Chapter 6 - A Working Relationship

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POV = Lilly

"Do you remember the day we first met Mr Linton?"

I was once again sat opposite Mr Ambrose at his desk, with my brain racing at lightning speed, trying to process everything that had happened so far this morning. Chocolates, apology, hugs ... kisses ... hmm yeah. How good it had been to feel his lips on mine again ...

"Mr Linton? Lillian! Are you paying attention to me?"

"What? Sorry Sir! I was just trying to get my head around everything that's happened this morning."

"I know it's been an unusual start to a Monday, but I need you to concentrate on work now, do you understand?"

His tone was quite calm considering the short temper he'd displayed so often during the last three weeks. I nodded at him to indicate that I understood.

"Adequate. Now then, I asked if you remembered the first day that we met?"

"Well Sir - it's not a day I'm likely to forget. It's not everyday I get offered a job whilst trying to vote using my uncle's passport and wearing his clothes."

"Or get arrested?" Mr Ambrose's mouth moved slightly, almost in a smile. Was he smiling at the memory or the prospect of me being locked up in jail?

"Oh yes, how could I forget that Sir? Quite a memorable day all round. Even y..." I stopped myself from continuing with that thought.

"Even what, Mr Linton?"

"Erm ... nothing Sir." I chewed on my bottom lip nervously.

"Lillian," he looked at me with an expression that could get me to confess to stealing the crown jewels, "... tell me. Please?"

I tore my eyes away from his gaze and looked at my hands in my lap, before completing my thought.

"Er ... well Sir, I was going to say ... even you made quite an impression on me that day."

"Ditto. I'm not in the habit of offering jobs to just any Tom, Dick or Harry."

"Just Victors eh, Sir?" I smiled and looked back at Mr Ambrose, who just raised an eyebrow at me. A whole eyebrow - wow!"

"Do you remember the gentle ... er ... male person that I was talking to that day, before you gatecrashed into my life?"

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Is this some kind of memory test Sir?"

Then my employer put a hand over his mouth and I swear he was trying to suppress a laugh. I know, it sounds impossible, but it had been a very strange day so far.

"Are you okay Sir? Are you ... laughing?"

He removed his hand, but he was now biting on his bottom lip, and there it was - the unmistakable trace of a grin. What the hell was going on today?!"

"I'm sorry Lillian. Maybe it's the lack of sleep. It's just that I had a similar conversation with Karim recently and the answers were also very similar, except the roles were reversed. It just seemed to amuse me for a moment."

I looked at him suspiciously.

"Now I know that it's officially a strange day Sir: 1) You are never 'amused' - what's going on? 2) I'm still curious about this whole not sleeping business and 3) Why were you and Karim talking about the day we first met?"

"How could I forget how curious and tenacious you can be? Karim was merely reminding me of a project that we were working on at the time - one that I'm trying to explain to you now, if you'll just humour me for a moment!"

"Yes Sir ... sorry Sir."

"So, do you remember the person I was with when we first met?"

"Of course Sir. You were talking to that horrible little conman about buying Wilding Park. I saved you a lot of money that day Sir!"

"Like I said, you made quite an impression on me that day too."

Yes, I should have known that it was to do with money and nothing else. Mr Ambrose leant forward and rested his elbows on his desk.

"Do you know why I was going to buy Wilding Park, Mr Linton?"

"No Sir. Maybe to make a profit?" It was as good a guess as any.

"Not on this occasion. I had decided that I needed a country base - a place to conduct my more complex business negotiations and on rare occasions, maybe ... er  ... entertain prospective clients."

"Really Sir? Why?"

"Well strange as it may seem, many clients and business partners are put off by Empire House. I have no idea why."

"Well Sir, it is maybe ... er ..." I wasn't sure whether Mr Ambrose really wanted to know or if it was just a rhetorical question.

"Come on Mr Linton - spit it out. Do you have some insight into the matter?"

"Really Sir?"


"Well, to some people, Empire House may seem a little ... stark. Bare ... imposing ... entirely functional of course, but just a tad ... er ... unfriendly." I bit on my bottom lip again, worried about the icy daggers that might be about to come my way.

"Hmm ... I see. Is that how you feel about my headquarters?"

"Sir, I am here to work and earn my wages. I have no opinion on the decor just because I am a woman."

"Adequate. Well, as you seem to have thrown some light onto the subject, it confirms my decision that I want your help with this project."

"Project Sir?"

"Yes, well after the Wilding Park deal fell through, I got somewhat distracted by your employment and Dalgliesh stealing my files. The project to find a country base remains incomplete, and given your unique perspective on certain things, I want you to help me find a suitable property at a reasonable price."

"Help as in sorting out files and paperwork, or help as in offering advice and making decisions? Sir."

Mr Ambrose leaned forward even more on his desk and steepled his fingers in front of his face. Then, he placed his hands flat on the desk and looked me in the eye.

"I want you fully involved in this project. Think back to our previous conversation. I am done with pushing you away. I need you close so that I can keep us all safe. This task will involve some travel and overnight stays and you and Karim will be there every step of the way."

"So ... we'll be going away and you'll listen to my advice?"

"Yes Mr Linton. Do you find this an acceptable deal?"

"Yes Mr Ambrose, Sir. I accept your deal." And just to be certain, I held out my hand to shake my employer's.

"What are you doing?"

"Sealing the deal Sir."

Hesitantly at first, Mr Ambrose took my hand and shook it - but he didn't let go. In a low growl of a voice he said;

"I can think of far more interesting ways of sealing a deal you know."

I felt my cheeks flush and my eyes widen at the suggestive words and expression coming from across the desk.

"Sir, are you sure you're feeling okay today?"

"I'm feeling much better now that I've started to sort things out with you. You may not believe me, but I didn't like being so strict and short tempered with you."

"Good, because I didn't like you acting like a complete arse towards me, Sir!"

"Yes, well ... I hope you'll let me make it up to you Mr Linton."

There was that look in his eyes again ... like a lion eyeing up a gazelle on an African plain. It made my heart beat a little faster.

"I thought that's what the chocolates were for, Mr Ambrose."

"Let's just say that they are a step in the right direction. Maybe I'll think of some other ways to apologise as well."

"Sir, if you can get me away from attending balls and meeting suitors, that will be more than enough. Besides, if you want me to concentrate on my work whilst I'm here, then you'd better stop looking at me like that."

I pulled my hand away from his and coughed to clear my drying throat. Then I looked away feeling quite embarrassed.

"Point taken Mr Linton. We'll save that conversation for a more appropriate time." he lowered his voice again and said, "Now you know how I feel looking at you everyday."

"Sir?!" Oops ... that came out far too high and squeaky!

"So to work," Mr Ambrose seemed to snap straight back into business mode, "before I start going through the details of the new project, I think it's time you finally got round to sorting out the post, don't you?"

"Oh, yes Sir! Umm ... I got a bit distracted from that. I'll go and do it immediately."

"Bring it in here and do it. I need to go through any social invitations with you to see if any of them might have also been sent to your aunt. We need to be prepared."

Well, this certainly was a turn around from the last few weeks. From barely being able to bring himself to look at or talk to me, to almost not wanting to let me out of his sight! Men really are a very peculiar breed. As I was about to get up from the chair opposite my employer, he had another request;

"Oh, and why don't you bring some chocolate back with you too? It's time to see what all the fuss is about I think."

What?! He wanted some of my yummy chocolate?! I know how Patsy felt at that moment, when I ran away with hers.

"Sir? You want me to ruin your lovely masterpiece and bring some in here?"

"Isn't that what chocolate is for Mr Linton - eating?"

"Indeed Sir, it's just ... it looks too good to eat and when it's gone it will be like the whole thing never happened." I felt quite sad at that thought.

Suddenly Mr Ambrose was on his feet again. He walked around his desk and stood behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. Then he half whispered in my ear;

"But it did happen Lillian. I am still sorry for the way I treated you, now come."

With that statement he guided me up out of the chair, walking behind me into my office and up to my desk. They were still there - a box full of delicious, dark chocolates spelling out the word 'Sorry'.

"I-I ... still can't believe you did that Sir. Oh, and how did you know that they were my favourite type of chocolates?"

"I am a very observant man. You'd be surprised what I notice."

Then I felt him get closer as he put his hands on my hips and his chin on my right shoulder, looking at my present.

"In fact, I observe that I included a straight line of chocolates under the actual word. I'm sure if we removed a couple and spaced them out a little, you would still in fact be able to appreciate my artwork."

His arms found their way around my waist whilst he was talking.

Hmmm ... Mr Ambrose and solid chocolates. Do you really need anything else in your life right now Lilly?

"You sneaky son of a bachelor!" I laughed at him. "You're determined to get your mouth around my chocolates aren't you Sir?"

I heard a strange grumble near to my right ear, followed by some words that I never expected to hear in my office!

"Don't say things like that Lillian, because I can think of many things that I'd like to get my mouth around right now and they all involve you!"

A strange, high pitched noise escaped from my throat before I could stop it. Then Mr Ambrose sat in my chair and pulled me down to sit on his lap, his arms still wrapped around my waist. He was surprisingly comfortable.

"Right then," the sultry voice next to my ear said, "... where shall we start?"

"Sir?!" Dammit! Why did my voice have to sound so weak and breathy?

"I was talking about the chocolates Lillian." I swear I could feel a chuckle vibrating in his chest. "But now I guess you understand a little of how I felt in the jungle, staring temptation in the face everyday."

I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. I felt those strong arms tighten around me and a pair of familiar lips at my ear whispered;

"I find you totally irresistible and I've missed you. I find myself craving you, just like you crave chocolate."

Then those lips started kissing me from my ear, down my neck. I prayed to any god that would listen that no-one would come barging through the door at that moment! I tipped my head backwards and placed it on the shoulder behind me. As the kisses reached my throat I found myself mumbling;

"I don't just crave chocolate Sir. I'm quite partial to a bit of granite too."

"Excuse me?" Mr Ambrose asked, his lips still on my throat. I let out a giggle.

"You Sir. I crave you too."

"Adequate." he growled. Then he moved me a little lower down his body and claimed my mouth as his own. 

Yep - this was a definite improvement on the working relationship of the last few weeks. When he finally broke away, he pulled me so that I was sat upright again in his lap and swivelled my chair so that it faced my gift. His right arm stretched out in front of me and touched the box on my desk.

"Now then, I think it's time for a little taster, and then we can get back to work."

"Okay Sir." I sighed.

He picked out one of the chocolates from the straight row, leaving my apology intact. Then he bought the yummy delight towards my mouth.

"Open." he commanded and I complied. "Take a bite." I didn't need to be asked twice.

As I savoured the taste of my favourite type of chocolate, the other half disappeared - into Mr Ambrose's mouth I assume.

Being fed chocolates by your favourite ice cold miser! What were you thinking of when you considered skipping work this morning Lilly?

I let out a satisfied sigh and relaxed into Mr Ambrose's arms. Why couldn't every work day be like this? Or every day, full stop?

"Would you like another one Lillian?"

"Mm-hm ..." was the only response I could muster.

Again, a long arm reached forward and plucked a chocolate from the box. Again he brought it to my lips and I took a bite.

"Hmm ... yes, quite palatable. I can understand why so many young ladies become addicted to this confection. I think that's enough for me though, you'll be relieved to hear."

I giggled. Was he worried that I'd be annoyed with him if he took a liking to my chocolates?

"I'm glad you approve Sir, and thank you, they are delicious."

"So are you," came the unexpected reply, "... but we really need to get back to work. Are you finished with the chocolates for now?"

"Yes Sir."

He swiftly re-arranged the line of remaining chocolates so that they were perfectly, evenly spread out again. Then he pushed my chair away from my desk and gently pushed me to stand up. As I did, he stood up too. I turned to look at him ... and let out a giggle.

"What is so funny Mr Linton?"

"Sir ... you have chocolate around your mouth."

I raised my hand to his face and wiped it away with my thumb. Before I could move my hand away, Mr Ambrose grabbed my thumb in his mouth and sucked off the chocolate.

 "Like I said - irresistible. Now grab those letters and let's get back to work."

* * * * 

For the next few hours Mr Ambrose and I worked together in his office. We went through all the handwritten letters, disposing of all the requests for money. From the social invitations, I identified three that might possibly be sent to Aunt Brank too. 

After that, we studied Mr Ambrose's huge map of London and the surrounding counties, whilst he pointed out some of the areas that he and Karim had highlighted as areas to to look for a suitable property. We also discussed what he wanted from a property and I made plenty of notes in my little book.

Then we moved onto business matters, as Mr Ambrose told me about some current businesses that he wanted to check up on and some new projects that he was interested in.

"As you can see Mr Linton, there are many matters that will keep me ... er, us occupied over the coming weeks."

"Yes Sir, I understand."

"In fact, I am planning for our first trip to commence before the end of this week. Will that be a problem? Will you be able to find a way to escape your aunt so quickly?"

"So soon Sir? I ... I'm not sure. It will depend on how many events or wretched suitors she has planned for this week." Mr Ambrose's mouth tightened into a taught, straight line at the mention of the word 'suitors'.

"I see. Well, as soon as Karim confirms some things for the trip we'll have to come up with a plan with regards to your aunt."

"We Sir? What exactly do you mean by 'we'?"

My brain suddenly started working far too fast again. Was he going to talk to my aunt and uncle personally? Was he going to come up with an explanation for my impending departure? Maybe he'd pretend to be courting me to appease my aunt and free me from all those suitors? No! He'd never do that ... would he?

Pretend to court you? After everything that he's said and done today, maybe he'll want to really court you?!

What?! Don't be ridiculous!

"Do you require a dictionary Mr Linton? We - more than one of us. You and I ... and possibly Karim, will find a way to explain your forthcoming absences to your family."


"Of course. It is important to keep our safety and security at the forefront of any plans."

"Yes Sir. Of course Sir."

"Adequate. Now then, I have a list of files here that I need to review so that I can plan our movements over the next few weeks. There are a large number and Karim will be here shortly to update me with a security report. I would like you to find all of these files whilst I talk to him and pack them into boxes. Do you understand Mr Linton?"

"Of course Sir."

"Oh, and some estate agents from surrounding areas should also have delivered details of properties they have for sale that may be of interest. By now they should all have been packed into boxes in the main lobby. Take Mr Stone and bring them up to your office."

"I'm sure I can manage on my own Sir ..."

"Don't be stubborn Mr Linton. We have much to sort through this afternoon, and the fewer trips up and down the stairs you make, the more we can get through. Understand?"

"Yes Sir."

"I'm not sure how long my meeting with Karim will take, so if you finish before we do, then please use the boxes that the property papers come in to pack up the files and start sorting through the papers. I'm sure I can trust you to weed out any that are thoroughly unsuitable."

"Really Sir? You trust me to do that?"

"Didn't I tell you earlier that I wanted you fully involved in this project? Do you think you are not capable?"

"No Sir! Of course not. Just ... a little surprised after the last few weeks, that's all Sir."

"Very well. I will let you get on with these tasks whilst I clear up my desk. I will inform you when my meeting is over and we can look through the property information. Okay?"

"Yes Sir." My stomach was starting to rumble so I had a question to ask. "What about lunch?"

"Were you planning on leaving Empire House to eat?"

"Well ... I was going to treat myself to some fresh bread and a little piece of cheese from Bumble's Bakery ..."

"No Mr Linton. I don't want you leaving the building. Tell Mr Stone what you want and I'll give him instructions to send someone out to get it instead."

"But Sir, there's no need ..."

"There's every need until I have dealt with Da ... the security issue. Please, don't argue with me over this Mr ... Lillian."

He looked like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, so I agreed to his demands without further protest.

"Okay Sir, I'll go and get started then."

"Thank you. Close the door when you go through and ..." I looked at him. As his face lifted, a trace of a smirk flashed across it. "... be careful when you move those chocolates. I spent a great deal of time arranging them this morning."

"But of course Sir. I was planning on offering them to the British Museum given their incredible rarity and artistic value Sir."

"Mr Linton ..."

"Yes Sir?"

"Don't be cheeky. I'll speak to you later."

"Of course Sir."

I smiled at him cheekily and returned to my own office to get on with my new tasks.

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