Chapter 4: Stranded

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

I was laying in my warm bed, while the soft, silky bedsheets were tickling my back. Still with my eyes closed, I sighed in relief. It had all been a dream. I dug my nails into the matress. To my surprise, the soft fabric suddenly seemed to turn into dust. I tried to take hold of it, but it slipped through my fingers. I concluded that I should go have some more sleep...

I let my thoughts drift away again, but I was interrupted by something touching my neck. I moaned and opened my eyes a bit. Nothing to worry about. I closed my eyes again, not realizing what I just saw. I gasped and opened my eyes again.

I sat up and dug my hands into the matress again, that appeared to be sand. The warm bedsheets appeared to be the sea, that felt nicely warm and not cold at all. I rubbed my hand against the back of my neck and noticed that a wave had just washed over me. This can't be true.

I remembered everything that happened last night: the plane, the crash, the crimson-eyed man... I looked around me, and I only saw sand, sand and some palm trees. No sign of any kind of life. It seemed to be just me on this island. But for God's sake, I wasn't in the mood to experience Cast Away myself. I stood up, noticing that I was still wearing my uniform, that was now entirely soaked. The fabric started to stick to my body and I wailed. I walked towards the palm trees and sat down on a rock.

I undid myself from all my clothing except for my boxers - in case there actually were people on this island, I didn't want to - you understand what I mean. I hung my clothes in one of the big plants that stood under the palm tree so they could dry up a bit. Suddenly I heard a noise, that first scared me but I soon recognized it and laughed at myself. The noise was made by my stomach, and I realized I was starving. I looked up so I could see the coconuts that were hanging in the tree.

I walked towards the trunk and placed one foot on it. My hands took hold of the trunk and I started climbing the tree. I soon figured out that it wasn't as easy as I expected and certainly not with my sandy and slippy feet. I tried to pull myself up with my hands, but they were still a little bit wet too, so I lost my grip and fell down from the tree. I landed on the back of my head, and you could say that it hurt. I sat up and rubbed my hand against the back of my head again and wailed again.

"Why me?!" I yelled through the forest that probably took up the middle of the island.

I let myself fall down on the ground again, trying not to cry. I was on an to me unknown island, for so far I knew entirely on my own, without food, without shelter.

"Don't become sentimental now, Yugi. Find food and shelter. Then you can cry," I told myself. I sighed. "But to be honest, you're right. You're fucking doomed. How nice of me, taking your shift, Joey," I hissed.

I thought of my coworkers and all the passengers. And of course all those marines. They would probably either be saved or be dead. It probably wasn't an option that they were on this island too. I would have seen them, I guess. I turned my head so I could watch the sea. My eyes widened as I saw something red laying there, in the water. I quickly stood up and ran towards the ocean. When I took a closer look, I could see what it was.

I gasped. I was a suitcase. And a suitcase equals food, most of the times. I pulled it out of the water and quickly unzipped it. Well, it unfortunately wasn't my suitcase. It had probably been the suitcase that belonged to one of the other passengers. I looked through the suitcase. Unfortunately, you could see immediately that it hadn't been a waterproof one. There were lots of clothes inside the suitcase, all soaked. But it were male clothes, so I would save them and let them dry. I also found some nice shoes, but I doubted they were my size.

"Come on, I want food," I growled.

I threw every piece of clothing out of the suitcase and I eventually found some biscuits. Not what I was hoping for, but better than nothing. I opened the pack of biscuits and stuffed my mouth full with them. As I swallowed the biscuits, I hoped my stomach was going to be satisfied for a while. I saved the rest for later. What should I do next?

I tried to remember what they said in the survival series I saw on tv. Find water. But what if there's no source of fresh water here? I better play safe and wait for some more suitcases to wash ashore...

I walked down the beach in the hope of finding some more suitcases. The feeling of being entirely on my own made me really sad. If nobody would ever find me... I would die here, alone. Not that anyone truly cared about me back home... like Joey's girlfriend cared for him. But still. I just wanted to go home.

I spent the whole afternoon on searching suitcases and other usable things on the beach. The sky started to darken and the temperature dropped quickly. I shivered, still walking in only my boxers. So far, I hadn't got anything out of my search for suitcases or other things I could use. I walked back to the palm tree underneath which I had hung up my clothes. I felt the fabric and noticed they were still wet.

The other clothes that I found in the suitcase and hung up next to my uniform, were still wet too. I put my hand on my stomach as it was screaming again, so I ate the rest of the precious biscuits. I blew my hot breath on my cold hands and rubbed them together to create some warmth. It had been so warm today, but now it seemed to be almost freezing.

I had to make a fire... But I didn't know how to make one. I sighed. I could at least try. I grabbed two twigs from the ground under some kind of strange bush, and I put some dry leaves on one of them. I took the other one between my hands and placed the tip of the twig on the leaves. I moved the twig quickly between my hands, and after a minute of so smoke started to come off the leaves. I gasped as I saw it and blew some air on the smoking leaves. Unfortunately, I blew a bit too hard and the smoke disappeared. I growled and laid some new leaves on the twig. I started moving the other twig between my hands again.

It took a while before some smoke appeared again, and my hands grew tired. This time, I slowly blew some air on the leaves, and there came some red sparks off it. I laughed as the leaves caught fire.

I put them down on some other leaves, laid some other twigs on it, and in no-time I had my own fire. My body quickly warmed up and although everything that had happened, I felt a bit proud of myself. I sat down against the trunk of the palm tree and gave myself the permission to turn my smile into sobs. "Why me," I sobbed. "I don't want to be here!"

I let myself slide on the ground and lied down next to the fire. I lied there, crying, until the warmth lulled me asleep.

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