Chapter 13: Bandages

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

''God fucking damn it, stay with me Yugi!'' I heard.

The soothing, rocking sensation that I had felt had been replaced by just... static numbness. Now and then I felt the pressure of his hands on my stomach, but it did not hurt me anymore when he touched me.

''Keep breathing, keep breathing!'' Yami grunted.

I heard how he talked to himself, then what sounded like the ripping of yet another gauze compress. 

''You're not going to die, do you understand me Yugi? I can not lose you, not now,'' he hissed. I wanted to say something back to him, but I just simply couldn't. 

''Maybe I should wrap you up even tighter,'' he mumbled. ''You lost a lot of blood, dear Yugi, that beast got you good... God, I have to prevent you from dying of hypovolemic shock...''

I felt his fingers pushing down on my neck. His hands felt cool, like he had just put them in cold water. I could hear him breathing. For a moment thought that I could even feel his breath on my skin. I had to prevent myself from fading out again. I noticed with the last of my senses that he could tell. He cupped my face with his hands.

''No, don't you dare, stay here, stay with me Yugi, please,'' he told me in a clear voice. With caution, he shook my head back and forth. It made me feel kind of nauseous. I groaned.

Yami shushed me. ''You're going to be okay, I promise,'' he said. ''I'm going to fix you.''

I felt him tugging at my legs, for a moment it felt like he was going to fold me in half. It made me even more nauseous. A groan escaped from my lips again. 

''I need to get the wound elevated above your heart, that will reduce the bleeding, I am sorry,'' he said. He was breathing rapidly through his nose. 

Just by focussing on his ragged breathing I could imagine what he was looking like. Maybe he had taken his shirt off, which exposed the scars on his arms that had resulted from all those years of being with the Navy. Maybe sweat was dripping from his forehead, down across his face that was maybe, like had been routine, covered in sand and mud. For the first time since I had stranded on this island, I noticed how well I knew almost every inch of his body that had been visible to me. I had never realised how much attention I had been paying to him. And how his voice had become so tender when he talked to me. And how he touched me with such patience and delicacy at the moment. It felt like a puzzle piece falling into place. I was at peace.

Then I felt his skin on my forehead. The sound of his respiration travelled through my skull. It made me shiver. 

''You're cold,'' he hummed. I hadn't noticed yet, but he was right. I was feeling cold.

Yami sat down next to me and I heard a familiar creak when he did so. Only then I noticed that I was lying down on the bed that we had built together. I must have zoned out for a bit, because I couldn't remember ever making it to our shelter. Yami eased himself onto the bed, making sure he didn't disturb the way he had just positioned my legs. I felt the blanket being thrown onto me and he carefully tucked me in on the side that was facing away from him. When the skin of his arms brushed against mine in the process, I found out that I had been right about the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt anymore. His skin felt warm and soft. And before I knew it, his arm went under my neck and his hand grabbed my cheek. The rest of his warm body was leaning against the side of my body that hadn't been tucked in by him. For some reason, I sighed in relief.

''Hush, little one. It's okay now. I'm here. Just take your time to rest and to warm up. You can use up all of my body heat if you need to. The sole thing that I'll ever want again is for you to wake up,'' he whispered. I had never felt more peaceful.

With all the energy that was left in my body I tried if I could still move my index finger. With effort, I could lift it up. And so I could with my other fingers. Slowly, I moved my hand to my hip, where I could feel that Yami's hand was resting on. As soon as my little finger touched the back of his hand, I felt his head turn to look what was happening. When he realised that I was grabbing his hand, he sat up in excitement. 

''Oh thank God, you're moving,'' he sighed in relief. He lied down next to me again. He placed my hand on my hip and put his own hand on top of mine. But I didn't want his hand on mine, I wanted his hand in mine. I tried to squeeze my fingers in between mine. I wanted him to hold my hand and tell me that he was going to stay, that he was never leaving my side again. And then I would live, for him. Without any hesitation or doubt, as soon as he felt my fingers tangle in between his, he locked my hand into his. He gave it a little squeeze, and he nodded. He just nodded. 

''I will be next to you when you wake up. Don't be afraid.''

His warm breath caressed my chilly neck. Slowly his heat started spreading underneath the blanket. To me it felt like floating in the warmest, most soothing hot spring, as if the whole world had suddenly become zero gravity. My stomach felt like I was in love, my upper body was feeling like I could just start to levitate. I let myself drift away, keeping in mind that I would be safe with Yami when I would wake up again. 

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