Chapter 7 - Contemplation & Planning

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POV = Ambrose

I sat back in my office chair, stretched my arms, then placed them behind my head and let out a long, slow breath. I needed a moment or two to process the events of the morning in my head before Karim arrived for our meeting.

The apology had worked - very well judging from her expression and reaction. The relief I felt was almost overwhelming. I hadn't realised exactly how much I'd missed Lillian until I had my arms wrapped around her, inhaling her beautiful, unique scent. Karim was right and I'd been such a fool.

I folded up the map on my desk and tidied up the files I'd been through with Mr Linton. Then I grabbed my security file from my drawer ready for Karim's arrival. I made it look as though I was busy in case anyone came in, before settling myself to think through everything that had happened.

I thought back to the moment Lillian had knocked on the door that connected our offices. When I heard her voice asking to come in, my mouth went dry and my stomach flipped. I was nervous! How ridiculous for a grown man.

For some reason, Lillian was struggling to believe that the gift box on her desk was indeed for her. I have no idea how I managed to keep my face straight as she struggled with the reality that someone had left a gift for her. She looked so distracted as she went back to her own office that I had to know what happened next.

Quietly, I rose from my chair as soon as the door closed behind her. As I listened at the door I could hear nothing. I took a chance and very carefully opened it, peeking through - she was standing, looking at the box, clearly distracted. I decided to sneak in. Just as the door closed silently behind me, Lillian removed the lid. She then chastised herself out loud for having her eyes shut which made me smile and shake my head in disbelief. Then I heard her gasp, so I assume that she'd opened her eyes. I silently moved closer but my desperation to know what was going through her head got the better of me.

When I asked her if it was anything interesting, she jumped quite visibly before turning to look at me. I struggled to keep a neutral expression on my face as she stood there with her mouth opening and closing like a fish in an aquarium.

She was struggling too - to work out who had sent her the chocolate apology. I had to say, I was quite proud of my handiwork, but I wanted Lillian to work out for herself where they came from. With a little prompting, she finally got there.

I thought that I would feel uncomfortable apologising to my secretary in person, but I didn't. It felt just right at that moment, much to my relief. She on the other hand looked thoroughly confused and dumbstruck ... and utterly divine. She actually asked me to pinch her to convince herself that she wasn't dreaming!

I ran through our conversation in my head and I suddenly felt sick. When she told me how unhappy she had been at work recently, I was flooded with guilt. Then when she explained that she had almost decided to resign from my employ, I felt myself panic. I could feel it again just thinking about it. How could I have gotten things so wrong? Okay, my motives were sound, but it was glaringly obvious that I'd gone about things in completely the wrong way. Well it was now.

Holding her in my arms at that moment, I wouldn't have cared who walked through the door and saw us because I felt as though I didn't want to let go - ever. Feeling her warm body, inhaling her delicious scent and feeling her arms around me just felt so right.

We sat and talked. I knew she'd bring up South America so I had to make sure that she understood why I had behaved as I had. I couldn't tell her the full story about Dalgliesh's threats - I wasn't ready for that yet - but I had to tell her that there was a problem.

Lillian took it all in her stride, but the look on her face when I told her about Karim changing my mind, made me smile. I tried hard not to, but this woman makes me do things I never expected to. She is smart, brave and I realised that I should have had this talk a lot sooner.

When I explained that I needed to know about social engagements, she revealed that her blasted aunt was stepping up her campaign to marry Lillian off with an increase in suitors and ball attendance. That bloody woman! She was angry that Lillian hadn't returned from her travels with a husband or fiance. The thought of her scolding my little ifrit made my blood boil and my little finger started twitching.

There's a simple solution to that Ambrose. You want to keep her in your sights 24 hours a day; you dream about her day and night. Why don't you marry her?

The thought made me stop breathing for a moment. I looked at the door to Mr Linton's office. I could have lost her today. She could have resigned ... walked away ... and she's been thinking of running away from everything. The prospect of never seeing those chocolate brown eyes again filled me with absolute dread - just like it did as we battled the storm on The Urania.

I had to get her away from that aunt, from the rakes and unworthy pigs that she'd try and force Lillian to dance with, court or even marry. I had to keep her safe.

Then court her Ambrose. Marry her. If you can't live without her, so something about it!

Could I? It's true that I find myself thinking about her, craving her at all hours of the day and night. I've never felt like this before and it un-nerves me. I don't know what to do. But she said she felt the same:

"You Sir. I crave you too."

Those words ... I want them engraved on my heart forever. Maybe I should court her ... it would certainly shut the aunt up. But how can I after Dalgliesh's threats? It would put her in so much danger.

But she's a fiery ifrit - brave and strong. You'd be stronger together don't you think?

She's also a fiery feminist who has often said that she doesn't want to marry any man. She craves independence not marriage. She'd probably recoil in horror at the thought of being shackled to me for the rest of her life ... wouldn't she?!

Aarghh!! I don't know what to do and I hate the feeling it gives me! Maybe ... maybe it's time for another crack at marriage of the fake variety? Hmm ... yes ... I could find an excuse for Miss Linton to become Mrs ... Mrs whoever on our business trip. The more I thought about it, the more I was looking forward to escaping London. 

I was pulled from a lingering thought of being married to Lilly - fake or real I'm not quite sure - by the heavy knock to my office door.


"Sahib - good afternoon. Are you ready for the security update?"

"Come in Karim, I've been expecting you. Take a seat."

"Thank you Sahib."

"I just need to send some instructions to Mr Stone."

I grabbed a slip of paper and wrote out my instructions with regards to Mr Linton's lunch and sent it through the pneumatic tubes. As I looked back to Karim, he was casting a glance at the door to Mr Linton's office. If I didn't know better, I'd say he had a worried expression hiding amongst that beard.

"Everything okay?" I enquired.

"Hmm ..." he looked back at me. "Sahib! Apologies, I was just ... er ..."

"Just wondering how my apology to Mr Linton had been received?"

"Yes. Sorry. Please forgive my nosiness Sahib?"

"Really Karim? After all your help and advice this weekend, I would be surprised if you weren't more than a little curious."

"Well ... I don't see any broken furniture and you are not bleeding Sahib. I take that as a good sign." He raised a bushy eyebrow expectantly.

"You will be relieved to hear that the apology was received very favourably. We had a good talk this morning, which I confess was a huge relief."

"Can I ask ... did you tell Ifrit about the threat?"

"In a manner of speaking. I explained that there was more to the story that I couldn't tell her yet. She seemed to take it all in her stride. You were right Karim."

"Never underestimate the strength of an ifrit Sahib."

"Indeed. Do you have anything significant to report from the overnight watch at her house?"

"It was a quiet night Sahib. No incidents and absolutely no sign of anyone who shouldn't be there. The only outside activity was from the neighbour - the one who's all soppy over the younger sister."

"Adequate. We still can't let our guard down though. I also need to know if Dalgliesh is in London right now."

"Yes Sahib. I already have the appropriate men making discreet enquiries. He hasn't been seen for a few days."

"I know, but with him that could mean anything. I really need to find out which social occasions he has accepted invitations to over the next few weeks."

"Leave it with me Sahib."

I knew I could trust my bodyguard with this task. Over the years he had built up a complex chain of information gathering with regards to Dalgliesh.

"Anything to report from Mr Linton's journey into work this morning?"

"She left surprisingly early this morning. Harris nearly got caught double checking the bushes at the back of the shed for Dalgliesh's agents!"

"Ah ... that would have been inconvenient."

"Yes Sahib. I'm not sure even he could have coped with the wrath of the ifrit so early in the morning."

A mental image of the former soldier in my employ cowering behind a bush to avoid flaming wings of fire flooded into my head and I couldn't help but smile. Then I remembered what Lillian had told me about her early arrival this morning ... and her thoughts of resignation. Karim noticed the change in my demeanor.

"Is everything okay Sahib?"

"Karim, she told me this morning how unhappy she has been here since we returned home. She said that she almost turned around and left the today because of the thought of the way I'd been treating her."

"Ah. That explains ..."

"Explains what?!" panic flicked through me for a moment.

"When she arrived this morning - she stood outside for a while just staring at Empire House, Sahib. Then she turned around and started to walk away before turning back and finally entering the lobby. I was watching her from my post. I was concerned at one point that she may have seen something untoward."

"So she was telling the truth. I really almost succeeded in driving her away. Karim, she said that she was going to hand her resignation in today, before the apology ..."

"Can I ask - how did that make you feel?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking at the worried expression on Karim's face. "Absolutely horrified. Terrified even. How could I have been so stupid?"

"No Sahib! Your intentions were honourable. Things are better now though?"

"Thanks to you making me see sense. You should have seen the look on her face when I explained that you had been instrumental in changing my mind about the way I've been towards her. An absolute picture."

"I can imagine." he replied, smirking through his beard. "Did you get any information from Ifrit about social events?"

"It would appear that her infernal aunt is stepping up her campaign to marry Lillian off to some blaggard. She has threatened that she will be sending Miss Linton off to an increased number of balls in the next few weeks ..."

"Which is why you need to know about Dalgliesh's plans and movements?"

"Indeed. I want our business trip to commence as soon as possible. Will you be able to get everything set up for a planned departure on Thursday? I would like to spend an extra night in Brighton if possible."

"Sahib, preparations are going well. By 6pm I will know if everything is in place and I don't see an extra night being a problem." This at least was relief to my ears.

"Excellent Karim. I can only hope that Mrs Brank doesn't have a ball lined up before Thursday."

"Sahib, have you received any invitations for this week?"

"Of course! How could I forget, especially after Mr Linton and I went through the mail together? The sooner I get a proper night's sleep the better."

"Hopefully things will start to improve now ..." a small grin escaped across my face causing Karim to stop mid sentence. "Is ... er ... everything alright Sahib?"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry Karim. You know, I actually fell asleep stood up, leaning on her this morning. One minute I was apologising and the next her hair was like a pillow." Karim's eyebrows shot up his forehead. I'm not sure what surprised him more; what I did or the fact that I'd told him about it. I'm surprised myself to be honest.

"Sahib? Really? What did the ifrit do?"

"She stole my wallet to wake me up." I stated, as deadpan as I could manage, desperately trying to suppress a chuckle at the memory. 

Karim let out a strange noise that was part cough, part laugh and part choke. "Well ... er ... she certainly knows you very well Sahib."

"Indeed she does. Sorry, what were we talking about?"

"The mail ... invitations ..."

"Of course." I removed the invitations that I put in one of my desk drawers and looked at them again. "Mr Linton highlighted three occasions that her aunt might also receive invites for. Dammit! One of them is tomorrow night. Why do people organise things at such short notice?"

"Where is it Sahib?"

"Umm ... Blakely Manor. That's over by Fulham Palace isn't it?"

"I believe so Sahib. The right side of the city for the aunt to hear of it too."

"Good point Karim. Lillian says her aunt no longer informs her in advance of these events, which makes life difficult for us."

"Sahib, I have a suggestion ... if I may?"

"Of course Karim. Your recent advice has proven to be most helpful."

"Thank you Sahib. Why don't I escort Ifrit home this evening? I can wait outside whilst she goes in and tries to find out about the ball. If there is one tonight, I can report back immediately. If the aunt or sisters won't tell her about tomorrow night, I'll just do the same again."

"Yes, I think that would be a good idea. I shall explain it to Mr Linton before the end of the day."

"Do you think she'll object?"

I clenched my teeth knowing there was a fairly good chance that she would. "She has no choice Karim! After our earlier talk, I would hope that she understands the situation."

"Yes Sahib. So, shall I make a security plan for tomorrow night? Will you attend the ball if Ifrit does?"

"That rather depends on whether Dalgliesh is likely to be there. I don't want to give him any more evidence of a connection between myself and Lillian."

"I will push my contacts for the information tonight then Sahib."


The thought of Lillian being forced to dance with lots of different men by her aunt was still bothering me. Whilst I knew that she would attempt to make it as unpleasant an experience as possible for them, one or more of them could still decide to court her. I couldn't let that happen. Then I had an idea.

"Karim ... is that former Grenadier Guard that we persuaded to join us based in London at the moment?"

"Do you mean George Weston, Sahib?"

"Yes, that's him. The one with the secret."

"Yes Sahib. He's been back from duty at the South African mines for a couple of weeks.

"Excellent. Can he dance?"

"Er ... I don't know Sahib. I don't understand ..."

"Well, if I can't go to this ball tomorrow and Miss Linton does, I don't want her to be in any danger. Anyone could dance with her who has connections to Dalgliesh."

"Ah ... I see where you're going."

"Indeed. Do you trust him Karim?" I knew I would get an honest response from this man.

"He was an excellent soldier Sahib and has been very loyal since he joined your employ - especially after you stopped his secret being exposed to the army. I trust him."

"In that case, I have a new job for him. You can't be in two places at once Karim, and I'd feel happier if Miss Linton had her own bodyguard. As he understands the importance of keeping certain things a secret, I think we can tell him about my secretary's double identity."

"And you'd want him to dance with the ifrit to keep the other men away ..."

"Exactly. If it will give Miss Linton some breathing space, then he can pretend to court her. I'm sure we can up his credentials and prospects too, just to please the aunt."

"Excellent idea Sahib. What about the ifrit though? Will she go along with it?"

"I will discuss it with her tomorrow morning after I've spoken to Mr Weston. I want him in my office first thing tomorrow, well before Mr Linton arrives ... unless you can get him here later tonight."

"Of course. I assume that you want him added to the security detail for the upcoming business trip?"

"Absolutely. A man with his military experience is just what we need right now ... and at least I can be sure that he won't try to take advantage of Miss Linton."

"He'd have to be very brave or foolish to ... er, sorry Sahib!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. Karim was right though. Anyone who actually knew my little ifrit would indeed need to be very brave or incredibly stupid to try and take advantage of her or make any unwanted advances. Rakes and blaggards at a ball were a different matter though. They would probably assume that she was some weak and feeble girl. Ha! They'd be in for a shock - but even so, I wasn't prepared to take any chances.

"Quite ... well ... we shall see what will happen tomorrow morning. Hopefully, the aunt won't have an invitation and we can concentrate on our business trip. I want us to head for Brighton first to check up on some of my investments and some potential new ones."

"Sahib, we cannot make it to Brighton in one day ... unless ..."

"Unless what?"

"Well ... unless you travel on the new railway Sahib."

Whilst I had money invested in various railway projects across the country and in America, I was not yet convinced that I wanted to use it myself. I preferred not to travel with a carriage full of strangers trying to eavesdrop on my business.

"Certainly not Karim. I have a perfectly good horse and carriage. Why would I waste my money on train tickets?"

"Okay Sahib, then we will need an overnight stop on the way. Do you have any preference?"

"Well the logical place I suppose is Crawley. However, a business acquaintance of mine lives in the next village in a large house. I wonder if we could stay with him and save some money? And not staying at a hotel or inn would be preferable if my .... er ... night time problem persists. Hmm ... yes ... Karim, I need a messenger in my office within the hour."

"Yes Sahib. Would you like to go through the rest of the plans now or after I have escorted the ifrit home?"

"I think later Karim. I need to speak to Mr Linton about that, and we have the property search to crack on with before she finishes."

"Very well Sahib. Do you wish for me to come up here to escort her or shall I wait downstairs?"

"Downstairs please. I want you to double check the street and any activity over the road before you both leave."

"Of course Sahib. I'll report back to you later."

* * * * 

The afternoon flew by quite quickly as Mr Linton and myself sorted through the mountain of information delivered by the local estate agents. We rejected a good many until our long list stood at 22 properties to research further.

"Thank you Mr Linton. You have worked hard today."

My secretary looked up at me with a quizzical expression on her face. 

"Are you sure you're feeling okay today Sir? Those are words that you are not normally friends with!"

"I am perfectly fine thank you. I suppose it was too much to expect for you to just accept a compliment gracefully?"

"Sorry Sir. I guess after weeks of criticism and curt words, it will take a while to get used to."

Another reminder. I really did have a lot of making up to do ... except the kind of making up I wanted to do wasn't really appropriate for office hours!

"I've already told you that I will find more ways to make it up to you."

She smiled at me coyly. "I'm quite happy with my chocolates, thank you Sir. Actually, I think I'm going to leave them in my office rather than attempt to take them home. That is ... er, if ..."

"If what Mr Linton?" her face seemed to be engaged in a battle between looking worried and amused. "Come on, spit it out!"

"That is if ... er ... they will be ... well ... safe here, Sir."

Aah ... now I understood what was going through that ifrit brain. "Mr Linton, are you worried that something might happen to your chocolates if you leave them here?"

"Well ... er ... they are rather delicious and someone might be ... well ... tempted." Her face looked worried, waiting for a reaction, but her eyes sparkled with mischief. That was the chocolate that I was more tempted by right now. Chocolate coloured eyes that make me want to melt in their presence.

"Are you insinuating that I might steal your chocolates whilst you are not here?" I tried to sound offended, but I'm not sure that my face was fully communicating with my brain ... and she probably knew it!

"Well Sir," as she started talking, suddenly I could feel a foot rubbing up my left leg. It wasn't mine. "... you did rather seem to enjoy the little nibble that you had earlier."

Oh good lord! This woman. Between the lusty look in her eyes, the suggestive tone of her words and voice, and her wandering foot, she was truly going to be my downfall. Suddenly I was having to concentrate really hard on keeping everything under control, and not throw everything off my desk so that I could ravage her senseless on it.

"Mr ..." Dammit, that was at least an octave too high! "Mr Linton, you appear to have a problem with your foot. It seems to have a mind of its own right now."

"Really Sir?"

"Yes, really. Kindly regain control of it immediately."

"Maybe it's worried about you eating those chocolates Sir?" It was no good - I had to up the ice setting of my voice and face.

"Mr Linton, don't be so ridiculous! Now, I need to talk to you about one more thing before you finish for the day."

"Are you sure Sir?" I gave her a look that made it clear that I was perfectly sure - just for a few seconds. She let out a sigh of resignation, withdrew her foot and sat up straight again.

"Thank you. Now, one of the invitations that you indicated may be sent to your aunt ... well the ball is tomorrow night. How likely do you think it is that she would have received and accepted an invite to Blakely Manor?"

"Tomorrow?!" a look of frustration and worry flashed across her face.

"Yes Mr Linton, tomorrow. Blakely Manor is in Fulham, so how likely is it that she will have received an invite?"

"There is a good chance Sir, but she wouldn't tell me until the very last moment possible."

"So I understand, which is why Karim will be escorting you home tonight ..."

"What?! Why?" her eyes widened and I could see her clench her teeth.

"I was about to explain that, Mr Linton."

"I am not a feeble woman Sir!"

"Mr Linton! Quiet!"

"Yes Sir."

"Thank you. I need to know as soon as possible if you will be going so that I can make appropriate security arrangements. Do you understand? Think back to our discussion this morning."

"Oh ... yes Sir."

"When you arrive home, I need you to try as hard as possible to find out if you'll be attending - be it from your aunt or one of your sisters. Karim will wait outside for an answer. If you can confirm your attendance, he can report straight back to me so that we can make plans. Does this make sense Mr Linton?"

She sat for a moment and mulled over my words. "Yes Sir, it does. But what happens if I am unable to get the information from anyone tonight?"

I will go round myself and grab that infernal aunt by the throat ... is what I wanted to say.

"Well, in that eventuality we will have another meeting first thing in the morning to consider our next steps."

"Will you be attending the ball Mr Ambrose, Sir?"

"I ... I do not know ... yet. It depends on how the plans for our business trip develop tomorrow."

"Oh." she looked somewhat disappointed.

"Let us hope that your aunt has not received an invite and then this whole situation will be a moot point."

"Indeed Sir."

A few minutes ago my secretary was in a cheeky, playful and flirtatious mood ... why did I have to go and burst her bubble?

"Are you okay Mr ... Lillian?"

"Hmm?" she suddenly seemed to be a million miles away.

"Lillian?" No response. "I'm going to eat some of your chocolates." I stated, standing up from my chair. If that didn't refocus her attention then nothing would!

"Yes Sir. What?!?" Aah ... success. She was back.

"Welcome back - your attention drifted away for a moment or two." She was out of her chair too, challenging me with a look of defiance. I decided to walk over to her. "I asked if you were okay?"

"You're not after my chocolates?"

"No Lillian. I believe it would be impolite to take one without an invitation. Now answer my question."

"Sir ... I ... I'm not sure how much more of my aunt and her scheming I can take. Promise me that this business trip will really happen on Thursday?"

I was now stood in front of her and I hated seeing her so tense and frustrated. I gently took her face in my hands and guided her to look at me.

"Lillian, I promise that this trip is happening and you are coming with me. I ... I also have an idea to keep you away from your aunt, but I won't know if it is a viable option until tomorrow."

"Really Sir?"

"Do you trust me?" she looked into my eyes and it felt as though she was searching my very soul.

"Yes. Yes Sir, I do."

"Then I promise you Lillian, that I will not let that woman marry you off to any man that she forces upon you." I planted a swift kiss on her lips and pulled her in for a hug. I never used to be a hugger - what has this woman done to me?

"Thank you Sir." came the rather muffled reply from somewhere on my chest.

We just stood there for a few minutes, holding each other in companionable silence. It seemed like an appropriate way to end a rather strange day. In truth, I really didn't want to let her go; the smell of her hair and the feel of her body wrapped in my arms made me feel that everything would be okay as long as she was with me ... and that scared me a little too.

"I don't mind you know Sir."

"Mind what Mr Linton?"

"If you want to eat a chocolate or two whilst I'm not here." I held her tighter for a moment before replying.

"Thank you, but I think it's more fun to share." She looked up at me with a beautiful smile on her face. I couldn't resist. I made the first move but she soon joined me in a long, slow, but passionate kiss. Now I felt like I could conquer the world, and I didn't want her to go home. I wanted to be her home, her place of safety. 

Reluctantly, we pulled apart and I rested my forehead upon hers. 

"You'd better get going. Karim will be waiting for you downstairs, and we need to know about the ball as soon as possible."

"Yes Sir." 

We released our hold on each other and Lillian made her way to the door. Just before she opened it, I called to her;

"Mr Linton - don't give Karim too much of a hard time on the way home. Please?"

She flashed me her best ifrit smile.

"Me Sir? Wouldn't dream of it! Goodnight Sir."

I bid her goodnight as she left my office. As the door closed behind her, I whispered;

"Goodnight my love."


Hello my lovelies! Apologies for the delay in uploading this latest chapter. We had some freezing weather and a lot of snow recently in the UK. We are embarrassingly bad at coping with snowy conditions, and everything seems to grind to a halt! Honestly, it's ridiculous.

From a personal point of view, this wintery weather plays havoc with my health. I have been struggling with my fibromyalgia during this cold spell, which is why I haven't typed up and uploaded any chapters. Plus, I'm in the final stages of arranging the music for a Christmas party which has taken up a lot of my time and energy. After Friday I will have more time for writing - hurrah!!

Chapter 8 is written out in longhand in my notebook (yes, I'm old fashioned that way!), so I'll type it up and upload it as soon as I can, but it will probably be after Friday's party. I hope you will like it, as it will be written from Karim's POV!! Until then, I hope you have enjoyed Sir Rob's latest chapters on Wattpad or Radish - things are getting so exciting now! I'm really hoping that he'll treat us with a Christmas bonus.

Take care my ifrit friends and, if you celebrate it in your part of the world or culture, a very Merry Christmas to you all and your friends and families. If not, then just stay happy & healthy.

All the best,

JP x

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