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"Maybe the big bad wolf wasn't as bad as you thought."

Using the little time you knew you had until Sans came back, you undo all the wraps on your body, and throw off your pants, black sweatshirt, and undergarments. You wore boxers, so that wouldn't be suspicious, but your bra... you would need to hide it.

Not knowing how much time you had left, you throw your lingerie into a cabinet under the sink behind a bottle of cleaning chemicals.

You hear the door knob twist and hurriedly climb into the shower, closing the dark beige curtains behind you.

Cool water hits your face and quickly runs down your back. Layers of dirt and scum file off of your body and gather at the drain.

It gives you a chance to look at the damage.

Your skin is a mix of purple, red, and brown. Several open, bloody scars cover your arms, legs, and stomach. You don't even want to know the harm he did to your eye. But, you would function. They were just burns, no matter how painful.

You're almost too immersed to realize that Sans is just on the other side of the thin curtain.

While you wash your back, some soap entered one of your larger burn scars. You gasp and whimper in pain. You could feel it slowly seeping in which would only cause infection. Something you didn't have the strength to fight.

"Glitch? What's wrong?" Sans asks from the other side of the curtain, masking his concern.

"I-I'm fine!" You call back, knowing it'd only be worse if he got involved.

"Stop lying, measly human." You hear him walk toward the shower.

"I'm seriously fine, Sans! I-I'm okay... I..." Your voice ceases as tears begin to slide down your cheeks. They surprise you, and the reason behind them shocks you even more.

It was his voice.

The concern he tried to hide. The way he knew you were lying. The soothing tone of his voice alone.

You'd been hiding your emotions for so long, and the fact that this one monster could get you to feel things you thought you buried four years ago... It made you angry. It made you lonely.

"Glitch. Stop wasting my time. Get out here."

Your tears stop falling at his command and you wipe the remaining ones away. You probably looked like a mess between your new burns, old scars, and tear stained cheeks.

"H-Hand me the towel." Your voice is still shaky much to your dismay.

He grunts in annoyance but does as asked.

Knowing if you wrapped it around your bust he'd be able to see your curves, you wrap it around your shoulders instead.

Doing a quick double check, you make sure your body is properly covered before stepping out of the shower.

Sans is leaning against the sink, just looking you over. You glare at him in disgust and look around for your clothes. They're missing.

The skeleton notices your curiousness and throws something at you.

"Papyrus is washing your clothes. You can wear these for now."

It's a baggy, gray turtleneck with black skinny jeans, a pair of boxers are folded neatly on top. But they're not yours.

They couldn't have been Sans's right? He's a skeleton, he doesn't have that, right? Right?!

A flustered blush covers your face as you eye the pile.

"C-Could you please leave?" You ask, avoiding eye contact.

He seems taken aback for a second, and you can feel his eyes prying into you.

But, to your surprise, he does as you wished without questions.

He was seriously bipolar.

In your eyes, it had always been easy to pin down someone's personality; nerd, popular, jock, greedy- but Sans... he was an enigma. And that made you feel intimidated, but also curious.

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