Chapter 7: Tough Guys Don't Cry

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! and/or its characters!

"And? What do you think?" I asked Yami.

He nodded. "Some excellent work, partner," he said.

I smiled. I knew he had a good side. He just needed to trust me, that was all. Our shelter had turned out great, it had become a little house made out of bamboo and palm leaves. Of course, there still had to be done a lot, but it had been a very good start.

"Yugi," he said and looked me in my eyes. "I'm sorry."

I blinked and rose my eyebrow. "Sorry for what, Yami?"

"Just... for who I am, for how I can behave," he said. "You deserve better. You're a good person."

"What?" I stuttered. "Yami, what are you talking about?"

He bit his lip. "Will you excuse me for a moment?" he asked me. Then he turned around and he just suddenly dissapeared into the jungle.

"Yami! Where are you going?" I yelled and ran after him.

The trees were growing so close to each other that it was difficult to find my way through. I heard the sound of Yami runing through the jungle, but I knew he was faster. I knew I was never going to catch up with him. I wanted to yell to him that it was okay, that I liked being with him and that he was a good person.

But did I really mean it? Let's be honest, I've only known him for a day. Who knows who he really is? Anyway, whoever he was, I was going to find out.

I was still running, still trying to find my way through the bushy jungle. The sound of his steps started to fade away. I just didn't understand. I didn't understand why a though guy like Yami would run away so dramatically. I just didn't get it. He seemed so self-confident, so strong. He didn't seem afraid at all. I decided that it was no use to continue running like crazy when knowing that he wouldn't stop running from me. I placed my hands on my knees and bent over a little so I could catch my breath.

"Yami! Just come back!" I yelled for a last time.

But like I said, it was no use. I decided to start walking. I was too tired to continue running and after all, he had to stop once. I realized that this island was beautiful, with all it's colors. In the distance, I could see a little lake, that was the size of maybe not even a quarter of the lake that stood close to our shelter. But it was beautiful, too. Maybe Yami went there.

I walked all over to the lake. I saw that there was a cliff at one side of the lake. I thought the view from up there must have been amazing, so I sat down at the edge of the cliff. I held my breath when I heard footsteps. And they were coming from under the cliff. I realized that there must be a cave under the cliff and that something might be inside...

I saw that some rocks were thrown into the lake. The grunts that were made while throwing sounded human. Maybe it really was Yami who was standing right under me. I heard a deep sigh. "Hello, dad," I heard Yami's voice say. "I think I might be in some trouble again."

He chuckled. But I heard it was a sad chuckle.

"I miss you, dad," he said. " I-I miss you really fucking much."

I gasped. Had he lost his dad?

"I wish you could help me right now, dad. Like you used to. You were the only person in the world who would understand me. And now I'm on this goddamn island I have to do it on my own. Back home I had the drinks to keep my sadness away, but now it's all gone, and I'm starting to freak out. I'm so afraid that it will all come back! My head hurts, dad, my heart too. Why aren't you here?" he growled.

He kept crying, and I was so angry at myself that I kept listening to what he told his father who passed away. This was maybe his secret. The reason why he ran away without me.

"I met this guy, dad. He's the only other person on this island. And he has been so nice to me since we met this morning. I try to keep him out, but I can't resist his kindness. I can say he cares about me. But I can't let him become my friend, dad, we can't grow close. Because then he might hurt me. Just like when you died. That hurt too. S-So much."

The way he talked to his dad made me almost cry myself.

"Nobody but you has ever cared about me. Not mom, not the people at school, not the people at the Navy. I have always been different, you know that. And different people, they can't fit in. I told myself I was a though guy. I became a marine to prove it. People say that the navy makes you though. But have you seen me, dad? Have you seen me? Well, tough guys... They don't cry."

It was like Yami was waiting for an answer. But it never came.

"Thank you for your time, dad. I love you," he whispered.

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