Chapter 12: Bite Marks

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!  

I inspected the old thing for a second time, to be sure this was real. I had to admit that I didn't recognize the model, honestly I had never seen it before. It had to be really old.

When we came closer, I could see that there were pieces of metal missing everywhere on the plane, they had most probably just rusted away a long time ago. The whole thing had been covered in all kinds of plants and dirt. 

"Be careful, Yami. I think the whole thing might collapse when we're not being careful enough," I told him.

He nodded. "Alright. I guess you won't be able to just fly us home with it then?"

I grinned. "A shame, right?"

"It really is. Let's hope you can make up for it by finding something that can fix the radio then," he joked. If I weren't going crazy, I could swear he added a wink to his remark.

"I'm on it," I said as we approached the plane. It was very big, when you were standing next to it. I could see now that it wasn't used for transporting passengers, but most likely just for cargo. From what I could see now, I could make up that the plane had a huge cargo hold. 

"So, how do we get in, captain?" Yami asked.

The word captain still gave me shivers down my spine, and suddenly I was standing on that beach again, with Allison again, there, on that beach, lying on the palm leave in the hole we dug for her. Nothing was left of her.

"Yugi?" I heard from behind me.

I woke up.

"Yeah, there should be stairs somewhere, but it might have just rusted away like a whole lot of the rest of the plane," I said. "Maybe we should check the back, I think this plane was used for cargo so there must be some kind of tailgate there."

"Sounds good," Yami said.

Together we walked to the back of the plane. We weren't even halfway there when we heard a creaking noise coming from inside the plane.

"What was that?" Yami said while he turned to the plane in a reflex.

"I told you we had to be careful... It might just break down or something, I don't know..." I said.

"Let's hope it will do that after we leave," Yami said, shaking his head.

When we finally got to the back of the plane, my feelings were confirmed. There actually was a tailgate at the back of the plane. Or, what was left of it. There was a small hole close to the ground that we could fit through, actually. I almost sat down on my knees, but Yami just decided to kick in the rusty metal panes that had been left of the tailgate. With the most ominous noise, coming from everywhere in the plane, the panes all fell down onto the leafy ground. 

"Yes... That's an option too," I said.

Yami just wiped away the vines and lianas that were hanging down from the roof of the plane, and he stepped inside. 

"There's a toolbox in here, Yugi," I heard from inside. 

"We should make some light," I said.

Yami stepped outside, carrying the very rusty toolbox. I wondered if there was still something useful in there. 

"Yes, that would be helpful, I guess," he said. 

And again, there was a scary, creaky noise coming out of the plane.

"We better do it fast," I said.

We collected some dry twigs, branches and grass, and this time, Yami handed me everything right away. I smirked at him.

"What?" he said. "I'm just not going to embarrass myself again."

I shook my head, laughing. "Alright, then I will do it."

We sat down in the thick layer of leaves, and while I was quickly making some fire, Yami sorted out the tools in the toolbox and he put everything that could be useful in the pockets of his jacket.

Not long after Yami was finished, we both were blinded by the sudden white flames the grass was catching. Yami nodded in approval. The fire was growing, and when it appeared to be stable enough, I walked over to a tree I had noticed before, and I covered the end of one of the branches in the tree resin that was dripping from the tree. 

Yami raised an eyebrow, but I just looked teasingly at him. "Didn't they teach you that in the navy?"

He shrugged. 

"It won't last that long, but hopefully we will have enough time," I said.

"No time to waste, then," Yami said. He stood up and before I knew it, he had already dissapeared into the plane again.

Together with the homemade torch I followed him. It was so dark inside, and everywhere around me were these wooden boxes stacked on top of each other. 

"I wonder what's inside of them," Yami said.

"Me too," I said.

Yami walked up to one of the weaker boxes. Although the plane hadn't been able to survive all this time, most of the boxes seemed in pretty good condition. In that way, what was inside was better preserved, but the boxes were harder for us to open.

With all his strength, Yami pulled one of the sides of the box entirely off. Like a waterfall, a whole load of colorful pieces of clothing flowed out of the box.

"Well then," Yami said.

"There are some more," I said.

I started searching for a box that looked weak too, and while I walked with the torch in my hand through the cargo hold I pointed at some boxes Yami could maybe open with his bare hands, too. After Yami had opened several boxes, we found out that the cargo had belonged to some kind of clothing store, since most of the weak boxes contained clothing. 

"I'll go check if there's something else up there," Yami said while he pointed at the boxes that were stacked high on top of each other. 

"Alright, be careful," I said, and Yami started climbing on top of the boxes. 

I heard a box crack open above my head, and I heard Yami chuckle.

"Yugi," he said. "Look what I found!"

He tossed a little item towards me, wrapped in plastic. When I looked closer, I saw that the package contained those pins girls use in their hair. But they were made out of metal, after all!

"Amazing! How many do you have?" I said with a smile from ear to ear.

"Enough," he said, and when I looked up I saw him stuffing his pockets with the pins. 

For the first time in my life, I was really thankful that clothing stores also sold items for in your hair. I walked over to the boxes Yami was standing on, and I noticed that the box that was on the bottom of the stack had a hole in one of the sides.

"Have you checked this one already?" I asked Yami.

But I was silent as soon as I held the torch in front of the box. 

"No, I haven't yet, why?" he said. 

One of the worst things that could be in that box, was sitting in that box. And it was looking at me. The light that was coming off the torch, was reflected by the eyes of the animal. I was frozen. 

"Yugi, are you alright?" Yami asked.

"We should go," I said, really careful.

"What's wrong?" Yami said softly.

"There's something in here," I whispered. Still, I was looking into its eyes, afraid that it might start to move when I started to move. "And it's alive... It's looking at me..."

"Stay still, Yugi..." Yami whispered back.

He grabbed a piece of wood that belonged to one of the boxes once, and carefully he sneaked his way down the boxes. When he was standing almost next to me, he quickly threw the piece against the hole in the box and sat down against it. Immediately, a similar noise as we had heard before echoed through the plane. It was shrill, and almost a little bit creaky.

"What in the world is that!?" Yami said.

"I don't know!" I told him.

"I count to three, and on three we run," Yami said.

I nodded.


The animal was pushing against the piece of wood Yami was sitting against with all his strength. I saw Yami was having a difficult time stopping the animal from destroying the wood.


And suddenly, the noises were coming from everywhere. From on top of the boxes, underneath them and behind them. It was the most awful sound I had ever heard in my life. Yami's eyes widened.


My heart was beating so fast, I couldn't see where I was running. Yami was just behind me, as were the creatures. There was the noise again. And again. And again.

And then, one came out of nothing. I didn't see it coming at all. And before I knew it, I felt it in my stomach. Its teeth were digging deep into my flesh, and they just didn't stop going deeper and deeper. It only let go when Yami's knife made it. 

My hand reached for my stomach, and when I retreated it, it was covered in blood. I had never seen so much blood on my hand before. I was still running, but I started feeling dizzy. When I looked up at Yami, he was just looking at me with the most concerned look on his face, and he was talking to me, his lips were moving, but I couldn't hear anything. I looked behind us, and noticed that there were no creatures chasing us anymore.

I just fell down onto the ground, panting heavily. Before I knew it, I was lifted up again. Now I was lying in Yami's arms, and he was running while he carried me with him. I just laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

The way he was running reminded me of being rocked to sleep.  

And then I closed my eyes. 

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