Chapter 53! Water Style! A Fight On The Sea!

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"Where the hell do you think you're going, you idiot?!" Naruto bellowed. "You have to turn around!"

"You can forget about it!" Idate snapped. "There's no way I'm turning around."

Idate began speeding up. I nodded back at the others and pushed my legs more to catch up. Naruto finally caught up to us. "Finally! About time I caught up to ya! Why the heck did you come this way?!" Naruto asked breathlessly.

"Will you shut up?" Idate snapped. "It's none of your business, kid!"

"What's with the attitude, pal?" Naruto growled.

"Naruto." I snapped. He quieted slightly. "Shut up and keep up." My head twitched slightly as I notice the familiar scenery. "Stop for a moment, Idate." I snapped and skidded to a halt with. "Do you notice it?"

"Yeah. I've already been here. Great. I'm trapped in some sort of Genjutsu." I shook my head and broke my mind from the Genjutsu. Idate and Naruto were still in it.

Idate ran off towards the cliff. "Stop!" I snap as I run after him. He dives off the cliff immediately. Naruto is quick to leap after him. I sling my arm out, and a long water tendril shoots out to wrap around his legs. "God, he's heavy!" I whine as Sasuke and Sakura held me pull them up. "Someone managed to lay one genjutsu over the other!"

"That's not easy." Sasuke muttered.

"Ah! My ninja tools!" Naruto whined.

"And then there's that..." I sighed. We finally got the two of them up, and safe.

"Look, I didn't need your help, okay?" Idate commented.

"You didn't need it?! Hey, listen, you fat head, how about a little thanks for saving your life!" Naruto bellowed.

"You only saved me because you're bound to by duty. There's no need for me to thank you." Idate retorted.

"What did you say?" Naruto growled.

"Naruto, I'm getting tired of telling you to stop." I snapped.

"He's absolutely right," Sasuke mentioned. "But look, if you don't want to wind up dead, then I suggest you stick close to us."

Idate scoffed and turned away. "Hey, where are you going anyway? What happened to Port Degarashi?"

"What about it?" Idate asked. "Forget that port. I'm heading north from here."

"You are? So does that mean it's faster that way?" Sakura asked.

"That's right." Idate smirked.

"Yeah, maybe. How do we even know if we can trust this guy?" Naruto asked in annoyance.

"That's the problem with all you ninja." Naruto snapped.

"Look, at this time of the year, there are some pretty strong seasonal winds blowing hard across the sea. Back at the starting point, I noticed the clouds. I could see the wind was blowing toward us. On top of that, there's a port to the north where the ocean current flows directly into Nagi Island. That's what I was saying. You ought to use this a little more right here." Idate motioned to his skull. I snorted and tried to hide my chuckle from the embarrassed knucklehead.

We started running down hill towards the northern port. "Hey, I can smell sat on the wind." Naruto commented.

"It's the ocean!" Sakura cooed. We slowed to a stride as we descended the stairs. "Hey, what's that over there?"

"That's the halfway point, Motaroki Shrine." I mention. "It should take about an hour to get there."

"One sec," Idate runs off to the side, and knocks on the door to a small shack. "Hey, Gramps, it's me! Idate of the Wasabi."

The door opens, and a old man steps out. "Hey there. I've been waiting for ya."

"It's going just as I thought it would. I'm gonna need you to lend me that boat." Idate explains. 

"You bet. I have things all ready for ya." The old man says. "You can use that one right over there. There isn't a faster boat around."

"Thanks a lot, gramps." Idate mentioned.

"It's not a problem. Jirocho has done a lot for me over the years. Just make sure you don't lost to the Wagarashi. I've had about all I can stand from them and the way they rule this land." Gramps explained.

"Don't worry about a thing," I gazed back at the boat again. 'A fast boat, huh?' "I may be the underdog, but you're looking at the right hand man of the Wasabi. Leave it to me, I won't fail you. I promise."

"Yeah," Naruto scoffed. "Right, whatever."


Sasuke worked the steering while Sakura and Naruto worked the tie downs. I stood off by the edge of the ship, arms crossed, and my mind focusing on the subtle brushes and swells of the waves below.

"Hey, Naruto. What do you think?" I hear Sakura ask in a soft whisper.

"What about?" Naruto asked.

"About Idate," Sakura reminded him. They turned their gaze on him as I rolled my eyes and walked over to Sasuke, drowning out their conversation.

"Something's weird," I mention to Sasuke.

"Yeah, I can feel it too." He huffs. "That guy, he bugs me."

"I know how you feel," I sigh. "He had to have some sort of ninja training. To be that fast and quick on his feet. The weight training is apart of our training."

"Look who's talking! You're the reigning King of Stupid!" Sakura bellows. Sasuke and I grunt in annoyance as we turn our gaze onto the pair.

"Yeah, but, I mean, come on! I didn't make it to the final round of the Chunin Exams, didn't I?" Naruto retorted.

"By the skin of your teeth, Naruto." I snort and walk over and loop and arm around his neck. "Kiba nearly knocked you off your block."

"You didn't really make it to the final round, did you?" Idate quipped in shock. Naruto stopped sticking his tongue out at me to retort.

"Yeah, that's right! And if I hadn't been interrupted in the middle of it, I coulda won the tournament and become a Chunin!" Naruto bellowed.

"Yeah, well, whoever your proctor was must've been a real push over." Idate snorted.

"Sounds like the Chunin exam has lowered it's standards some." Idate quickly covered his lips as if he tried to stop the words and take them back.

"So you really are from a ninja village, huh." I smirked. "Idate Morino, wanna know our proctor for the first exam?" Idate's ear twitched, but he didn't move. "Ibiki Morino."

"What'd you say?" He yelped as he turned around quickly. "M-My brother? He's a alive?"

"You didn't know?" I hum.

"Of course he's still alive!" Naruto chuckled. "He threw such a curve ball at me the tenth question in."

"Seriously?" Idate asked again. "He's really alive then?" A water tendril shoots out from the side of the ship, and freezes over the arrow that narrowly hit Idate.

"Ah, that's great! Now what?" Naruto snapped.

"An ambush, don't lower your guard." I snapped as I leaned over the side of the ship. Another ship was following behind. Arrows rained from the sky. I pulled out a kunai and started knocking them away. Sasuke leapt from the rudder, and landed besides me.

"Sasuke, Naruto, and I will fend these guys off," I start. "Sakura, you keep an eye on Idate."

"Maybe we should all just run." Sakura retorted.

"It's too late for that," Sasuke snapped as another round of arrows attached to ropes hit the ship, and slowed us down enough to pull up besides us. "Start working on these ropes. I'll cover you."

"Right," Naruto nodded.

"Oh, right," I snapped as I listen to Naruto and Idate bicker. I threw my kunai at Naruto's feet. "Hurry up already, you knucklehead!"

He quickly cuts at the ropes, and the ship falls behind quickly. "Well, that was a piece of cake," Naruto scoffed. Sakura's scream cut him off.

"Don't worry, Sakura! It's just a bunch of clones!" Naruto retorted loudly. "Only the real one can actually attack us! We're gonna be fine!"

"Aren't those-" I gasp. Ameonna stirred within, and her chakra pumped into my body. My vision shifted slightly, and I see the chakra swirling within the water clones.

"Sakura! Naruto! Watch out! One of them isn't a Shadow Clone! Be careful!" Sasuke shouts.

"Just tell us where, Sasuke." I mention a cool feeling wraps around my eyes.

"You better stay close to my side, Idate," Sakura reminds him.

"No way. Why would I want to need help from a bunch of ninja?" He retorts pridefully.

"Look around you, pal, beggars can't be choosers!" Naruto snapped.

"Behind you!" I snapped. The rain ninja lands on Naruto, and his clone disappears.

"A clone? Aw crap!" The rain ninja groans.

"Clone for clone!" Naruto bellowed from above as four of his clones flew down for the kill. The real one leapt over the edge. "The real one got away." Naruto groaned.

"Good job, Naruto!" Sakura praised.

I dug my arms upwards into the clones running at me, the ice shooting forward and running through the water clones. "Sasuke! Ren! They've turned into water clones!" Naruto mentioned.

"Ten steps ahead of you!" I grit out as the three of us worked on dispersing the clones. Black rain fell from the sky, and my skin prickled. I quickly turned my gaze onto Sasuke starting his Fireball Jutsu. "Don't!" I quickly tried stopping him. "It's the Black Rain Jutsu- It's oil!" I exclaim. My gaze whips up as a flaming arrow is shot at our ship.

The whole ship was caught ablaze, and started to break apart very quickly. "What are we going to do, Ren?!" Sakura cried from the front of the ship. "The fire is out of control!"

"Dive into the ocean!" I order. "We're gonna have to swim to Nagi Island! Would you back off!" I growled out to the clones closing in.

"What are you crazy?! You three probably wanna use me as a decoy!" Idate snapped back at Sakura.

"What are you talking about?" Naruto shouted at him.

"You want them to focus on me while you guys get the hell outta here!" Idate bit back. I bit back a grimace as a kunai is dug into my thigh.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Naruto shouted as I leapt away and landed sloppily behind Sakura.

"I said don't forget it! I don't trust ninjas!"

"Get outta here already! We don't need you getting in our way!" Sasuke snapped.

"Hurry up and go!" I shout at him. "We'll be right behind you!"

Idate shook his head nervously and backed up as a rain ninja started rising up behind him.

I quickly whirled around and wrapped my arms around the pillar, and started pulling Ameonna's chakra into my arms. It pulled up easily. "Get down!" I ordered. I swung the pillar around, destroying the clones around us. "You've gotta trust us, Idate. It is my job to see you across that finish line unharmed!" I snapped. A clone threw a kunai, and I made the split descion. I ran forward and threw my arms out as the kunai dug into my shoulder. I let out a pained growl as I turned my head and held my arms out to protect Idate from any other kunai.

"R-Ren," Idate muttered.

"Just hurry up, and go on ahead!" I ordered. "We'll be right behind you! I promise!" Idate nodded after a few seconds of stunned silence, and jumped overboard. "Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke- Go!"

The three of them nodded and followed after Idate. I tugged the kunai out and palmed the wounds on my body. Chakra ebbed from my palms, and healed the wounds with a soft, warm tingle. I leapt over board.


"Is your wound okay?" Sakura asks softly as I catch up with them.

"Yeah, I'm glad I learned medical ninjutsu." I mutter. "My injuries are the least of our worries, though. Just keep it up."

"Those rain ninja, you mean." Sasuke mentioned.

Naruto scoffed. "Are you kidding? Those wimps? We can handle them."

"It wasn't us I was thinking of." I snapped.

"What if they're headed towards Idate at this very moment?" Sakura added angrily.

"Whoa! He might be in danger!" Naruto finally stated.

"You idiot--" Naruto cuts me off as he's pulled under. "Naruto!"

"Knock it off, Naruto! This is no time to be playing around!" Sakura scolded.

"He's not! Our friends have come back again!" Sasuke snapped as I dunked under, and swam after them. A thin bubble blew from my lips, and cover the lower half of my face. I stop swimming and swirl around as a few clones surround me. I clasp my hands together.

'Water Clone Jutsu!' Water clones bubble up besides me, and pull out their kunai's. I start fighting off the clones around me. My gaze flies down as I start swimming down to free Sasuke and Sakura. Naruto's got a circle of clones making rasengan, and it creates an intense whirlpool. My arms wrap around Sakura as her breath fails, and start lugging her upwards. I break the surface of the water and struggle to stand up. "I've got you!" I pant and shoulder her. "Naruto! Sasuke! Come on!" I order as he pops up.

"Right!" Naruto yelps and runs after me. Naruto crash lands into the beach just as I reach the shore. I carefully lay Sakura on her back, and press my ear to her chest. Naruto starts jostling her. "Hey, Sakura! Come on, wake up!" He pleads.

She's definitely not out cold. I smirk and shake my head. "Mouth to mouth," I quietly mention. Naruto swallows nervously and starts leaning forward. Her eyes are moving around, and you can physically hear her heartbeat. At the last second, her eyes open to Naruto's pucker, and shrieks. She slams her fist against his head and sits up. I start guffawing.

"What are you crazy?! You perv!" Sakura scolds the injured blond. Sasuke stands up and lugs me up. "What's wrong, Sasuke?"

"We're wasting time we haven't got." He reminded them. "We need to find Idate."

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