needed. Thank you Biana," Gethen said. "I am sure that when we visit your friends, they will be shocked that you were the one to give us the information. They might think that you have turned. Oh, never mind. They most definitely will think that when we bring them back and they see you standing by my side in a Neverseen uniform." 

"NEVER!!!" I shrieked. "I WOULD NEVER!" 

"You may have no choice," Gethen sneered as he gave the machine to somebody and pulled me off the ground. 

"To your room! We will do this every day until your mind breaks, or you cooperate with us!" Gethen said, dragging me to the hallway. 

He smirked down at me. "And I think, it will be the latter." 

He threw me into my room and left. 

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