Chapter 6: Not as Bad as I Thought

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

My throat really started to dry up now, begging for some water. Yami and I had been walking for about fifteen minutes now, without saying a word to each other. He was still walking in front of me and was angrily cutting down all the plants.

"You seemed so nice back on the plane," I said.

"Looks can be deceptive, or so it turns out," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes. "Can you please show some respect?" I hissed.

He didn't answer.

"Don't ignore me," I said.

He stopped cutting, turned around and he forced a smiled.

"Listen, Yugi, I just saved your life. There's no way you would have made it without me. Now shut the fuck up, will you?" he smiled.

He then continued cutting down all the plants.

"You're just insufferable," I mumbled.

"It's the truth."

"What? That I wouldn't have made it without your help?" I said and raised one of my eyebrows.


"And why would you think that?" I asked.

He looked over his shoulder for a few seconds and then turned his head back.

"I just had the feeling," he said.

"It's because of my height, isn't it? Well, listen up, big guy, I can save myself..." I said, but I stopped because I heard something. I stood still so I could listen more carefully.

"Well, I'm definitely not stopping you," he said. "You can leave whenever you want. I mean, I don't need you either. I was just trying to be nice and save your life, but I get it, it's not being appreciated..."

"Shut up," I hissed.

"What did you just say?"

"I said shut up!" I said and looked at his surprised face.

"I am the one who has to shut up? Now, you have to be kidding me!"

"No, I mean it. Shut up and listen," I said.

He focused on some point in the distance, so that he could listen carefully the sound that I had been hearing.

"Is that rain?" he said.

I listened for a couple more seconds before I responded. "No. It's a waterfall."

He widened his eyes and looked at me.

"Then what are we waiting for?" he said and he started running towards the sound of the falling water.

I followed him, but without him cutting down all those plants, branches and leaves were slapping into our faces. Because of that it took a while before we saw the huge cliff, from where the waterfall was coming off. The water fell down in a lake, which was probably the size of four tennis courts. The water was very clear, and I knelt down next to it. I made a bowl out of my hands and I scooped up some water.

"Do you think I can drink it?" I asked Yami.

"I can never be sure about that," he said. "We should better boil it first."

I nodded and let the water fall through my fingers again. Yami collected some dry twigs and leaves so he could make a fire. He tried to move the twig fast between his hands, just like I did yesterday, but it didn't work.

"Need some help with that?" I chuckled.

He looked at me with two stinging eyes. Damn, if looks could kill.

"Alright, just asking," I said.

He tried again, but it just didn't work. I thought it was quite funny to see.

"So the tough marine does not know how to make a fire?" I mocked.

"You may laugh now, Muto. But I will make a fire, just watch me," he said.

He tried to do it again, but he did it so angrily that the twig snapped between his hands.

"Give it some love, Yami," I said and grabbed a twig myself.

"Look," I said. I carefully moved the twig between my hands, but fastened after a few seconds. He looked at what I did and after a while, smoke started to come off the leaves. He blinked a few times when he saw the flames.

"See," I said. "Love always helps."

He smirked. "I've never been good at love."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't think something as love really exists," he said.

I thought about the moment that I drove home the day before yesterday. The feeling that I missed something, or better said, someone. But is there really this feeling you can have for someone? Does love really exist? Or was he right?

"Forget about it," he sighed. "Let's boil some of that water."

He opened his backpack and took out a metal pan. He filled it with water and placed it on the fire.

"Maybe you're right," I said. "So you aren't having any feelings of missing people who are at home? I mean, aren't you married or something?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm not," he said. "How about you? Do you want to share your feelings with me?" he said mockingly.

I laughed. "No, the same for me."

"Good," he said. "You know, Yugi, maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were."


"Thanks, I guess. Maybe you have a good side too," I said.

"I'm not saying we're friends now, don't understand me wrong," he said.

"Maybe not friends," I said, "but can you consider me as your... partner?"

He smirked. "My partner? Well, I can live with that."

"I can help you with making fires and stuff," I said.

"And I can help you with being quiet," he said.


"Partners," Yami said and he shook my hand.

We were interrupted by the sound of boiling water. Yami took the pan off the fire using some strong branches. We waited till the water was cooled down a bit so we were able to drink it. The feeling of the water flowing down my throat felt so good.

"So, what's the plan?" I said when Yami had filled the pan again and put it on the fire.

"Well, I think it's smart to build shelter. You know, a little house to make ourselves feel at home here," he said. "We could build it right here if you like."

"It's good to build it close to the lake, I said. "And I actually like it here."

He nodded. "It's quite nice here, indeed."

"And what's the plan to get off this island?" I asked.

He opened his backpack again and took out something made out of metal.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A radio," he said.

"What? Does it still work?" I asked.

"No, that's the problem. We have to find new parts on the beach. You know, pieces of metal, springs, etcetera..." he said.

I nodded. "And then you want to make radio contact with home?"

"Basically," he said. "It's our best option."

"Alright. Should we start building some kind of shelter for the night right now?" I asked.

He nodded. "Sounds like a plan, partner."

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