Chapter 5: Meeting the Cold

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

I moaned as I opened my eyes. My back really hurted from spending the night on the ground. My sight wasn't very clear yet, but I could see that my fire was out. It had turned in a pile of ash with some burned twigs in it. My stomach was aching out of hunger again, and I closed my eyes again. I didn't feel like I had the power to stand up, but I forced myself to. I slowly sat up and laid back against the tree.

"Did you sleep well?" I heard a voice say.

You could say that I jumped. I saw someone sitting against the tree in front of me. Thank God I'm not alone! I sat up so I could inspect the man. He was wearing a militairy uniform, and he had star-shaped, tri-colored hair, just like me. He looked at me with his two crimson eyes.

It's him! It's the man with those eyes!

"Yes, - I mean, no," I said and took a deep breath and laughed. "You just scared me a bit."

"I'm sorry," he said and stood up.

How long had he been sitting there?

"I didn't meant to scare you," he said.

"No, no, it's okay," I said. "I'm so glad that you found me."

"When I walked by and saw you sleeping here, I stayed here untill you woke up. But I think we already met on the plane, didn't we?" he said.

"Yes, I think so," I said and looked at the name that stood on his uniform.


He looked at where I was looking at, and then he understood.

"It's my last name," he said. "But because we're probably stuck on this island together for a while, you can have the honor of calling me Yami."

"Yami Sennen," I repeated and I nodded. "Well, I'm Yugi Muto, nice to meet you."

We shook hands and I noticed I was still wearing only my boxers, while his body was totally covered by his uniform.

"I think I should put my clothes on again. I think they will be dry by now."

He nodded and gave me some space so I could stand up and walk to my clothes.

"Would you like to come with me?" he said.

I put on my trousers and nodded. "I think that's a good idea," I said.

"Great," he said and he waited until I was fully dressed.

"How did you get that?" I said and pointed towards his uniform.

"I found my bag on the beach," he said.

He walked back to the tree where he had been sitting against and shove a backpack with camouflage colors from behind the tree towards me. He opened his backpack and pulled out a sleeping back, a knife, some other tools, bottles... and some food.

"You have food?" I gasped and sat down next to him.

"You're hungry?" he chuckled.

"I found a suitcase with some clothes and biscuits in it yesterday, but I'm already hungry again," I said.

"We have to find food and water on this island. But you can have this now," he said and handed me over a tiny silver pack.

"Thank you," I said.

I was so happy with the fact that he found me. I didn't feel alone anymore. But again, there was something about him that made me feel uncomfortable. He just seemed so cold. I opened the pack and found some more biscuits. Well, better than nothing.

"We have to get into the forest," he said. "We have the biggest chance to find water when we're deep in the forest."

He put everything back into his backpack, except for his knife. He seemed so calm. It didn't seem to bother him that we were stuck on an island, probably forever. Maybe this guy is married, maybe he even has kids. How does it come that he's so okay with this situation?

"How are you managing to remain so calm?" I just asked him.

"What do you mean?" he answered, still sitting on the ground, busy stuffing his backpack, not even looking at me.

"I mean, aren't you sad that we might never get back to civilization? That you might have lost everything you had?" I said.

He turned around and raised one eyebrow. "Why should I?"

"You don't care?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Not really."

"Alright," I said.

Damn, this guy seemed tough. I doubted if we would ever become good friends. He seemed so on his own. But well, being together with a marine on this island - it definitely gave me a bigger chance of survival.

"So no one back home where you care about?" I said.

"I didn't say that," he said and avoided my eyes.

He put his backpack on his back and took hold of the knife.

"This way, Yugi," he said.

I sighed and followed him. He cut down all the plants that stood in his way and I walked behind him.

"So you're a marine?" I asked.

"Yes," he mumbled and continued attacking the plants.

An awkward silence followed. I sighed. I just wanted him to talk with me.

"Did they learn you this?" I said.

"Learned me what?" he said.

"To be so cold."

He stopped walking and turned around. He tilted his head and bit his lip.

"Listen, Yugi. Just be glad that you're with me now. Maybe we're just a bit different from each other. I think that just because of the fact we're together now it doesn't mean we have to be friends."

I raised one of my eyebrows. "Fine."

He gave me a nod and continued cutting again. What was wrong with him? Was he insane or something?

"I'm just saying that we're probably going to be stuck together on this island forever," I said. "But if you don't want to be friends, fine."

"I'm glad you understand," he mumbled.

I sighed. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse... I met Yami Sennen.

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