Chapter 8 - An Unusual Conversation

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POV = Karim

It was almost time. Time to escort the woman worse than an ifrit home from Empire House. Although I had volunteered for the mission, I was not entirely comfortable with it ... but I had an ulterior motive.

I had recently had a lengthy discussion with my Sahib - Mr Rikkard Ambrose - about the security threats that we had received from Lord Dalgliesh. It was a great honour to be taken into Sahib's confidence as he is a very private man, like myself. He is a strong and honourable man whom I respect more than anyone else, but I have been worried about him lately ... and I hope he will forgive me if he ever finds out what I am about to do.

I had just enough time to do one more patrol up Leadenhall Street and discreetly check for activity in the headquarters of the East India Company. I double checked that my pistol was loaded and returned my newly polished sabre to its resting place at my hip. Time to go.

Seven minutes later I was back in the main lobby of Empire House. Most of the staff had already left for the day, but Sahib's secretary is always one of the last to leave. I heard footsteps descending the stairs - it's ifrit time.

"Karim, this really isn't necessary you know." She had that defiant look on her face, like a small child refusing to eat their sprouts at dinnertime.

"Sahib's orders. He explained to situation to you, yes?"

"Yes he did, but ..."

"Then come. Do not waste time."

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but this ... this creature scares me. Not physically, but there's something about her. I still have nightmares remembering her antics - and lack of clothing - in the jungle. But she seems to have achieved the impossible - she has captured Sahib's heart. I have known him for many years, but no-one - especially a woman - has ever treated or affected him the way she does. She is important to him, so it is my duty to protect her as well as him.

I marched out of Empire House back into Leadenhall Street. After just 20 yards I realised that no-one was behind me, so I stopped and turned around. The ifrit was only just emerging from the front entrance, much to my annoyance.

"I do not have all day. Move it!"

"How long do you think my legs are, you turbaned daddy long-legs?!" she snapped back.

"I have no interest in any parts of your body, Ifrit."

"Well if you continue striding off like that, then you're going to be pretty inadequate as my security! I don't think your Sahib would be very happy about that, do you?"

Why, oh why did I think that this was a good idea?! That ... that creature made my blood pressure rise far quicker than I was happy about. I took a deep breath and clasped my hand around the hilt of my sabre. If only ...

"I will walk slower, but you must walk faster too. Sahib needs the information as quickly as possible." She rolled her eyes at me before muttering an affirmative reply.

We walked in silence for a few minutes. We were now well away from Leadenhall Street and I needed to talk to the ifrit ... but I didn't know how to begin. Starting conversations is not in my job description. I went to say something ... but coughed instead. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. I tried again;

"{cough} Ifrit ..." I didn't know what to say next.

"Karim." She looked at me suspiciously.

"Erm ..." I decided it was now or never, "Sahib ... er ... he did not ask me to escort you home tonight."

"Excuse me?" I hope Allah was looking after me because that ifrit fire lit up her eyes. 

"No ... er ... it was my idea. I ... er ... volunteered."

She stopped dead in her tracks. "You. Did. WHAT?!"

"I... I... needed to ... er ... to talk to you ... away from Sahib."

She started laughing. This was not the reaction I was expecting. I was feeling confused. Between roars of laughter she stuttered;

"You ... you ... want to ... talk? Talk ... to me?!"

"Yes ... it's about Sahib. It's important. I... I... am worried about him."

The laughter subsided as she glared at me. As she studied my face, the laughter stopped all together.

"You're serious?"

"Yes. I know we don't really like each other ... but ... we both care about Sahib. Do you agree?"

She furrowed her brow and looked at me as though I was trying to trap her. I just looked at her trying to keep my expression neutrally serious. She bit her bottom lip before answering.

"Yes ... I ... er ... I care for him ... er, very much. What's going on?"

"We must keep walking whilst we talk. Come." I nodded my head in the direction we had been travelling. The ifrit eyed me suspiciously but then started to walk beside me once more.

"Okay Karim - what's going on?"

"You spoke to Sahib this morning, He told you about the security threat and ... he ... er..."

"Apologised to me? Yes he did." the corner of her mouth curled up at the memory of the morning's events. Sahib had done a good job.

"Did he explain to you the reasons behind his recent behaviour ... er ... towards you I mean?"

"Other than the security threat?"


"He told me that he had not been sleeping properly, but changed the subject when I pushed him for more information. Am I to assume that it is not just the security threat causing the problem?"

"Hmmm ... there is more to the security issue, but it is for Sahib to tell you the rest of that story. I have advised him that he should - he is well aware of my opinion on the subject."

"Can this day get any weirder?" she sighed.

"I however, want to talk to you about the sleep issue. Whilst the security threat is part of it ... I ... I am worried about him. I asked if he wanted to see a doctor, but he refused ..."

"What?!" she stopped and glared at me again, but there was worry all over her face too. "Is he ill? What the hell is going on Karim?!"

"Keep walking." she obeyed. "Sahib is ... he ... he has a lot on his mind at the moment. He ... er ... he has been ... having nightmares."

"Nightmares? Seriously?!"

"Very serious. But these nightmares ... I have never seen anything like them in all the years I have known him. He wakes up shaking, sweating, sometimes ... even ... screaming." Her eyes widened considerably.

"I... I... don't know what to say. Do you know what these nightmares are about?"

"Erm ... I ..." I had been dreading this question.

"Well Karim? Do you?"

"I know that they all share a common theme. I cannot tell you what that is - it is not my place to do so - but I need your help to help Sahib."

"So these nightmares - do they wake him up or is he avoiding sleep to avoid the nightmares?" She could be annoyingly smart sometimes.

"In my experience, they wake him up and then he cannot, or will not, go back to sleep. I am worried that if it goes on any longer it could harm his health ... and maybe his safety too."

The ifrit looked as though a million thoughts were running around her brain, but her face looked concerned. I really hoped Sahib would forgive me for this one breach of our friendship, but I was sure she was the one person who could help, as much as I hated to admit it.

"So ... what exactly do you want me to do? Persuade him to see a doctor?"

"No! Sahib will not agree to that under any circumstances. I believe that if he ... well ... fully confided in someone ... about the ... er nightmares ... talked about them, it would help. But I believe the only person who he might possibly confide in ... is ... er ... you, Ifrit."

"Wow! I was wrong. This day can get weirder."

"You cannot just ask him about them though. Sahib would cut out my tongue if he knew I was talking to you about this." I did not like the evil look of joy that flashed across her face when I said that. "I do have a plan though."

"And he knows nothing about it, yes?" I was thankful that she had not said Sahib's name out loud. She obviously understood about the security threat which was a relief.

"Indeed. Our business trip should provide the perfect opportunity. The first night we will have a stopover on the way to Brighton ..."

"Ooh, we're off to the seaside?!" ... and the annoying side of the ifrit was back again.

"That is not important! Concentrate!" I scolded her. She had that look back in her eyes again, but I would not be distracted so easily. "The first night I believe you will be travelling as Mr Linton. Sahib wants us in three neighbouring rooms." She looked disappointed. I knew what was going through her lusty, ifrit mind!

"I see, so what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to witness a nightmare - see how badly they are affecting him. Then you will be able to talk to him about them and hopefully he will realise that there is no point in hiding them from you."

"Aah ... I see ..."

"I know the pattern in his sleep to look for ... I ... er ... I have been keeping an eye on him recently..."

"I'm glad he has you looking out for him, Karim. Really I am." She looked totally sincere and it threw me for a moment.

"Thank you ... er ... Ifrit. As soon as I detect the start of the nightmare - because it will happen - I will fetch you from your room. We will observe him, but then you will go into Sahib's room alone, ready for when he wakes up suddenly. And it is very sudden."

"I see ..."

"You will be ... disturbed at what you witness, but if he wakes and sees you there ... well ..."

"I understand Karim. This certainly throws a whole new light on the events of the last few weeks. Has this been going on since we returned from South America?"

"Well ... erm ... something happened not long after we returned. I cannot tell you what, but it is all connected. I believe that if he knew that you had witnessed a nightmare, he will explain everything to you."

"Are you sure?"

"I have been urging him to tell you for a while. Today was a start and he already looks relieved. I have to ... trust in ... er ... your ifrit powers of persuasion to get him to tell you the rest. Is this an agreeable plan to you?"

She looked as though she was seriously thinking about everything I had said, before answering;

"Absolutely. He looked so tired today. You're right, we have to do something."

"Good ..."

"But ..." she interrupted me. I had a feeling that I would not like what was about to follow the 'but'; "... if he won't tell me everything, then I will torture you until you do!"

"You wouldn't dare!" But she flashed me a look that said she really did dare, and was already planning her methods. Damn this creature! "You cannot let on that you know any of this though - and look surprised when Sahib tells you that we are all travelling to Brighton. Can you manage that?"

She rolled her eyes at me again. "I am a fiery ifrit with superb acting skills. Of course I can!"

We were approaching Green Park, so I knew that we didn't have much further to go.

"We are almost at your uncle's house. Do you have a plan to get the required information out of your aunt?"

"Torture appeals to me right now to be honest, but then she'd just make my life even more miserable. Until I know what mood she is in when I enter the house, I'm not sure what I'll do."

"Do you have any way of finding out if she has booked a carriage? I can also make some enquiries with local drivers." It still felt very strange having a conversation with this creature, but I had to keep telling myself that it was for Sahib's peace of mind.

"I'm not sure ... I could try and catch Leadfield off guard. But when Sir Philip Wilkins was courting my sister, he would send his carriage to take us to events. My aunt will do anything to appease my uncle with regards to money. She may well have some ... some ... male lined up who will provide us with transport. Sorry."

Her face and demeanour seemed to sink to the floor. For a moment I felt sorry for her - until I remembered the way that she had tortured me in the jungle.

"Well you must try and find out as much as you can as quickly as possible. Sahib will be worrying about it and he doesn't need any more reasons to have nightmares."

"I still cannot believe it." She looked at me again but with a curious look this time. "If we are travelling so soon, isn't he worried about sleeping in a hotel or an inn - that he will disturb the other guests I mean?"

"He hasn't said so, but I believe it to be a factor in his plans. Our stop over on the way to Brighton looks likely to be the house of a business contact rather than a hostelry. The hotel in Brighton has a separate wing that Sahib has booked exclusively. After that ... I'm not sure, which is why we need to help him through this as soon as possible."

"I understand. We can do it, I know we can." She smiled at me. It seemed genuine, but it still un-nerved me - she was still worse than an ifrit.

We were now approaching the rear garden of the house where she lived. Time to ready ourselves for action.

"We are almost there. I will wait for one hour. After you have changed and entered the house, I will wait for you in the shed in case your sister and that piano tuner's boy make an appearance..."

"How do you know about Ella and Edmund?!" May Allah protect me! The ifrit had started to unfurl her wings of fire!

"It is my job to know everything that may affect your safety - on Sahib's orders. After he received the security threat, I had to assess any possible safety concerns ... including your neighbours."

"Listen you! I want my little sister kept out of all this, okay?"

"Which is why I will wait for you in the shed. No-one goes in there but you do they?"


"Then do not argue. I need you to try and find out as much as you can, as soon as you can. If you haven't found anything out in one hour, I need you to let me know. That should be before your sister makes her trip to the garden fence."

"My god! You really have been spying on them haven't you?! That's my job!"

"I know ..." Whoops! Any hope I had that she may have missed my slip of the tongue soon vanished. I had to think quickly.

"What?! You've been spying on me, spying on them?! How dare you, you great nosey oaf!!"

"Quiet Ifrit! I told you - Sahib ordered a security check on your home after the threat. Your sister and her beau are still ignorant of the fact that you spy on them. You should be proud. It is a skill that Sahib could find a future use for."

I hoped that this would pacify the fiery creature before she set fire to my beard. Having already once suffered from a singed beard, I had no desire to experience it again.

"Hmm ... well ... maybe you're right. I have been watching them for a while, undiscovered."

"Well then, do not take offence ..." She cut me off again.

"Just one thing - have there been other men that you and he have had watching me? The house?"

"Er ... anything that has been done is Sahib trying to keep you safe ..."

"Yes or no?! I saw a man watching me this morning, from my bedroom window. I need to know which side he's on!"

I took a deep breath. There was no point in lying to the fiery creature now.

"No need for panic Ifrit. Sahib has a 24 hour guard watching your house and your journey to and from work ... but I haven't told you this information! Understand? Now go, and use all your ifrit cunning to find out whatever you can. Remember you have just one hour."

She looked at me with a determined expression on her face and the fiery wings started slowly retracting. 

"One hour. See you in the shed Karim."

With that she passed through the gate, into the garden and disappeared into the shed. I could only hope, for all our sakes, that she could discover some information in less than an hour.


Merry Christmas fellow ifrits! I hope you enjoyed your little Christmas bonus from Sir Rob on Sunday, whether it was on Radish or Wattpad. Things are really hotting up now and I can't wait for tomorrow's update!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter too - I thought it was time that we had a peak into the mind of everyone's favourite turban-wearing bodyguard. What do you think of his plan to help Ambrose? Was he right to tell Lilly or will his Sahib really but his tongue out if he finds out? Who knows - with these three anything is possible!

The next chapter will be back to Lilly's POV and I hope to get a good chunk of writing done during the Christmas holiday. That is unless I get distracted by Sir Rob's magnificent creation or online sales.

I hope you are all having a happy and peaceful yuletide, even if you don't celebrate it in your culture or part of the world. There's no harm in us all being a little kinder to each other.

Take care my friends!

JP x  

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